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Jesus Christ is the crux of Scripture

Jesus Christ is the crux of Scripture

Everything must be fulfilled that is written about me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms Luke 24:44.

By Roger Salter
July 8, 2024

Jesus Christ is the crux of Scripture; the salient, self-evident, paramount theme of the Bible from first to last page. Scripture is, in its sixty-six books, overwhelmingly powerful documental certification of the God-man's Messiahship in divine predestination, divine preparation and human appearance. Our Lord sums it up in Luke's most accurate record when he claims his centrality to the OT in its main divisions: Law, Prophets [includes history] and the Psalms.

Jesus Christ is displayed in all the Scriptures; in actual prediction, promise, and allusion based on the analogy of Scripture. He in his divine assignment of redemption is, to the Spirit-led mind with an appreciation of the amazing connectedness of the Word of God, broadly and often boldly attested as the Supreme Figure in whom the Godhead dwells to renew the cursed nature of a gravely wounded planet and its misery-ridden inhabitants engaged in outrageous revolt against the powers of heaven. No person knows their fatal plight until the Spirit of God trains his searchlight into their conscience. We are guiltily doomed and we do not know it. "Truly the hearts of men are full of evil; madness is in their hearts while they live." Ecclesiastes

The plan of divine rescue is outlined [or superimposed] over the described background of the perilous plight of all mankind. The majestic ingenuity and wisdom of the Lord is disclosed in the variety of approaches employed by God to address and alert estranged sinners who are insensible to their rebellious departure from God and their frightening ignorance of him. The entire volume of Holy Writ is germane to the grasp of the all-round competence and sufficiency of the Lord Jesus toward each of those given to him by the Father: John 6:37-39.

The sanctified thrill and delight in tracing our beloved Savior through the writings of the former covenant, and matching our discoveries to the apostolic message of fulfillment, is more beneficial and exciting than any other form of literary occupation, especially in biography, history, and mystery [sublimely divine]; perusing the Word of God takes us into a state of gladsome captivity. "I have not departed from your laws, for you yourself have taught me. How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth. I gain understanding from your precepts." Psalm 119:102-104.

When we claim tenure of Christ's promise cited from Luke we shall find that the outcome of our benighted, turbulent and cruel history on earth will ineluctably manifest the glorious triumph of God - his kingdom which is adumbrated in phases one and two of his plan of salvation. "Everything must be fulfilled." O, the ways, wisdom and power of God! O, the supremacy of Jesus in all this. Let us encounter him in the full Word of the Lord, both Testaments, and neglect nothing to be found there. From his action before the Incarnation, his humble but royal birth, until his ascension and universal reign, every fact about him is a precious jewel to be appraised from every vantage point.

The eyes of the Old Testament church and the eyes of the New Testament church meet on Christ. --- John "Rabbi" Duncan (1796 -- 1870)

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