There has never been a year like it in the history of the Anglican Communion or The Episcopal Church. The entire Communion hovered on the very brink of schism, with cries of outrage from Global South Primates and bishops as they viewed their Western counterparts doing and saying things that violated the very core of Anglican doctrine and practice, in fact the very truth of what it means to be a Christian.
Read moreThe diocese recently voted three resolutions one of which was to
terminate its relationships with the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania
and its bishop, the Rt. Rev. Michael W. Creighton, because they voted
"yes" to the consecration of Robinson with the bishop, lay and 2 of the
3 clergy in favor of Gene Robinson's election.
The Brazilian diocese is lead by the orthodox Rt. Rev. Edward Robinson
In an Open Letter to the Dissenting American Bishops and Priests and to
the Anglican Primates, Mollegen asks them to reconsider what they are
contemplating and says he has the support of Holy Scripture to support
his contention.
This is what he says.
Read moreOn one side is the "vision" of Frank T. Griswold, The Episcopal
Church's Presiding Bishop. His vision is contained in what he calls
guidelines for providing "Supplemental Episcopal Pastoral Care" for
those bishops who find they have "dissident" meaning biblically
orthodox parishes, who are at odds with theologically revisionist
diocesan bishops like Charles E. Bennison, Tom Shaw, and John Chane et