A Satirical Essay
March 1, 2024
My Dear Wermwood
I am most impressed that your chief patient, the Primate of All England, opened the recent meeting of the General Synod of the dear CofE by denouncing the agents of the Enemy as malign forces. I am even more impressed that he did this on his own initiative. Celebrated as 'the voice that boiled a billion kettles' when he preached at last year's coronation, and now almost completely devoid of residual restraint, he is by far our most successful archiepiscopal project to date.
Our sustained strategy for enabling the English to worship themselves - the Royal Supremacy over the Church, Parliamentary Democracy and, finally, the General Synod, is bearing great fruit. Since our triumphant suppression of the Book of Common Prayer, our English Anglican clients have long been accustomed to cherishing their infernal dreams rather than worrying about deceitful lusts, appetites, devices and desires.
Most of the few who still use the BCP do so only as an expression of social or cultural superiority. By the way, Our Father is delighted with the leather-bound, numbered limited edition of the Prayer Book Society's illuminated Cranmeresque Prayers of Love and Faith. The autographed commendation by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex was a deliciously inspired touch.
Lastly, well done in keeping those unhappy with our progress in the Established Church nevertheless wishing to remain within it. Their desire to negotiate with Our Father signals their defeat.
Your affectionate uncle,