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Traditionalist Anglicans Flee to Rome*Two TEC Lesbians Marry*Consents forMartins

There are two safeguards against error - the apostolic Word and the anointing Spirit (cf. Is. 59:21). Both are received at conversion ... The Word is an objective safeguard, while the anointing of the Spirit is a subjective experience; but both the apostolic teaching and the heavenly teacher are necessary for continuance in the truth. And both are to be personally and inwardly grasped. This is the biblical balance which is too seldom preserved. Some honour the Word and neglect the Spirit who alone can interpret it; others honour the Spirit but neglect the Word out of which he teaches. The only safeguard against lies is to have remaining within us both the Word that *we heard from the beginning* and the *anointing* that we *received* from him. It is by these old possessions, not by new teachings or teachers, that we shall remain in the truth. --- From "The Letters of John" (Tyndale New Testament Commentaries) --- Excerpted from "Authentic Christianity" by John R.W. Stott

The plain truth is that "sincerity and earnestness" are becoming the idol of many Christians in these latter days. People seem to think it matters little what opinions a man holds in religion, so long as he is "earnest and sincere", and you are thought uncharitable if you doubt his soundness in the faith. Against this idolatry of mere "earnestness" I enter my solemn protest. I charge every reader to remember that God's written Word is the only rule of faith, and to believe nothing to be true and soul-saving in religion which cannot be proved by plain texts of Scripture. I entreat him to read the Bible and make it his only test of truth and error, right and wrong. --- J.C. Ryle

The witness of Scripture. Scripture bears an unwavering testimony to the power of ignorance and error to corrupt, and the power of truth to liberate, ennoble and refine. --- From "The Message of Ephesians" by John R.W. Stott

The 'unsophisticated'. One of the most distressing features of some recent statements by church leaders is the patronizing, even arrogant, way in which they have dismissed opposing views as being held only by the 'unsophisticated'. The essential condition of receiving light from heaven is not sophistication, however, but simplicity. For the Lord of the universe has 'hidden these things from the wise and learned', Jesus said, 'and revealed them to little children'. (Mt. 11:25) --- From "The Authentic Jesus" John R.W. Stott

"I accuse those among us who would rise up in fury over a decision to halt construction of a Muslim Center near ground zero in New York, but applaud the Egyptian police when they halt the construction of a staircase in a Coptic church in the Omranya district of Greater Cairo." --- Hani Shukrallah, the editor of the Cairo daily Al Ahram

To the Church of England: "Either take the Pope's offer or stop playing games. If you stay behind, you're a Protestant". --- Damian Thompson in The Telegraph

FACTOID: There were more Burials (30,853) than Infant Baptisms (30,682) in 2009 in The Episcopal Church. It is thought this is the first year in which that has ever happened. ---Statman

Dear Brothers and Sisters
January 7, 2010

This week saw the reception of traditionalist Anglicans into full communion with the Roman Catholic Church.

On November 8, 2010, five Bishops of the Church of England (3 in active ministry, 2 in retirement) announced their intention to cease public episcopal ministry and resign from their pastoral responsibilities in the Church of England effective December 31, 2010.

Following this decision, John Broadhurst, Andrew Burnham and Keith Newton (the three former Bishops who had been in active ministry) were received, along with some members of their families, into full communion with the Roman Catholic Church during Mass on January 1, 2011, in Westminster Cathedral. In addition, three former Anglican Religious Sisters were also received.

With the permission of the Holy See, John Broadhurst, Andrew Burnham and Keith Newton will be ordained as Catholic Deacons in Allen Hall Seminary Chapel on Thursday January 13, 2011. Their Ordination as Catholic Priests will take place at Westminster Cathedral on Saturday January 15, 2011.

The two retired former Bishops will be received into full communion with the Catholic Church and proceed to Ordination as Catholic Priests in due course.

These are the first Anglicans to be received into the Roman Catholic Church under a scheme set up by Pope Benedict XVI

By Easter it is expected that the Anglican Ordinariate will have been set up, and up to 50 more Anglican priests will be received into the Catholic Church along with a significant number of laypeople.

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, admits the move puts him in "an awkward position. More recently, he said he respects the decisions of those who decide to leave.

While around 50 clergy are expected to defect to the Catholic Church over the coming months, it has been predicted that thousands of traditionalist worshippers will join the exodus, particularly if they are given no concessions once women are made bishops. Opposition to women bishops is one of the main reasons for the priests' resignations from the Church of England, according to Bishop Alan Hopes, the Catholic bishop who oversaw their welcome into the Ordinariate.

A source in London told VOL that this is not "huge" - a similar number of bishops defected in 1992/1993, including the diocesan bishop of Leicester, and the recently retired Bishop of London. These things happen from time to time. As Columnist Charles Raven observed, "The fact that the Ordinariate is described as 'Anglican' while having no authorization from the Church of England or the wider Anglican Communion is a reminder of just how bold a stroke this is. There are now two fundamentally different forms of Anglicanism in England itself, one of which is part of the Church of Rome."

Very little now remains of the Catholic Movement in the Church of England. With the romanizers having gone to Rome, Mr. Broadhurst is no longer chairman and Dr Kirk is no longer Secretary of Forward in Faith. FiF-UK is now looking to secure its future within the Church of England.

In truth, it is all over for those remaining traditionalists who will have to accept women bishops. The day of flying bishops is over. The conflict in the Church of England now lies between Evangelicals and Liberals. At the moment, the Evangelicals are growing in strength and confidence, thanks be to God, ably pushed along by movements like ALPHA , Cursillo and Christianity Explored


In the US Episcopal Church, the news this week was mixed. The good news is that the Rev. Daniel Martins will now be the Rt. Rev. Daniel Martins Bishop of Springfield. This orthodox priest defied all the odds of winning including a public whipping from the rump bishop of San Joaquin, Jerry Lamb, who urged his fellow bishops not to give consents to Martins. He failed. Martins steps into the shoes of godly former Bishop Peter Beckwith. More details can be read in today's digest.

On the opposite side of the ledger, Massachusetts Bishop Thomas Shaw, who has openly supported gay marriage for years and gave his parish priests permission to perform same-sex marriages soon after the 2009 Episcopal General Convention voted to allow "generous pastoral response" in such situations, participated in a marriage service uniting Episcopal Divinity School dean and president, the Very Reverend Katherine Hancock Ragsdale and Mally Lloyd, Canon to the Ordinary. It was the first lesbian marriage solemnized by Shaw.

Jeff Walton, spokesman for IRD's Anglican Action Program, commented: "Much like the consecration of openly partnered homosexual Bishops Gene Robinson and Mary Glasspool, the Episcopal Church's embrace of same-sex unions continues to drive a wedge between liberal Anglicans in the U.S. and traditionalists in the Global South.

"Ultimately, this is a dispute about scriptural authority, with liberals following what they attest to be widening human experience about sexuality, while traditionalists appeal to historic teachings of the Church and a plain reading of Scripture. The majority of the Episcopal Church is increasingly practicing a separate faith from what most Anglicans practice worldwide."

The full story complete with pics can be read in today's digest.


The attack on Coptic Christians in Alexandria, Egypt, this past week brought resounding criticism from Christians around the world. The New Year's eve attack on Christians in Alexandria is yet another dreadful reminder of the pressure Christian minorities are under in the Middle East, echoing the atrocities we have seen in recent weeks, said the Archbishop of Canterbury.

"We express our deep sadness and mourn the loss of life after the New Year's bombing at a Coptic Orthodox Church in Alexandria. We also express our condolences to His Holiness Pope Shenouda III and to the families and friends of the victims of this terrible and inhuman attack."

It is very clear from the nature of this attack that it was planned by Al Qaeda, especially after the threats that were made against Egypt after the attacks on the church in Baghdad on 31 October 2010.The Coptic community and other Christian groups in Egypt can be sure of our deep sorrow at this terrible event along with our continuing prayers and support for them, said the Most Rev. Dr. Mouneer Hanna Anis, Anglican Bishop of Egypt. Before the week was out, Government forces had several suspects in custody.

An excellent interview with Archbishop Anis by the BBC-4 can be viewed here: http://www.channel4.com/news/catch-up/display/playlistref/060111/clipid/060111_CHRISTIANINT_PAB

I know this man. He is a wonderful man of God and is ably served by a great staff. He knows the clear and present danger of Islamic extremism and is not afraid to talk about it. He is also cautious and careful in his remarks about Islam. He has also been very courageous for his stand for Christian orthodoxy against the Episcopal Church and for refusing money from the UTO because he believes the money comes with strings attached and is spiritually tainted.

In JERUSALEM, a brutal knife attack outside Jerusalem left U.S. tourist Kristine Luken dead and British-born Israeli Kay Wilson severely injured. Both were members of an Anglican Church in Jerusalem,. The attack briefly thrust Israel's Anglican and Jewish-messianic communities into a media whirlwind.

With Christians barely 1.5% of the population in Israel/Palestine, one wonders if the Israeli Government is not complicit in getting rid of Christians as much as Islamists want to kill them. When the last Christian leaves Israel watch these groups turn on each other. Christians have a history of peace-making; if they all go, Israel will be the loser.


On the International front, the Diocese of Recife in Brazil reported that they had 363 confirmations in 2010. Recife Bishop Robinson Cavalcanti said most of the converts had no religion, were merely nominal Christians, or were members of folk religions. Since its expulsion from the Brazilian Anglican Province in Brazil (IEAB) 5 years ago when it came under Primatial oversight from the Province of the Southern Cone of America, the Diocese of Recife has more than doubled its number of congregations, clergy and members. The Diocese, which follows an evangelical and charismatic ethos, will not be a part of a Province that refuses to repent of its doctrinal and moral heterodoxy, and does not maintain the Apostolic Faith and the Resolutions of the Lambeth Conference.

This is living proof that while liberals have the power and money, they can't hold down gospel growth. Bishop Cavilcanti has gone through his own Calvary with what he has suffered at the hands of bishops and clergy he thought were his friends. The Episcopal Church in Brazil is still suing for properties, but Cavilcanti told VOL in Cape Town recently that it is not going anywhere. His diocese is now on the upswing with new converts and congregations.

Listening to his story, one realizes that it is not so far different from what orthodox priests and parishes in TEC have suffered. Now you know why ACNA exists. It would be just as fair to say that ACNA, too, is on the upswing, growing by the day, as TEC sinks slowly into the ground. A small sign that all is not well, Washington National Cathedral, the flagship Episcopal cathedral in the US, can no longer afford to advertize in the Washington POST. And you wonder why Washington Bishop John Chane is departing five years before the mandatory retirement age of 72.

By contrast, I spoke with attorney Raymond Dague, an orthodox Anglican attorney in upstate New York this week. He drew my attention to a parish plant, Church of the Holy Trinity (CANA/ACNA) in downtown Syracuse that is growing by leaps and bounds. No, they don't have a fancy building. They meet in a building that was formerly a Chiropractic office. The church has jumped from 19 parishioners in 2009 to over 40 as 2011 begins. They already have a full time rector in Jeff Altman. When a good seed is planted, it brings forth good fruit. The Episcopal Diocese of Central New York, by contrast, is heading down hill.


CORRUPTION in the Church in India seems to be so entrenched that it is almost a way of life. A VOL reader, V. C. Ravi Chandran from Salem, South India who belongs to the Church of South India Lechler Memorial Church (Salem), commented, "I am a permanent member of that church. I am also the 4th generation member of that church. I also hold the post as C.S.I's People's Welfare Centre Salem area secretary. It is a laity association. I am very sorry to state that every day thousands of rupees are swindled or wasted by the clergy people. Their standards are far below an atheist and they don't have humbleness, repentance, forgiveness, honesty, morality, and they do not fear God and many are alcoholics and womanizers. They even abuse their own congregation with lust and many become prey to this. Further many orphanage funds are diverted and abused, misused and [with] no proper accounts. The same state of affairs continues up to moderator level. The problem is foreign funds sent by these organizations are not properly monitored. I filed one criminal case against our ex Bishop M. Dorai regarding the Yercaud case where he cheated the orphanage [out of] money and lavishly spent for his daughter's marriage." Signed, Ravi


The Manhattan Declaration has come under fire from APPLE corporation. The signers of the declaration received notice of their rejection of their resubmission of the Manhattan Declaration iPhone/iPad app to the Apple App Store. "This is an appalling response from Apple. Nearly 500,000 Christians have signed the Manhattan Declaration including representatives from many major Protestant denominations, leading Catholic Bishops and leaders of the Orthodox Church.

"Apple is telling us that the apps' content is considered 'likely to expose a group to harm' and 'to be objectionable and potentially harmful to others.' Inasmuch as the Manhattan Declaration simply reaffirms the moral teachings of our Christian faith on the sanctity of human life, marriage and sexual morality, and religious freedom and the rights of conscience, Apple's statement amounts to the charge that our faith is 'potentially harmful to others.'

"It is difficult to see how this is anything other than a statement of animus by a major American corporation against the beliefs of millions of Protestant, Catholic and Orthodox citizens. It is our sincere hope that Apple will draw back from this divisive and deeply offensive position. The corporation's leaders must be made to understand that they do the country no good service in capitulating to efforts to stigmatize, marginalize or defame people on one side or the other in important moral debates.

"We will be taking this to Apple's App Review Board after they come back from the Christmas and New Year's holiday observances they mention. If Apple is in good faith, perhaps they will be willing to submit this matter to arbitration. We will keep you informed. Until there is more to report, we will not be making further comments on this matter."

http://www.manhattandeclaration.org/the-movement/latest-updates/10-12-23/Apple_Says_No_to_Manhattan_Declaration_App_2_0-1562643600.aspx Apple Says "No" to Manhattan Declaration App 2.0


Does Religion Make You Healthier? Separation of church and state be damned: maybe the way to control health care costs is to encourage Americans to turn to God, writes Catherine Rampell. After all, the nation's most pious tend to lead healthier lives, according to new findings from the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index.

The index is based on a survey of 550,000 Americans that attempts to measure the components of "the good life." One portion of the index asks people about their habits, like eating vegetables and exercising regularly. The survey found that even after controlling for other kinds of demographic and geographic variables, Americans who say that religion is an important part of daily life and that they attend religious services weekly also report having much healthier habits than people who self-identify as moderately religious or nonreligious.


Court quashes Jews for Jesus suits. A Florida judge has ordered attorney Barry Silver to pay damages to Jews for Jesus, ruling that Silver had filed three equally meritless and nearly identical suits against the organization. Since 2003, Silver has alleged that Jews for Jesus misleads Jews to persuade them to become Christians. The ministry's attorneys countered that Silver was grinding a personal axe against Christianity. Judge Edward Fine ordered Silver to foot the bill for Jews for Jesus' court costs and fees.


Londonderry vicar makes history. Dublin's Black Santa, the Rev. David Gillespie rounded a hugely successful Christmas charity appeal this year by making history as the first Anglican vicar to celebrate the Midnight Eucharist on Christmas Eve live on Irish television.

The Drumahoe man - a one-time Sentinel deputy editor - arrived fresh from a nine-day stint receiving the generosity of the Dublin public in arctic conditions as the city's Black Santa - for the service which was broadcast live on RTÉ.


In yet another bloody blow to the forces of moderation in the Muslim world, the governor of Pakistan's Punjab province, Salman Taseer, has been assassinated by a member of his elite security guard in Islamabad. Governor Taseer, a prominent member of the ruling Pakistan People's Party, was killed because he openly opposed the country's draconian blasphemy law and called for the pardon of Asia Bibi, a Christian mother of five who was sentenced to death under the section 295c of the law by a Pakistani court in November.

Christians, Ahmadiyas, and other minorities constitute half of those accused under the blasphemy laws, even though they are only 5 percent of the population. Since their testimony counts for less than that of a Muslim in the country's sharia courts, they can be convicted solely on the basis of the testimony of one or more Muslim accusers. The law is very often used to settle personal grievances. Bibi's case follows this pattern. Taseer, himself a Muslim, had called the blasphemy law a "black law" because of its many abuses. He was one of the few officials brave enough to speak out in the face of angry protest by the law's Islamist supporters.

Within the United Nations, Pakistan has led an annual effort to promote an international blasphemy law, called an "anti-defamation" law, to protect Islam. Taseer's murder is an important victory for extremism and should be recognized as such by U.S. policy makers.


MERE ANGLICAN conference in Charleston is set for January 20. There is still time to be a part of this historic conference that will see such luminaries as Middle East Archbishop Mouneer Anis presenting attendance. To register by mail or fax, download the registration form, fill out, and mail it with your check, made payable to Mere Anglicanism: http://www.mereanglicanism.com/ma_2011_registration.pdf.

Mail to: Mere Anglicanism Conference 2011 Cathedral Church of St. Luke and St. Paul 126 Coming Street Charleston, SC 29403-6151

Or you may fax your registration to Kester Heaton at 843-722-2105


AMIA's WINTER CONFERENCE 2011 is set for February 9-12 in Greensboro, North Carolina. Join them at Winter Conference 2011 as they celebrate Jesus as the "Heart of the Mission." Make plans to attend and experience challenging and inspirational teaching, practical workshops, encouraging fellowship, rich worship and more. This is also a great opportunity to bring friends who want to explore the AMiA, so invite them to, "Come and see." REGISTER NOW: http://www.regonline.com/register/checkin.aspx?EventId=828018

VIRTUEONLINE will be at both conferences.


The hideous forces of gay darkness coalesced this week in Vancouver BC when the announcement was made that the new Chancellor for Vancouver School of Theology had appointed the gay Cathedral Dean, the Very Reverend Peter Elliott, Rector of Christ Church Cathedral and Dean of the Diocese of New Westminster, as Chancellor. He succeeds Dr. Louise Rolston effective January 1st who served for three years after Archbishop Douglas Hambidge stepped down as Chancellor. The Chancellor is a volunteer senior leadership position, participating in the life of the school as a member of the Board of Governors, Faculty Council, serves as President of the Friends of VST and presides, as an officer of the school at Convocation. One VOL reader wrote to say it is the final takeover by the pansexual forces in the Diocese of New Westminster and the entrenchment of heterodoxy.


A friend of VOL, The Rev. Dr. Guy Fitch Lytle III, University of the South School of Theology professor of church history and Anglican studies, will retire from the faculty at the end of 2011.

According to a press release from the Sewanee, Tennessee-based school, Lytle will be on sabbatical leave during the year preceding his retirement, pursuing several writing and research projects.

Lytle joined the Episcopal Church-affiliated seminary in 1991 when he was appointed dean by Dr. Samuel Williamson, then vice chancellor of the University of the South. Lytle is also the Bishop Juhan Professor of Divinity. Under his leadership, financial support of the seminary by dioceses and parishes expanded according to the press release. Large gifts received during his time as dean have allowed the School of Theology to offer very substantial financial aid to all students who need it. He created the school's Visiting Committee, which the release calls one of the chief means by which the seminary comes into dialogue with the wider church and community. Lytle was also involved in planning for the school's Chapel of the Apostles.


The British YWCA dropped the word Christian from its historic name to call itself Platform 51. The YWCA has now re-invented itself as a modern group ditching its Christian image. The charity has gone through a radical overhaul to shake off its old image. The Young Women's Christian Association has dropped its historic title after 156 years because "it no longer stands for who we are". Instead the organization - which is mainly funded by legacies left by Christian supporters over 15 decades - will be known as "Platform 51".


A retired Episcopal priest has been charged with sexual abuse. Episcopal Church and Montana officials say a retired priest is facing child sexual abuse charges and is awaiting extradition to Maryland.

The Episcopal Diocese of Maryland issued a statement Wednesday saying the Rev. Donald Belcher, 82, who now lives in Yaak, Mont., had been indicted by a Maryland grand jury on child sexual abuse charges.

Crystal Byington, deputy court clerk in Lincoln County, Mont., said Belcher appeared in court Dec. 29 on a Maryland extradition warrant for a sexual assault charge. The diocese said Belcher was vicar of the Church of the Holy Cross in Street from 2001 to 2007. The diocese says steps are being taken to prohibit Belcher from priestly functions and an investigation has begun.


Sadly we must report that The Rev. Marshall Brown, associate rector at Truro Church in Fairfax, VA, and a longtime minister at one of the country's largest and most prominent conservative Anglican churches, has been fired for repeatedly using a church computer to surf for pornography, an official at the Fairfax church said. With more than 1,200 members, Truro was one of the biggest parishes in the Episcopal Church, the American province of Anglicanism. The full story can be in today's digest.


As we go into the New Year, please consider tax-deductible donation to keep VOL coming weekly into your e-mail inbox. We have reporters to support and a website to maintain. I will be attending three conferences in the next three weeks so your help is truly appreciated.

You can send your tax-deductible donation to:

1236 Waterford Rd.,
West Chester, PA 19380

Or you can also make a donation at VOL's website www.virtueonline.org through PAYPAL. Thank you for your support.

All blessings,

David W. Virtue, DD

BREAKING NEWS...The Church of the Good Shepherd and its rector Fr. David L. Moyer voluntarily withdrew its lawsuit against their former attorney John H. Lewis Jr., Read all about it in today's digest.

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