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Culture Wars
May 05 2005 By virtueonline Coming to America? Canadian bishop investigated for 'gay marriage' comments

In the newspaper column, which stated basic Christian doctrine, Henry wrote, among other things, "Since homosexuality, adultery, prostitution and pornography undermine the foundations of the family, the basis of society, then the State must use its coercive power to proscribe or curtail them in the interests of the common good." He also argued that behind the push for "gay marriage" is a desire to have society accept homosexuality.

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May 03 2005 By virtueonline EDMONTON: Rally against gay marriage draws 2,500

"The time has come for the government of Canada to use its coercive power to legislate that a couple being married must be a man and a woman," Calgary Bishop Frederick Henry told the jubilant crowd in a repeat of the controversial call-to-arms that has landed him in front of the Alberta Human Rights Commission.

"This is not a fascist statement ... this is not anti-homosexual, but it is the Christian teaching on the primordial status of marriage and family life."

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May 01 2005 By virtueonline Why the left became hostile to religion

"Worrisome, to me. That should never happen," a cutting-edge liberal Democrat told me last week.

But when I tell them that's exactly what John F. Kennedy did at his inauguration on Jan. 20, 1961, the spluttering commences.


Yes, JFK blessed himself twice and told the nation:

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May 01 2005 By virtueonline WASHINGTON: Navy Probes Religious Discrimination Claim

"I'm shocked that senior chaplains would force their faith on sailors and on me," said Klingenschmitt, who was chaplain on the cruiser USS Anzio, based in Norfolk, Va.

The Navy began an inspector general investigation Wednesday into Klingenschmitt's allegations, said Lt. Cmdr. Charles Owens, a spokesman for Naval Surface Forces Atlantic.

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April 29 2005 By virtueonline BRAVE NEW SCHOOLS: Dad arrested after protesting 'gay' book

According to the report, Parker refused to leave a meeting after Lexington Superintendent Bill Hurley rejected his request that he be notified when his son is exposed to any discussion about same-sex households as part of classroom instruction.

Police arrested Parker for trespassing and he spent a night in jail before posting a $1,000 personal surety, Boston's WCVB-TV reported.

"Our parental requests for our own child were flat-out denied," Parker said in a statement.

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April 27 2005 By virtueonline Body and soul. An interview with Princeton Scholar Robert P. George

GEORGE: The institution of marriage has been damaged by laws and policies that compromise its integrity and weaken people's capacity to enter into marriage with a proper regard for its norms of permanence, exclusivity, and fidelity. These laws and policies-such as so-called no-fault divorce-reinforce and even encourage essentially anti-marital practices, and provide fertile ground for the flourishing of ideologies that pave the way for worse things.

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April 13 2005 By virtueonline Bonnie Prince Charles and the End of Christendom

Do not miss the moment. This civil ceremony in front of a Justice of the Peace rather than a minister of the Gospel, tramples all over centuries of constitutional, ecclesiastical history, like muddy boots on a freshly-cleaned carpet. This "secular" marriage will certainly bring an end to the history of the Monarch as Head of the Church, and of the Crown as having any special, exemplary role in society.

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April 11 2005 By virtueonline Chambers: Homosexuality should be met with truth, grace

Chambers, president of Exodus International, said the church must respond to homosexuality as Jesus would, with 100 percent truth and 100 percent grace. Chambers said it is important to receive homosexuals with love and understanding.

He began his speech Wednesday night at the chapel, 1401 S. Washington St., by asking if anyone in the audience was involved in homosexuality and if they were bold enough to raise their hands. After a few moments, three people raised their hands.

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April 05 2005 By virtueonline More Americans oppose gay 'marriage,' poll finds

A similar poll by Gallup last year found that 55 percent thought homosexual "marriages" should not be valid, while 42 percent said they should be recognized.

In addition, 466 adults were asked in the same time period what marital arrangements they thought should be recognized for homosexual couples.

The poll found that 20 percent favored same-sex "marriage," 27 percent said civil unions, and 45 percent said "neither."

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April 05 2005 By virtueonline CANADA: Chipping away at freedom of religion

Bishop Henry's case is being pursued under Alberta's Human Rights Code. But it is not hard to imagine religious speech being chilled across the country.

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