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April 26 2021 By dvirtue The Fear of Evil

Fear is I suppose the natural response to evil, the strong bulls of Bashan and roaring lions of the 22nd Psalm giving image to the fears we feel. The Lord's rod and staff can keep them at bay for a time but not forever.

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To be told we are basically good, and we will get better with time with the evolution of the human mind and new technological aids doesn't fly when a loved one is on a ventilator and may die within a few hours.

The goodness of Man mantra wears thin when you can't put bread on the table, you've just been fired from your job and the rent or mortgage is due with nothing in the bank to pay it.

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December 25 2020 By dvirtue CHRISTMASTIDE 2020

There was man that made his appearance, a man sent forth by God; and his name was John. He came to bear witness: he was to be witness of the light; so that everyone might learn to believe through him. It was not that man who was the light; to be a witness of the light was the task appointed to him. Meanwhile, the true light which sheds its light upon every man was ever coming into the world. He was in the world, and it was through him that the world came into being.

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December 05 2020 By dvirtue A Friend like Aristarchus: The Plague and the Promise

(This site links to my profile on Aristarchus and his companionship with Paul:

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August 25 2020 By dvirtue LESSONS ON PRAYER

What does God most want of us? First things first: you know the first and greatest commandment: "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind." (Deuteronomy 6:5 and Matthew 22:37)

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July 01 2020 By dvirtue WHAT REALLY MATTERS

The Apostle Paul wrote that he was "convinced that He [the Lord] is able to guard what I have entrusted to Him for that day" (2 Timothy 1:12). Likewise, I trust that the Holy Spirit will continue to work in me toward full sanctification. That is my assurance, my security. It is about His love and His power, not anything I can do. I have work to do, but as Jesus told His disciples, the work He requires is easy and the burden is light...

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April 11 2020 By virtueonline Meditational Thoughts for Holy Saturday

Since He is omniscient, lives in eternity, and is not limited by our space-time constraints, God knew even before His creation of the universe exactly what would happen to His Only Begotten Son on one special weekend outside Jerusalem-- and so from the beginning He made Saturday a Holy Sabbath Day of rest, silence, prayer, and waiting on God.

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April 07 2020 By virtueonline The Origin and Elimination of our Fear

(Written by Brian Stableford from his Sherlock/Mycroft Holmes pastiche story entitled "Art in the Blood", 2003).

The trained scientist in me totally understands and can identify with these words. I want to know the answers to all the hardest questions. I seek, and increasingly, I find. It gives me a sense of security, even a false sense of control. But then of course it all breaks down when a mysterious killing horror (like the COVID-19) breaks into my reality.

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December 27 2019 By virtueonline The Whiff of Creation

And while the censer later swung helped mask the odor, I wondered whether the fragrance also shielded our eyes from his hurts.

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November 25 2019 By virtueonline LATE HAVE I LOVED YOU - Aurelius Augustine

"He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him. He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering. Like one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not" (Isaiah 53:2b-3).

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