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Is the pope really a Christian?
Francis displayed the intellectual sophistication of a bumper sticker

By David W. Virtue, DD
September 15, 2024

The old joke, is the pope Catholic, took on new meaning this week. The bigger question is; is the pope really a Christian?

In Singapore talking to young people from various religious traditions the pope revealed his soft-headed theology with a broadside of ecumenical nonsense that must have his predecessors rolling in their graves.

He said enough cringeworthy stuff as to make the last five Episcopal presiding bishops look like saints upon the earth. Even his pro-gay American cardinals and bishops must be asking themselves, what the hell is going on with Francis. Has he completely lost his mind?

Actually, the answer might be yes.

Pope Francis said more rubbish in one day than any pope has uttered since he started his reign.

Francis told a group of young people from various religions that we should not say that one god is "more important" than another. The Pope compared religions to different languages that all say the same thing, the clear implication of which is that all religions are equal. "Sikh, Muslim, Hindu, Christian -- they are different paths," he said.

However, Islam doesn't teach that. It specifically says that it is the one true religion and they are it looking to conquer the world, while killing all the Jews on the way.

Though some Catholics believe that Catholicism teaches that Muslims and Catholics worship the same god, Islam teaches that it uniquely believes that it is the one true pathway to God. Buddhism is not even a religion and Hinduism is not monotheistic. One writer said Francis displayed the intellectual sophistication of a bumper sticker.

It is a very good thing to have ecumenical dialogue, and to work for peace among people of different religions. But you can and must do so without teaching heresy.

"If God is the god of all, then we are all sons and daughters of God," Francis said. We are all children of our heavenly Father, the Creator, but we are only sons and daughters of God by way of the new birth.

What Francis said was straight up Christian heresy. It is certainly possible to see good in non-Christian religions, but we are only saved through the work of Christ and no other, for there is no other name under heaven whereby we must be saved. (acts 4:12)

If what Francis says is true, why evangelize? If what Francis says is true, why be Catholic? These are very serious questions.

One can understand why ex Catholics like Rod Dreher and Terry Mattingly fled to the Orthodox Church.

Thoughtful Catholics across the globe must be asking themselves, did I get it right?

Has the church left me? Ironically the Anglican Church in North America was formed because they believed the Episcopal Church left them because it adopted unbiblical views on human sexuality.

One person on Twitter wrote that Francis's heretical statement today pushed him over the line. He no longer believes that his salvation depends on being in communion with the See of Rome. Therefore, he no longer believes that he should endure the spiritual desolation of practicing Catholicism in his part of the world. If even the pope has abandoned the idea that there is something special about Catholicism that makes it worth suffering to hold onto, then why should he?

One ex-Catholic ordinand now an ACNA priest told me that when he entered a large East Coast Roman Catholic seminary serving multiple dioceses and Religious Orders there were 65 when he started with 7 confirmed heterosexuals.

"Students weren't required to have roommates after the first year. But the place was littered with senior students sharing a room with a double bed, bedspread, etc. Their little love nest. They were protected because the clergy faculty were among their number. And many of the bishops were themselves homosexuals. The system just protected and perpetuated itself."

I ran into a huge conflict with the formation staff. I was advised, "Just tell them you're gay and they'll leave you alone." He walked away never to return.

Is it any wonder that former Catholic priests, now married feel justified in their decision to leave the church. Orthodoxy and orthopraxis just got hit big time.

Francis should have the good sense to step down before he totally abandons whatever is left of his Catholic faith; from his soft endorsement of homosexuality and now his universal belief that all religions lead to God.

Iranian religious leader Ayatollah Khomeini on hearing this must be chuckling and telling his fellow Imams, "You wait till we impose Sharia law in the Vatican."

Pope Francis just tossed the uniqueness of Christ clean out the Vatican windows.

Those Anglicans who thought Rome was a safe theological haven must be asking themselves just how safe is the Roman Catholic Church? Did we get it wrong? I can't wait for the spin to begin.

We will of course be told that nothing has really changed doctrinally. The magisterium is still in charge and the rants of an old man dressed in white sheets is well, nothing to worry about. Give him another Scotch and soda, prop him up in a wheel chair and let him wave to the masses as he moves around the Vatican in his popemobile kissing babies. Smile sweetly as the lavender mafia take over the church and raid the Vatican bank.

Francis has done more damage to Catholicism than all the rosaries in the world can fix.

He made a total mockery of Christ's uniqueness, and by doing so nullified the salvific purpose of the cross. What Catholic would be martyred for Francis's latest jet propulsion of rubbish uttered to a group of young people of all religions.

He just poured cold water on every Vacation Bible School in America and around the world and mocked evangelism with his latest riff. Who is there to evangelize if all religions lead to God?

The pope has come out as a universalist and that is all that needs be said. There is no salvation coming from Rome, there never was. It is just a giant religion machine blowing smoke up our backsides; keeping the masses from a true relationship with Christ.


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