Some Christian leaders condemn Justin Welby's approval of ICJ Israel ruling
By David W. Virtue, DD
August 14, 204
The Archbishop of Canterbury has once again taken sides against Israel, even as that nation faces an existential threat to its very existence.
Even as Justin Welby's approves of the International Court (ICJ) of Justice advisory opinion that Israel's "occupation" of "Palestinian" territories is "illegal," Israel readies itself for a possible multi rocket attack by Hezbollah, Iran's proxy to destroy the Jewish people. Palestine was the area controlled by the Romans. It hasn't existed since.
It is beyond all human understanding that a major religious figure like Welby can watch as seven nations surrounding Israel would like to see it destroyed in the name of a religion that is theologically defective, hate filled, xenophobic and antisemitic as Islam and get the full support. Welby purports to be an evangelical. Say what!
Archbishop Justin released a statement saying: "Having visited our Palestinian Christian brothers and sisters many times over recent decades, it is clear to me that the regime imposed by successive Israeli governments in the Occupied Palestinian Territories is one of systemic discrimination. Through annexing Palestinian land for illegal settlements, depriving Palestinians access to their own natural resources, and imposing a system of military rule that denies them safety and justice, the State of Israel has been denying the Palestinian people dignity, freedom and hope.
"I am particularly aware of how this is impacting Palestinian Christians, threatening their future and viability. It is clear that ending the occupation is a legal and moral necessity."
One news source described Welby's statement as "unbalanced."
Several Christian leaders across the UK signed a letter condemning the Archbishop of Canterbury's approval of the International Court of Justice's Advisory Opinion that Israel's occupation of Palestinian territories as "illegal."
The letter is titled: If Jesus promised Jewish sovereignty over Jerusalem, who are we to divide His land?
It lambasts the ICJ's ruling as "unbiblical," saying: "We will see how the ICJ's opinion is biased, uninformed, naïve, and ultimately unbiblical. Yet in his statement, Archbishop Justin insists that governments worldwide 'reaffirm their unwavering commitment to all decisions by the International Court of Justice, irrespective of the situation.'
"For a Christian leader to express such unbounded confidence in the opinions of secular powers is shocking, ignoring biblical truth that the world is under the influence of the Father of Lies (1 John 5:19) who stirs up its rulers against the decrees of God (Psalm 2)."
British public commentator, columnist, and author Melanie Phillips said Welby's pronouncement was a statement of staggering malice and ignorance. "Israel is guilty of no discrimination. Its settlements are entirely legal under international law. The Palestinian Arabs live under their own governance in areas designated as such under the Oslo Accords. Israel's military measures in these territories are undertaken solely to prevent even more slaughter of Israelis by the Palestinian Arabs who live there, and whose terrorist plots and murderous attacks nevertheless take place every day."
She continued, "and far from threatening the "future and viability" of Palestinian Christians, Israel is the only country in the Middle East where they have religious freedom, are thriving and are increasing. In Bethlehem, the former Christian majority has been effectively run out of town and reduced to a rump not by Israel but by Bethlehem's Palestinian Muslim governors."
"Welby's malice was itself put in the shade by the disgusting remarks made in the same month by Rachel Treweek, the Bishop of Gloucester. Not only did she lob the "apartheid state" calumny at Israel, but she also compared the "cruel and devastating" war in Gaza to the Holocaust and the October 7 slaughter of Israelis by Gaza Arabs and their "horrendous" taking of Israeli hostages."
Welby's denunciation of Israel is in line with his denunciation of those who oppose blessings for same sex marriage in the Church of England, an issue that might well see the church split with its evangelical and Anglo-Catholic wing no longer recognizing his authority.
His disastrous tenure which comes to an end in two years will either be the beginning of the end for the Church of England or simply The End.