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News Analysis

By David W. Virtue

The Episcopal Bishop of Washington John Chane has blasted the Archbishop of Nigeria, Peter Akinola saying that he did not speak for the whole church, focused too much on sexuality issues and failed to address poverty in his own country.

Writing in the September issue of Washington Window the diocesan newspaper, Chane excoriated the Nigerian Primate saying he was "one of the most outspoken of this small group of men who presumes to speak for the entire global Communion."

Chane then ripped Akinola saying that he did not speak for him in how he interprets the Bible.

"If the Church is to really focus on the issues of the Bible's teaching and the core teachings of Jesus Christ, why does this Archbishop spend so much time on human sexuality issues while so many of his countrymen and women are oppressed by poverty, illiteracy and violence? Where is the strong voice of the Nigerian Anglican Church in opposing the continued neglect of vulnerable women and children, or in advocating on behalf of the poorest of the poor? Jesus was very clear in his hard teachings that one could always tell the righteous from the damned by whether they lived into feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, welcoming the stranger and visiting those who were in prison."

Really. One should remind Chane that Akinola recently looked Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo in the face and told him that he was harsh and inhuman going by the policies of his administration.

The Nigerian Primate told the president that the majority of Nigerians had been impoverished following his harsh policies, noting that while very few people were enjoying the government's agenda, the majority of Nigerians were suffering as a result of the administration's reforms which he said lacked human face.

He observed that since the government began to pursue its economic reforms; the economic lives of the common man have been paralyzed. "I believe in reforms, but they must have human face. People are suffering, and the president seems not to be bothered," the clergy stressed."

When did Chane ever preach a sermon like that to any President of the U.S? The answer is never. Blasting Bush from a distance is one thing, getting in your face as Akinola did Obasanjo is quite another thing, and Chane has never done that.

Chane should get his facts correct before he rips an African archbishop for showing a lack of compassion.

Furthermore the reason the Archbishop rips the ECUSA over homosexuality is precisely because it is a salvation issue and he has every right too. If, as the Apostle Paul reminds us, habitual fornicators, adulterers and practicing homosexuals "will not inherit the Kingdom" then Akinola has every right to warn the Western Church that it is on the rocky road to Hell if it endorses any other message than that.

Warning the church is doing it a favor, and as far as interpretation goes, there has never been an interpretation of sexuality in 2,000 years that has strayed from marriage between a man and a woman as being the only normative expression of sexual behavior.

And as far as the Diocese of Washington is concerned Chane should talk. The Diocese is a theological wasteland with only a handful of orthodox parishes. It was rumored that the former Chief Justice William Rehnquist, a Lutheran, was buried in a Roman Catholic Church because he refused to be buried from Washington National Cathedral because of its theologically heretical stands.

The diocese claims 42,000 baptized members but actual weekly Sunday attendance is less than 17,000 spread across 93 parishes and, like most dioceses, it has more funerals (578) than marriages (311). It is a diocese sustained by its closeness to secular power not by a coherent gospel.

Chane himself should be declared a federal disaster and his diocese a federal disaster zone. The diocese is an agency of liberal agit-prop, hater of all things orthodox, promoter of pansexuality and on a good Sunday you could fit the entire diocese into half a dozen parishes in Nigeria which is 18 million strong and will double in three years.

Chane praised the theologically vacuous "To Set Our Hope on Christ," as a paper laying out the Scriptural rationale for our decision to consecrate a gay man to the episcopate and to authorize a "local option" for blessing samesex relationships describing it as "honest and persuasive."

Chane said "this extensive work has been neither studied, nor, in many instances, even acknowledged by many of our Church's critics." Nonsense. It has been analyzed to death; Chane just isn't looking in the right places. Some of the best orthodox minds in the church have taken it apart and revealed it for what it is - a vapid display that is thin theologically and bankrupt morally.

Chane also ripped the decision of the ACC meeting in Nottingham to admit Primates to membership on the Council. He wrote, "To this point, the Anglican Communion has been held together by four "Instruments of Unity": the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Lambeth Conference, the Anglican Consultative Council and the Primates Meeting. We are not a Church dominated by a Curia of Primates and Bishops. And yet that seems to be the direction in which we are heading."

Chane accuses Akinola of presuming to speak for the entire global Communion. He doesn't of course. He only speaks for about 95 percent of the Anglican Communion who are orthodox in faith and morals; the remaining five percent in North America, Europe and the Southern Hemisphere are small and dying precisely because they have no gospel to proclaim, having sold out to the zeitgeist.

Concluded Chane; "We are not a Church dominated by a Curia of Primates and Bishops. And yet that seems to be the direction in which we are heading."

Really. In that case Chane should take a hard look at what revisionist ECUSA bishops are doing to godly orthodox priests. It is nothing short of spiritual rape. They are behaving like potentates with unlimited power seeking and destroying orthodoxy wherever it can be found.

The sad truth is, it is bishops like Chane, Griswold, Bennison, Adams, Ihloff, Bruno and many more who are "dominating" and behaving like a Curia, with just one goal, the ultimate annihilation of orthodoxy in a once proud denomination. And that truth needs to be shouted from the top of every steeple.

Chane is busy flogging a dead horse through a Valley of Living Death for that is what the Episcopal Church has become. It has no coherent message of salvation, it thinks mission can be defined by UN resolutions and Millennium fantasies, it could rewrite the hymn Backward Christian Soldiers and could rename itself The First Church of Christ Economist and no one would know the difference. And that is the saddest truth of all.


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