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Culture Wars
May 27 2005 By virtueonline U.S. Vote Shows Ignorance, Says Bishops' Aide

"This was a David-and-Goliath story," said Richard Doerflinger, deputy director of the U.S. bishops' Secretariat for Pro-Life Activities.

"The pro-life movement and its allies in Congress went up against the combined resources of Hollywood celebrities, the research establishment, and a wealthy for-profit biotechnology industry, and fought them to a standstill," he said.

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May 25 2005 By virtueonline A No-Bash Bash For Gays and Evangelicals

Bass has friends who are gay and friends who are evangelical Christians. In general, the two groups stay very much apart. Last Saturday night, Bass, 27, and some of her friends, including Liniak, gathered people from both worlds for One Big Dinner in the basement of All Souls Church on 16th Street NW.

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May 24 2005 By virtueonline US Parent Teacher Association Allows Gay Activists but Refuses Ex-Gays

"As we indicated on the application, our purpose at the National PTA exhibit is to distribute educational publications promoting inclusive school environments for ex-gay students and educators," said Regina Griggs, PFOX's executive director. "We fit right in because one of the themes of this year's National PTA convention is diversity. Ex gays are people, too. And it's about time the National PTA recognized that fact of life," she added.

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May 23 2005 By virtueonline ENGLAND: Anger as religious hatred bill returns

Dr Don Horrocks, Head of Public Affairs for the Evangelical Alliance, also expressed strong reservations about the return of the bill: "The announcement of the Government's intention to re-introduce this controversial legislation that was successfully opposed during the last Parliament is no surprise, given Labour's manifesto commitment and election pact with the Muslim Council of Britain."

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May 21 2005 By virtueonline The Religious Left's Lies

Their tactics are familiar. I encountered them more than 20 years ago as President Reagan's secretary of the interior, when I clashed with extreme environmental groups adept at taking out of context -- or in some cases creating -- statements that, once twisted, were attributed to me as if they were my religious views.

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May 19 2005 By virtueonline Truth or Tolerance? - by Scott Scruggs

Case 2. Last year, a dean at Stanford University began to pressure evangelical Christian groups on campus to stop the practice of "proselytizing other students." Ironically, what angered the dean was not the content of the message that was being shared, but the practice of sharing itself. He believes that in approaching someone with the Gospel, you are implying that the person's beliefs are inferior to your own.

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May 19 2005 By virtueonline We 'cure' gays say born-again radicals

In the long term, the charity wants to work with secular groups to help sex addicts such as chronic masturbators or heavy users of hardcore pornography.

'We're trying to get in to speak at youth conferences', said Lisa Guinness, the charity's smiley, silver-haired director. 'We'd love to take our stuff out to non-Christians, so we're going to develop some materials which could do that.'

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May 09 2005 By virtueonline Canada Goes Ahead with Same-Sex Marriage Bill despite Christian Protest

Even though the wrestling between the opposite sides of the argument is very strong, a Catholic Bishop Frederick Henry is standing firm on comments he made in a January pastoral letter denouncing homosexuality and calling for "coercive" government action to stop it.

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May 06 2005 By virtueonline Sex-ed program pulled from year's curriculum

Mr. Weast also said that he is suspending the use of "Protect Yourself" -- the video where a woman demonstrates condom use with a cucumber -- pending further investigation by the schools.

Judge Williams agreed with the two groups that filed the lawsuit -- Citizens for a Responsible Curriculum (CRC) and Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays (PFOX) -- who argued that the curriculum is biased toward homosexuality and dismisses religious perspectives on the subject.

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May 06 2005 By virtueonline A tough-minded commencement address - by Marvin Olasky

Calmly but sadly, he began his Hampden-Sydney talk by noting that: "It is a serious step, in these days, even from the worldly point of view, to become a Christian. ... The man who today enters upon the Christian life is enlisting in a warfare against the whole current of the age."

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