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SYDNEY: Archbishop says CofE Blessing of Same-Sex Marriages is "grievous abrogation of responsibility'

SYDNEY: Archbishop says CofE Blessing of Same-Sex Marriages is "grievous abrogation of responsibility'
Decision is contrary to scripture and to Anglican expressions of scripture, our formularies, including the Book of Common Prayer, and Lambeth resolution I.10.

By Archbishop Kanishka Raffel
July 17, 2024

"Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth." John 17:17

Jesus prays for his church that they would be made holy by the truth of God's word. Anglicans affirm the 'ultimate rule and standard of faith' (ACA Constitution, Fundamental Declarations s2)) of the teaching of Jesus Christ and the word of God revealed in scripture. The decision of the Church of England Synod to approve the use of prayers of blessing for same-sex marriages and to begin moves to allow clergy to enter into same-sex marriages, is a grievous abrogation of its responsibility to uphold the primacy of scripture in the life and ministry of the church. To reject God's plan for human sexuality is a failure to love people experiencing same-sex attraction and who, like all humanity, are made in his image and designed for his purpose.

This decision is contrary to scripture and to Anglican expressions of the teaching of scripture in our formularies, including the Book of Common Prayer, and Lambeth resolution I.10, clearly affirmed by the Archbishop of Canterbury as the standard of Anglican doctrine as recently as the Lambeth Conference in 2022.

I'm very grateful for the gracious and courageous way in which many English brothers and sisters in Christ have taken a stand in their General Synod for biblical authority and the trustworthiness of Jesus' teaching on human identity and sexuality.

We express our support for the coalition known as The Alliance which has, in love and integrity, been a clarion voice for truth. The Alliance is a broad grouping of faithful Anglicans from across the spectrum of the church who have in common, fidelity to the scriptures in matters of faith and life, a deep love for the Church of England and commitment to its mission to the nation. Importantly, the Alliance includes Anglicans who experience same-sex attraction and who gladly and courageously affirm the teaching of Jesus concerning marriage and sexuality. We honour them all.

I'm humbled and encouraged by the stance of The Alliance and offer them the hand of fellowship and the assurance of our prayers and support as they contend for the faith once for all delivered to the saints.

I'm grateful too for those whose conscience has not allowed them to remain in the Church of England but who remain committed to Anglican doctrine and mission as members of the Anglican Network in Europe under Bishop Andy Lines and assure them too of our friendship and fellowship in the mission of the gospel in which we are fellow workers.

We note statements from global Anglican fellowships representing the majority of Anglicans worldwide, such as the Global South Fellowship of Anglicans, GAFCON and GAFCON Australia. We rejoice in our common hope, the Lord Jesus Christ, and remain committed to the faithful proclamation of his gospel in love and truth.

"...the faith and love that spring from the hope stored up for you in heaven and about which you have already heard in the true message of the gospel that has come to you." Col 1:5,6 (NIV)

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