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VANCOUVER: History made in Canada by first ACiC Confirmation services

History made in Canada by first ACiC Confirmation services

VACNOUVER (March 15, 2005)--History was made last week when 102 people were confirmed by the Rt Revd TJ Johnston during the 450 strong ACiC Celebration at Richmond Emmanuel Church, British Columbia, Canada.

The Celebration came at the end of a week long visit by ACiC Bishop TJ and his wife Rees. They traveled to meet with members of the 11 ACiC congregations visiting Vancouver Island, the Sunshine Coast and Greater Vancouver.

Three new Canadian deacons, who were recently ordained during the AMiA Winter Conference, were privileged to assist in the Eucharist held as part of the 18th annual Renewal Mission for St Simon's, North Vancouver (ACiC).

Clergy and lay leaders from existing and potential ACiC congregations were able to join with us from all across Canada.

The ACiC is a year-old coalition of congregations throughout Canada formed as a result of the offer of Adequate Episcopal Oversight by five International Archbishops. This offer continues to be extended to all faithful Anglicans across Canada who wish to get on with their lives and be free from the ongoing controversy plaguing the Anglican Church of Canada (ACC).

A small CD introducing the work of the ACiC is available free of charge and newly released DVD's of talks from +TJ sharing the Vision, passion and DNA of the ACiC are available on request.

The ACiC is committed to evangelism, church health and church planting and has grown from 5 to 11 congregations in its first year. ACiC's prayerful goal is to double to 22 congregations during 2005.

The week long visit by +TJ and his wife Rees was a significant encouragement for beleaguered Canadian Anglicans.

The ACiC alongside the AMiA is committed to the 'common cause' partnerships with seven orthodox Anglican groups across North America. http://www.anglicanessentials.org/readarticle.php?article_id=11

For further information about the Anglican Communion in Canada and opportunities for affiliation, please contact the Rev. Paul Carter, ACiC Network Leader at paul@acicanada.ca or (604) 222-4486 or The Rev. Barclay Mayo, ACiC Mission Strategy Coordinator at bamayo@sunshine.net or (604) 883-1371.

Please note our website: http://www.acicanada.ca/

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