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PENNSYLVANIA: Standing Committee Again calls on Bennison to Resign

PENNSYLVANIA: Standing Committee Again calls on Bennison to Resign
Bishop taken to task over $350,000 unauthorized draw down. Staff let go.

By David W. Virtue

The Standing Committee of the Diocese of Pennsylvania has again called on Charles E. Bennison the Bishop of Pennsylvania to resign, citing a drawdown of $350,000 of Unrestricted Net Assets on March 31st just prior to the Special Convention.

In an open letter to Bishop Bennison on April 21, the Standing Committee wrote saying that the draw down showed a lack of a commitment to "transparency", and "in the absence of your proper designation of these funds and the approval of Standing Committee in accordance with our Canons, we question why this action was not reported to the Special Convention."

"We strongly disapprove of this drawdown. We will ask the help of the Chancellor in establishing procedures to insure that draw downs will not happen again without proper consultation."

"We understand from the Standing Committee liaison to Finance & Property that at the Diocesan Council Meeting of Wednesday, April 19, 2006, it was reported that this drawdown had taken place and the funds would be restored if and when money became available. While we support this acknowledgement of the error, we believe this is an example of the lack of sound financial practice and oversight that has created the current financial crisis and could bring us to bankruptcy in the future."

"As a result of our continuing concern about the finances of the Diocese and your lack of leadership, the Standing Committee strongly reaffirms our call for you to retire or resign."

Because of the budget crisis, Bennison laid off a number of staff including the Director of Communications and editor of the Pennsylvania Episcopalian Mr. Jeff Brodeur. The May issue of the newspaper was also cancelled. Brodeur said that further diocesan communications issues would now be handled by Bennison's executive assistant, Barbara Alton.

The Standing Committee has invited all members of the diocese to attend an "Open Forum" to be held on Monday, May 1, 2006 from 7 - 8:30 PM at St. George's Church, Ardmore At 1 West Ardmore Avenue, Ardmore. High on the agenda is the Standing Committee's call for the Bishop's Retirement or Resignation as well as the current state of Diocesan Finances and the status of the special audit authorized by the Special Convention on March 25, 2006.

Someone, however, should ask the Standing Committee members why they did nothing for four years about the financial mess caused by Bennison.

It is ironic that The Standing Committee has sent out an "open letter", but right after they sent it out the Rev. Bill Wood (president) and Rev. Mary Laney (vice president) welcomed Bennison last Sunday (April 23) to confirm the children at St. Christophers, Gladwyne! As expected, Bennison's sermon put forth the homosexual agenda, VOL was told.


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