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TEC Presiding Bishop Outraged that Lutherans Ordain Transgendered Bishop

TEC Presiding Bishop Outraged that Lutherans Ordain Transgendered Bishop

A Satirical Essay

By David W. Virtue, DD
September 16, 2021

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry expressed outrage yesterday on learning that the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America had ordained a transgender bishop before the Episcopal Church had done so.

"This violates our concordat," with the ELCA, said the indignant Episcopal leader.

"We are supposed to be leading the mainline churches in sexual deviancy, so for the ELCA to get ahead of us is unacceptable. It could affect ecumenical niceties for decades and could dissolve our relationship", he told reporters.

"They said a 'A New Thing is Happening' with this transgender consecration, but we started the 'new thing' with Gene Robinson back in 2003. They have stolen our language and behavior. I am outraged."

Curry said he was going to make sure that the next bishop of Springfield is a trannie, and, if possible, black, with the requisite sex change operation paid for by the church.


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