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ACNA Archbishop Blasts Liberal Lutherans and Anglicans for throwing away Biblical morality

ACNA Archbishop Blasts Liberal Lutherans and Anglicans for throwing away Biblical morality
A virus of immorality, has spread to the leadership of the Church and become accepted as "Christian."
Too many church leaders have thrown away Biblical morality for the sake of cultural relativity, said Beach

By David W. Virtue, DD
August 13, 2017

Too many church leaders have thrown away Biblical morality for the sake of cultural relativity, said ACNA Archbishop Foley Beach, pointing the finger at liberal Lutherans and Anglicans.

Addressing the North American Lutheran Church (NALC) at their 2017 Mission Festival and Convocation in Nashville, Tennessee recently, Beach said that churches who wear the same name as we do, Lutheran and Anglican, have abandoned the teaching of the Bible.

"Because we refuse to tell people God's truth, refuse to reveal to people God's holy expectations, in the name of love, we are deceiving people into thinking that 'living in sin' is ok with the Almighty. It is not.

"A virus of immorality, has spread to the leadership of the Church and become accepted as 'Christian.' It is nothing more, than pagan morality, dressed up and Christianized, with inclusive language and politically correct verbiage. We have become too feeling-oriented in the Church. Yes, we are to love, but we've become afraid to tell people of their sin. This is not love at all, it is deception (And you know where deception comes from)."

Beach praised the leadership of the NALC who, he said, believed the Bible and attempted to practice its teaching especially on the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. "Thank you, for your clear stand for Biblical Morality. We in the Anglican Church in North America stand with you."

The Anglican Church in North America and the North America Lutheran Church have been having ecumenical discussions and fellowship for a number of years, and continue to partner in various ways to further the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Beach praised these orthodox Lutherans for their clear stand on the moral teaching of the Bible.


Beach praised the NALC for their emphasis on discipleship. Jesus said to his disciples: "GO and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you, and lo, I am with you always." This is called the Great Commission. Sadly, for too many in our pews and chairs, it is the Great Omission. This is what we are called to be about -- making disciples. Jesus ends this commission by saying "Lo, I am with you always." As we make disciples, He promises to be us. This ought to immediately motivate us -- so Jesus will be with us. He says to "Go" literally. Isn't this what a commission does? It gives you something to do. As you go, make disciples.

"We must get out of our churches and go. We must get out of our homes and go. We must get out from in front of the television, and go. We must get out from in front of our computer screens, and go! As you go, make disciples.

"Did he say go and make new members? Did he say go and lead beautiful worship services? Did he say go and build buildings?

"All those things are great, but not if we are aren't doing what he asked us to do. As you go, make disciples. Make disciples of all nations. Make disciples of all people. Not just our kind. Not just people who look like us. Not just people who share our values. Make disciples of all nations, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you.

"We aren't to just get people to pray a special prayer, and then get them wet in baptism, we are to teach them. Teach them what Jesus taught. Teach them what His Word says. Teach them how to follow Jesus in a world which hates him. As you go, make disciples, of all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Teach them to observe all that I commanded you, and I will be with you always.

"What a joy to know that you have a vision of discipleship! We are excited about our partnership with you in these Gospel endeavors. Together, we can impact North America, for generations to come!"


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