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Unfit for Man

By Josh Glaser
June 25, 2014

How often do you see men depicted in contemporary media who successfully resist when tempted sexually? Examples are rare, but I'll bet most of us can think of at least a few.

Now what about depictions of men turning away from an opportunity to lust?

Examples are nearly non-existent.

The man always turns to see, to steal a glance, to take a peek, even to let his eyes linger.

One of my favorite shows growing up had a lead character who fumbled all over himself when encountering an attractive woman. He shared an apartment with two women he ogled every chance he got, and they're reactions suggested they thought what he was doing was natural, comical, even boyishly innocent.

I grew up drinking all this in, unaware of the lies embedded there. Or what they were doing to me.

Today, the idea that lust is natural, comical, or innocent is all the more prevalent. It hangs in the air like the smell of a dump. And we're all so used to it, we hardly notice it anymore.

Lust is just what men, even Christ-followers, do. They can't help themselves.

This is a lie, and I'm not exaggerating when I say it comes straight from the pit of hell. It degrades men and women alike. Animals can't help themselves. Men were made for something more.

Jesus, the man, was tempted to lust and had every opportunity. He never did. He only ever loved with His eyes.

He is our older brother, our hero to emulate. And what's more, as we reach forward to be like Him, He reaches back to make us so.

On the cross, He became lust that his younger siblings could become the righteousness of God in Him.

Renounce in Jesus' name the lie you've believed about yourself and lust.

God did not create your eyes to lust, to take, to trespass someone else's privacy, to treat another human being as something for you to use.

He created your eyes to love. He created your eyes, in fact, to love like no other part of you can.

Ask a few people close to you to tell you about a time when a man's eyes conveyed love to them and see what they say. See how your heart stirs as you listen.

Woe to a world whose men have eyes grown dull with lust, eyes that can no longer see with love.

Jesus designed his sons and daughters for something far better.

Josh Glaser is Executive Director of Regeneration and been with them since 1999 and has served as Executive Director since 2006. His heart is to help men and women experience ever-deepening intimacy with Jesus in the areas of their lives where they need Him most. He is the author of Rescue, a year-round discipleship program for men seeking deeper intimacy with Jesus as their Source of freedom from sexual sin. Josh grew up along the front range of Colorado. In 1996, he moved to Maryland where he first encountered Regeneration in his own pursuit of freedom from sexual addiction. He has been married to his beautiful wife, Jamie, since 2001. He is a speaker, writer, and blogger, as well as an ordained pastor through his local church.

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