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By David W. Virtue, DD
October 24, 2020

The episcopal mongrel dogs of war attacked the last godly bishop in the Episcopal Church this week. They have torn his episcopacy, forcing his resignation, scattering his sheep to an unknown future, and have revealed once and for all, that sodomy is next to godliness, or at least the Episcopal version of what passes for godliness.

It has been a 40-year trek through the sexual wilderness of postmodern sexual America.

And so it came to pass that a panel of theologically neutered bishops and four hard-faced women forever consigned the Rt. Rev. William H. Love, Bishop of Albany to the rubbish heap of episcopal history, His neatly laundered episcopal robes have been ripped from him and his miter will now be given to another. His "sin" was that he violated a General Convention resolution (B012) approving homosexual marriage, that violated scripture.

Angry episcopal lesbian crocodiles like (the Rev.) Susan Russell and Bishop Mary Glasspool (going back to Ellen M. Barrett,) have made it their life's mission to destroy biblical morality. They have succeeded beyond even their wildest imaginings.

They anguished and screamed their sexual desires from one General Convention to the next, over four decades. They finally succeeded in tearing the episcopal church apart, resulting in the birth of the ACNA, -- a more fitting epitaph could not be found. If ACNA had not been birthed, the very stones would have cried out.

Bishop Love was the last remnant of a morally and theologically failed church. They tortured him with a fake hearing, and then pronounced a death sentence on his episcopacy.

It was all part of a very predictable plan, of course, aided and abetted by a near unanimous chorus of morally bankrupt episcopal bishops stretching back decades, worn down by the incessant cries of the daughters of lesbos, and the orgasmic moans of homosexual priests and bishops, the worst being the bisexual Frank Griswold, a former Presiding Bishop. They successfully raised the homosexual (LGBTQ) flag of modern times over the Episcopal Church and strung up the last orthodox God-fearing bishop leaving him to swing in the wind.

From the ringing exultant cries of thousands of Episcopalians lifting their voices to embrace the morally bankrupt Gene Robinson as the Church's first openly homoerotic bishop, to the humiliating departure of an evangelical catholic Bishop in the person of Bill Love, it has been the journey of a Church permanently stuck in Pilgrim's Slough of Despond, That Church will never emerge to face the cross of repentance.

The quisling Communion Partner bishops, routed by resolution B012 were silent of course. Like capos in concentration camps, they abandoned Bishop Love, with not even the whiff of incense or the sprinkling of water to bless him on his way. Like Pilate, the Partners washed their hands of him and passed homosexual marriage rites over to another bishop to perform.

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry's 'way of love' talk is now exposed for all to see. His "beloved community" just saw the last "beloved" bishop tossed to the curb. That Curry is black and not Caucasian is irrelevant in the scheme of things. He can dance and prance his way through cathedrals, extolling his Jesus love talk and play up his royal connections but it will not change one iota what he has done today.

The Episcopal Church is dying on the vine, with money drying up and aging, fearful, COVID-19 exposed Episcopalians, unwilling to risk their health to attend their local parish. Whispers of diocesan juncturing put the future of TEC bishops in serious question.

God is not mocked, He never is. He has waited patiently for TEC to repent. It has not and will not. The pharaonic hearts of its bishops are forever hardened against God and His revealed Will in scripture.

Saint Athanasius is credited with saying, that Hell is filled with the bones of priests and monks and with the skulls of bishops that light the path. He is right. But there will be a Last Judgement first and God will sort out the wheat and tares. The pain of the tares will be unbearable.

And now Bishop Love has gone. He will take a sabbatical starting January 1, 2021, and resign, effective February 1. The ludicrously blasphemous doctrines of inclusion and diversity are forever shredded.

Bishop Love has not revealed his future plans.


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