First they came for Israel, and we didn't speak up because we weren't Jews. Then they came for Lebanon's Christians, and we didn't speak up because we weren't Maronites. Then they came for America, and we didn't speak up because we weren't Americans. Then they came for Sudan's blacks, and we didn't speak up because we weren't Sudanese blacks. Then they came for us, and by that time there was no one left to speak up for us.
Read moreTo read the complete story, visit CNSNews at the following link:
Read moreMurdock also dismissed the notion that same-sex marriage has any negative influence on traditional marriages or the nuclear family, or that "tradition and social values alone" can bolster what she deemed a "discriminatory statutory classification."
Regrettably, such rationale neglects one of the most critical elements in the emotionally charged debate over same-sex marriage and homosexual behavior in general - public health.
Read moreAre there enough ridiculous, plastic characters in this spectacle yet? No, apparently not. Daniel's brother-in-law escapes town with the church treasury, but his wife and the church secretary have gone from a menage a trois to a saucy lesbian relationship. To find said brother-in-law, Daniel seeks out "Father Frank," an Italian Catholic priest who (no stereotypes here?) uses his Mafia contacts to hunt down the missing money, so the mob can compromise Daniel.
Read moreGhorban became a Christian more than ten years ago while in Turkmenistan. On returning to Iran he brought several friends and relatives to Christ and became pastor to a small convert church in his home. He had received several death threats from Islamic extremists to force him to stop sharing his faith.
Pray for peace for Ghorban's widow and four children in their grief. Pray for protection of all Christians in Iran.
Read moreBut before we break out the party poppers, we should note that, like every revolution, this one has a loser: the local church.
Read moreHowever, with the Rupert Murdoch-owned Fox News Channel consumed with a phony battle with those out to "destroy" Christmas, little air time has been given over to "The Chronicles" and its religious and political implications.
Read moreThe American Center for Law and Justice has gathered 173,000 signatures on a petition seeking an executive order. Seventy-three members of Congress have joined the request, saying in an Oct. 25 letter to the president, "In all branches of the military, it is becoming increasingly difficult for Christian chaplains to use the name of Jesus when praying."
Read moreThe case produced one of the biggest courtroom battles over evolution since the landmark "Scopes Monkey Trial" in 1925, and it was closely watched in other jurisdictions that have seen heated debates between opponents and advocates of Darwin's groundbreaking 19th century theory.
Read moreThe factions competed for volume with cheers and jeers as a black taxi carrying the newly registered couple made its way through the gates of City Hall at about 11am.
Veteran civil rights campaigner and friend of the couple Eamonn McCann was at the ceremony.
"It was a very joyous and heart-warming ceremony," he said.
Like everyone else I hope they go on to have a long life of happiness."
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