TIME TO LOOK BEYOND RACIAL AND ETHNIC LINES IN THE CHURCHArchbishop Beach argued that the actions of the CoN violated the 2008 Jerusalem Declaration, especially Article 11 which states: "We are committed to the unity of all those who know and love Christ
The political rhetoric has got to stopThe second death at the Trump Rally was the shooter who was quickly "neutralized" -- shot dead -- by the Secret Service.
Thomas Dix Bowers - A EulogyHaving been raised in Episcopal parishes, I was used to tepid sermons, indifferent liturgy and ministers more interested in their sinecures than in preaching the word of God.
PACKER, THE PURITANS, AND CHRISTIAN CONSCIENCESome of his books were totally devoted to the Puritans, including his 1990 volume, A Quest for Godliness: The Puritan Vision of the Christian Life (Crossway).
EFAC Global expresses deep disappointment over LLF Milestone"It is deeply disappointing that despite hearing repeatedly in speeches of the need to build trust by avoiding bad process, and CEEC's continued advocacy of the insufficiency of delegated arrangeme