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Justin Welby has gone off the Church of England reservation with little hope of return

Justin Welby has gone off the Church of England reservation with little hope of return

By David W. Virtue, DD
August 21, 2024

What started out as promising leadership for the Church of England and, by extension, the Anglican Communion, has devolved into a state of permanent dysfunction and dystopian nightmare.

The Archbishop of Canterbury's evangelical credentials, earned through his association with Holy Trinity Brompton and Alpha have completely disappeared in a flurry of woke issues which have decimated the Church of England bringing it to the brink of schism.

Six issues have haunted him, costing him and the church deeply, resulting in a near total breakdown of the institution, making it even more irrelevant than it has overwhelmingly become to the British public.

Evangelicals, once his tribe, have turned against him over same-sex marriage. Two landmark churches in central London are ramping up on the idea of a Third Province, but even if that is not realizable, they are preparing ministries for their people not recognized by the established church. Anger over who can preside at the Lord's table may well trigger an ecclesiastical explosion with the Bishop of London with serious consequences. There is now no love lost between Welby and leading CEEC evangelicals in the church. That day is done.

The six-year Living in Love and Faith (LLF) report -- an attempt to broker same-sex unions into the church has proven anything but a brokered deal. There has been little love and not much faith, only dissension, endless convoluted theological arguments on both sides, with the vain hope that some sort of compromise will allow conservatives to stay in the church. Well, how has that worked out? Sexual sin is still sin however you cut it, and sodomy is still a sin. God has not changed His mind. If adultery and fornication are still recognized sins, why should homosexuality be given a pass? It's all about culture, optics and not wanting to upset a handful of whiney pansexualists if you listen to the Mitered Ones. Welby agrees, and he has even gone to great lengths to excoriate Global South leaders for taking a stand against homosexuality which is forbidden in their culture and the Bible brought to them by missionaries over 100 years ago. Is it any wonder that Welby is on the outs with many of his fellow primates?

I can imagine a scene waking up one morning with word that Welby had paid a personal visit to the disgraced Scion evangelical Jonathan Fletcher offering him pardon for all his sins and a welcome mat at Lambeth palace. Would anyone really be surprised? After all, sitting at Welby's right hand is an avowed married homosexual in the person of Stephen Knott, his Secretary for Appointments in the Church of England. In this role, he advises and supports the archbishops on senior appointments, including the process for appointing bishops, deans, and other senior roles. He also works closely with the Prime Minister's Appointments Secretary.

Can you imagine the evangelical Rev. Peeling Fortescue looking for a senior appointment telling Knott; "Well actually I think homosexual behavior will consign you to hell." The doors of Lambeth palace could not open fast enough and the Thames River ready to receive the Rev. Fortescue, clearly a recalcitrant disbeliever.

ISRAEL. On the global political scene Welby has made a complete fool of himself and the church by siding against Israel demanding a ceasefire that benefits only Hamas and demonstrating his ignorance of Israel's history. By showing favoritism to the Palestinian cause, he ignores Israel's open democracy and crying out false facts that would, if carried out, lead to Israel's total destruction. If Jews ever entertained that Jesus might be their messiah, it has been dispelled with Welby's open bias against Jews. He has pushed one false narrative after another, that must have Hamas rejoicing that their (underground) strategy is working and Israel is being forced to compromise for the sake of a false peace, that is no peace at all. Is it any wonder that British commentator Melanie Phillps called out Welby's statement as one of "staggering malice and ignorance." Even as Welby blathers on, Israel faces existential threats on three fronts and possibly more with 150,000 rockets in Lebanon ready to rain down on the democratic nation state. Apparently, that doesn't bother Welby so much as Gazans being free of Israel while staying in the clutches of Hamas terrorists with a no-win strategy for their future.

SAFEGUARDING. Nothing has proven such a complete failure and farce as the Church of England's safeguarding strategy that led to the former Archbishop of Canterbury Lord Carey being censured; the former Archbishop of York John Sentamu, also suspended from active ministry in the Diocese of Newcastle over a mishandling of a sex abuse case. All the while Welby sides with a pedophile priest who gets a whopping financial payout to go away, while an orthodox priest is handed his marching orders because he insists on upholding the church's biblical teaching on sex and marriage. One can only be glad that the definition of insanity has not changed.

REPARATIONS. I cannot do better than to quote Mac Ghlionn's excellent piece, when he writes that Wokeness will kill the Church of England and the church's mad plan for 'slavery reparations' is driving away its few remaining parishioners.

"While intended as a gesture of penance, the church's reparations fund is ultimately nonsensical. Despite the history, today's parishioners bear no direct responsibility for events hundreds of years ago. Modern-day congregants are generations removed from the individuals who engaged in or profited from slavery. They were neither participants in nor beneficiaries of the injustices committed centuries ago. Holding them financially or morally accountable for the crimes of their predecessors, even indirectly, is inherently unjust." But Welby insists and perhaps as much as one billion pounds is being earmarked for this idiotic program.

GLOBAL SOUTH. Welby is out of favor to the point that primates who represent the vast major majority of Anglicans no longer recognize him as primus inter pares. They won't recognize his authority, and they have turned their backs on the Church of England over his stand on homosexuality. A covenant much ballyhooed by his predecessor lies in ruins. Nobody cares. These orthodox archbishops who represent nearly 85 percent of the communion will no longer support him. He is history. Here is what South Sudan and GSFA Archbishop Justin Badi had to say:
"We are all concerned and deeply grieved because the province which we all considered as the First province, as the mother church who offered and made sacrificial efforts to spread the gospel around the world through the work of Church Missionary Society (CMS) decided to walk away from the biblical truth which their forefathers took around the world...Archbishop Welby has betrayed the Anglican Church and we no longer recognize him as the leader of the whole Anglican Communion."

In two years, Welby will be gone, but he will leave behind a church in ruins with little hope for its recovery. With evangelicals now seen as fringe in the church there is little hope for the church's orthodox future. Some milquetoast Affirming Catholic archbishop babbling all shades of opinion will occupy the see of Canterbury, but he will get little support from Global South primates if he does not repudiate homosexuality and uphold Lambeth resolution 1:10 the landmark ruling defining sexuality in the Communion.

The Church of England is finished, its orthodox believers must or will be forced to leave as they did in The Episcopal Church and the Anglican Church of Canada. A new day awaits them. The old will pass away as it should and Justin Welby with it. The only question is whether it is to irrelevancy or to something even hotter, "everlasting fire" Mt 18:8 and Jude 7?


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