Statement on the former Bishop of Port MoresbyThe bishop requested that his case and allegations against him be brought forward to ACPNG Church Provincial Court. As a result, the Church Provincial Court was convened.
The Church is abandoning its flockThe new growth strategy from head office is code named Myriad, Greek for ten thousand. The idea is to have 10,000 new churches by 2030, creating a million new disciples.
A BIBILICAL APPROACH TO AFRICA'S POLITICSVarious religious leaders gave reasons why it is imperative to have biblical approach to politics in Africa. They said if done so, even the usual chaos during elections would be minimized.
Harry Kane for Archbishop!To be fair to myself, I have not been entirely passive, skulking in the back pews with an Agatha Christie novel concealed behind a copy of Hymns Ancient & Modern (Revised).