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Culture Wars
July 27 2021 By dvirtue America's new religion: Fake Christianity

"This counterfeit religion is Moralistic Therapeutic Deism," stated Ms. Bratton, "a worldview that has quickly gained prominence and given many Americans a theology that looks nothing like historical Christianity, despite what they may claim." She then goes on to cite the recent work of George Barna, whose February survey showed that Moralistic Therapeutic Deism (MTD), or -- watered-down, feel-good, fake Christianity -- is the most popular worldview in the United States today.

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July 26 2021 By dvirtue On "Critical Race Theory"

The basic idea was to show that racism and inequalities produced by racism or associated with it were obscured by conventional ("formalistic") legal analysis and "liberal" ideology that purported, at least, to prescind from racial or other identitarian forms of categorization.

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July 23 2021 By dvirtue Homosexuals do not need a cure, but accompaniment and discernment

The bishops are asked "not to support, participate [in] or recommend treatments" implemented by Truth and Freedom or other Catholic groups offering healing to homosexuals because "the methodology and the objectives followed are wrong."

"We also invite those who consider themselves damaged to file a civil complaint, since, from the canonical point of view, we cannot intervene in what they do," the instruction urges.

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July 20 2021 By dvirtue Survivors Summit lays out strategies to drive back the evils of the totalitarian sexual revolution

Roback Morse explained that much of that force has come from professionals in education, medicine and therapy, law, journalism, library science, and even research science who have become agents of the sexual revolution, aiding in the undermining of the family, marriage, and the complementarity of man and woman.     

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July 08 2021 By dvirtue Marriage, an errant anthropology, and a war on reality

But how and why have the terms "gender" and "sexual orientation" become primary markers of identity? Carl Trueman in his book "The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self" charts the recent intellectual history of the west and shows how there has been a total transformation in how society understands 'the self'.

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June 27 2021 By dvirtue What Would Jesus Say About Gay Pride?

Who were the high priests running this inquisition? Leaders in corporate America. The education establishment. The media. Professional and amateur sports. Silicon Valley. Wall Street. And of course, politicians.

What did Jesus believe, and teach, if anything, about homosexuality and transgenderism?

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June 17 2021 By dvirtue Supreme Court Rules 9-0 for Catholic Social Services, Can't Be Forced to Violate Their Faith

Chief Justice John Roberts wrote, "The refusal of Philadelphia to contract with CSS for the provision of foster care services unless it agrees to certify same-sex couples as foster parents cannot survive strict scrutiny, and violates the First Amendment."

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June 11 2021 By dvirtue PITIFUL PRIDE

Pride month, and its commercial sponsors, is an appropriate key to understanding the priorities of the modern West. It celebrates hedonistic self-assertion. It mocks the values of the past. It uses the language of inclusion to exclude anybody who will not wholeheartedly affirm its ambitions. It strikes a posture of iconoclastic rebellion and liberation while actually being an imperious assertion of conformity to the social elite's moral order.

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June 09 2021 By dvirtue Basic Principles of "Wokeness," Critical Race Theory and Queer Theory, and How to Defeat Them

2. There is no objective truth for the oppressor classes.

'Critical social justice is an anti-objectivity ideology: One of its fundamental assertions is that there are no objective truths, only "positional" truths.' RG: Of course, while claiming this, CT proponents treat their own "truth" as objective. It is really only their perceived opponents who lack objectivity and therefore are objectively wrong.

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June 09 2021 By dvirtue Critical Theory and the Church

The subjective nature of postmodernism leads to its biggest problem -- the denial of reality in favour of whatever you choose to believe. A colleague of mine used to say that you can disagree with scientific positivism as much as you like, but when the doc says you have liver cancer, you have liver cancer. Disagree all you like, pal. It's still there. The problem is, that when everything is reduced to values and feelings, we have to ask, whose values are the best?

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