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Culture Wars
January 25 2022 By dvirtue Why I am no longer a tenured professor at the University of Toronto

Second reason: This is one of many issues of appalling ideology currently demolishing the universities and, downstream, the general culture. Not least because there simply is not enough qualified BIPOC people in the pipeline to meet diversity targets quickly enough (BIPOC: black, indigenous and people of colour, for those of you not in the knowing woke). This has been common knowledge among any remotely truthful academic who has served on a hiring committee for the last three decades.

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January 23 2022 By dvirtue Evangelicals Are Only Group to Say Marriage and Children Should Be a Priority: Poll

White evangelicals are the only religious subgroup with majority support for the marriage and procreation segment of the poll. Catholics (35 percent), black Protestants (36 percent) and white non-evangelical Protestants (35 percent) are all under 40 percent on that specific answer.

Among the religiously unaffiliated, 16 percent say society is better off with people prioritizing marriage and childrearing, while 82 percent believe society is just as well off with other priorities.

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January 20 2022 By dvirtue Losing my religion: The pandemic is causing many to lose faith in God

"... trauma challenges so many assumptions about who we are, what our purpose is and how to make sense of a traumatic event," wrote theologian Danielle Tumminio Hansen, in a piece for The Conversation last year. "Faith-based beliefs and practices offer meaningful resources to help navigate those questions. This is why spiritual beliefs and practices across various religions can often lead to faith strengthening rather than weakening, following a trauma."

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January 13 2022 By dvirtue God and Guns. The Bible against American Gun Culture-- Part One

It is long past time for the sort of reasoned discussion (not emotive and irrational posturing), we find in this little book of essays. Why-- you ask? Well, the statistics do not lie, and here are a few of those assembled at the beginning of this book, and the sources for this data is impeccable, including the NIH, headed by Francis Collins, a very committed Christian medical expert.

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January 06 2022 By dvirtue 'Gay conversion therapy does not work' - Really?

Research on 'therapy', such as Jones and Yarhouse's 2007 path-breaking study, Ex-Gays? included 'religiously-mediated' practices like prayer and support.

Though valuable, these are not 'therapy'! However, in surveys on 'therapy', outcomes from 'religiously-mediated' practices have frequently been included.

Pastoral prayer and a chat are praiseworthy but hardly on par with the most sophisticated psychological expertise.

Research on positive therapeutic outcomes

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December 10 2021 By dvirtue The real harm of transgender ideology

Because of this, it is important to say, definitively, that radical transgender ideology is destructive, harmful, and disconnected from reality.

We are told, of course, that anything less than fully embracing radical transgender ideology is actually what is harmful. We frequently hear, for example, that people who identify as transgender are the most vulnerable group in the world and that critiquing transgender ideology is committing violent discrimination.

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December 04 2021 By dvirtue Is the tide finally turning against trans mania?

But today many others are coming round to the view that trans ideology really does pose a problem.

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November 30 2021 By dvirtue Jesus & Elton John

As regular readers of my blog know, Christianity in the West is in trouble all over, but the liberal churches are declining the fastest. It is not generally the case that being theologically and morally conservative causes a church to grow, but it is true that standing counterculturally within Christian tradition at least stanches the bleeding.

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November 28 2021 By dvirtue Banning conversion therapy will cause more harm, say experts

Christians fear it will lead to evangelical pastors and churches being criminalised for ordinary church activities like prayer and pastoral counselling.

Dr Elizabeth Woning, pastor at Bethel Church in Redding, California, spoke about her work for the Changed Movement, a community of Christians who have left the LGBT lifestyle behind.

"This is a population that most people believe doesn't exist," she said.

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