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Culture Wars
December 08 2005 By virtueonline PERSECUTION: Pakistan, Somalia, Indonesia, Sudan

The next day Ribqa was handed over to a third man, who they said would take her home. However this man held her captive a further three days, also repeatedly raping her. Finally he left her at a public bus stop in Faisalabad on September 6th. Her physical injuries were so bad she was unable to walk.

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December 07 2005 By virtueonline Will London burn too? - by Patrick Sookhdeo

Muslims see the establishment of a Muslim community in the UK as a contemporary hijra. But an important question concerns which 7th-century hijra they compare it to: the hijra to Abyssinia in which the Muslims became contented and loyal subjects of a Christian king, or the hijra to Medina where they seized political and military power.

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December 02 2005 By virtueonline Many evangelicals unwittingly live as feminists, Moore says

Moore called for a complementarian response built upon a thoroughly biblical vision of male headship in which men lead their families and churches by mirroring God the Father, whom Scripture portrays as the loving, sacrificial, protective Patriarch of His people. Moore is dean of the school of theology and senior vice president for academic administration at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Ky.

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December 02 2005 By virtueonline Swedish anti-gay pastor acquitted

In a 16-page ruling, the Supreme Court said his sermon was protected by freedom of speech and religion.

Mr Green was the first cleric convicted under Sweden's new hate crimes law, which was amended two years ago to include homosexuals.

Anti-gay sermon

He has shown little regret for his comments when addressing the media. He has also said his comments referred to a homosexual lifestyle, rather than individuals.

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December 01 2005 By virtueonline Conservatives Also Irked by IRS Probe of Churches

The IRS denies any political motivation behind the initiative it started last year. The Treasury Department's inspector general found in February that there was some mismanagement of the investigations but no indication of them being used as a political cudgel to silence critics of the Bush administration.

However, the IRS action has triggered an unusual coalition of critics who say they are concerned about the effect on freedom of speech and religion.

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November 30 2005 By virtueonline BURMA: UK Govt. Pledges Support for UN over genocide

Members of the House of Lords held the debate yesterday, just hours after 900 Karen villagers fled yet another attack by the Burma Army.

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November 23 2005 By virtueonline Evangelicals and Hollywood engaged in battle over Chronicles of Narnia

Some say a holy war is waging over Disney's much-anticipated holiday blockbuster, "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe."

Conservative Christians claim the story as their sacred ground. After all, they say, its author is the legendary Christian apologist C.S. Lewis.

"I'm fine with pagans picking up on our story," says Barbara Nicolosi, executive director of Act One, a nonprofit that trains Christians for careers in mainstream film and television.

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November 22 2005 By virtueonline PAKISTAN: Churches and Christian Homes Torched by Mob

Reports indicate that within hours of the allegation, the Muslim youth were being urged by the mosques to attack Christian property. Fearful of the violence which so often follows blasphemy accusations in Pakistan, the Christian community requested protection; however it appears no action was taken by the police.

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November 17 2005 By virtueonline Swedish Pastor's Trial For Hate Speech

As we told you, ADF sent chief counsel Benjamin Bull to Sweden to assist with last Wednesday's trial. Unlike U.S. Supreme Court oral argument, this was an actual trial where Pastor Green was called to testify and grilled by the prosecuting attorney.

Ben reports:

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November 15 2005 By virtueonline Shouldn't Christians Know Better?

Today, almost any fabrication about Jesus Christ can be published and offered for sale, with a host of dubious "modern scholars" testifying to its possible authenticity, and can quickly run to the top of the best-seller lists, put there in part through the ignorance and gullibility of devout and committed Christian people.

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