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Jayne Ozanne Wants to Go to Hell and take The Church of England with her

Jayne Ozanne Wants to Go to Hell and take The Church of England with her
She might just be successful


By David W. Virtue, DD
March 10, 2022

Jayne Ozanne, the lesbian lay leader and General Synod member in the Church of England, is on a crusade.

She wants all the bishops who are homosexuals to out themselves so the Church of England won't be accused of hypocrisy. It is every journalists' dream.

In an article titled, Bishops: Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are! Ozanne argues that silence is a killer.

Taking the "I don't want to rock the boat, so I won't say anything" approach to life only ever emboldens perpetrators and leaves victims undefended and open to abuse, she says.

"Which is why we need our leaders to have the moral courage and backbone to say what they think, no matter who they offend or disappoint, or how many friends they might lose in the process."

She argues that when governments have demanded Russian oligarchs "come off the fence" and say what they think about their friend, Putin's, strategy regarding Ukraine, so should CofE bishops.

"You see, you cannot sit on the fence for ever -- you will ultimately be called on it.

Our House of Bishops, most of whom appear to have taken a vow of silence over where they each stand on issues to do with LGBT+ matters." She says these issues affect 1000s of LGBT+ people's lives, their friends' & families' lives and millions of non-church goers in their diocese. So why do they stay so precariously perched?

Ozanne says the bishops don't want to split the church (please note, it's already split!), they want "to be a bishop for all those in their diocese" (really? have they bothered to ask whether their LGBT+ members think they are a bishop who understands what they are going through?) or they "don't want to add to the problems in the Anglican Communion" (as if their decision would really have that much impact!).

Ozanne then rips bishops because they don't want the aggravation of having to deal with some of the really vocal, nasty and vociferous homophobic and transphobic members in their midst. Bottom line, they don't want to appear to be "unsound" to certain clergy, or indeed even their peers. Perhaps they are scared of the consequences? Or maybe they erroneously think that somehow by staying silent everyone will in fact think they are "everyone's bishop".

Now Ozanne calls herself an evangelical, which is a farce because she cannot support her position from Scripture unless she chooses to mangle those clear Scriptures that proscribe homosexuality as a salvation issue and make them not mean what they clearly mean. The apostle Paul writes in Rom. 1:26 "Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones."

I hate to break it to her; do you really think we who stand on Scripture are that stupid? Does Ozanne think we are going to violate what Scripture clearly teaches because she believes a handful of homosexuals demand that Scripture and 2000 years of teaching be washed down the Thames River to support a lifestyle that is in part why there is a war in the Ukraine!

Yes, this is what Putin says, supported by Patriarch Kirill in an address to his people. "We see many of the Euro-Atlantic countries are actually rejecting their roots, including the Christian values that constitute the basis of Western civilization. They are denying moral principles and all traditional identities: national, cultural, religious and even sexual. They are implementing policies that equate large families with same-sex partnerships, belief in God with the belief in Satan."

There is much to agree with in Putin's criticisms of Western culture -- although Russian society is hardly a paragon of traditional Christian principles. Russia's abortion rate is twice that of the United States, for instance.

Kirill is dead wrong when he supports the trampling on the independence of a sovereign nation, waging unprovoked war, destroying cities, and killing civilians -- aren't these un-Christian acts? This is not authentic Christianity. But his criticism of Western decadence is right on the mark and it is why the Church of England is fast sinking into the sunset along with the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Church of Canada.

Furthermore, Ozanne doesn't care how all this affects the Global South and GAFCON bishops. She doesn't give a damn. Her sexuality is her identity, and nothing is going to get in the way of her seeing it fulfilled, and, with a weak wobbly Welby, she might just get her way. She will be aided and abetted by the new Appointments Secretary Mr. Stephen Knott who has been appointed to one of the most influential positions within the Church of England. Knott, a married homosexual, sits at the right hand of the Archbishop of Canterbury, determining who will get ecclesiastical jobs.

Ozanne wants the culture of silence to change so the CofE will have transparency and honesty. Well, how has that worked in The Episcopal Church? TEC has nearly all the sexualities operating in the church, supported by the HOB, with the exception of a transgendered bishop, but give it time, that will come soon enough. And has it caused a rush through the red doors of parishes? Nope, it is slowly but surely emptying them, with the latest blasphemy - homosexual marriage (B012) which mandated that all bishops authorize queer marriages regardless of their personal beliefs - causing even more bishops to leave TEC.

The deeper truth is that Ozanne's appeal, even if it results in bishops "coming out" will not result in LGBTQ practitioners rushing to fill parish pews -- it will have the exact opposite effect, as we have seen in the US. HOMOSEXUALS DON'T GIVE A DAMN. They are not coming to church because they suddenly feel accepted. They are Nones, secularists, oblivious to church politics; they don't give a damn about God or their eternal destiny. It is irrelevant to them. They are answerable only to their own sexual desires; they don't care what I think or even what Ozanne thinks.

The die has been cast. Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon River and became embroiled in civil war in 49 BCE. The Episcopal Church has been embroiled in a sexual civil war for nearly 40 years and crossed the Rubicon of orthodoxy, resulting in a dying church, and so it will be with the Church of England. Latest figures reveal that its parishes are emptying and closing. Ozanne won't save them in her call for bishops to "come out" in the vain hope that partnered homosexuals and lesbians will suddenly pour through their doors. Not going to happen. Death, both spiritual and eternal awaits.


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