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NIGERIA: Anglican Church to Form Parishes in U.S.

Anglican Church of Nigeria to form churches in U.S.

From The Vanguard, a Nigerian newspaper

Sunday, May 16, 2004

THE Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) may have begun subtle moves to establish churches in the United States, to take care of African and Caribbean interests opposed to last year’s consecration of V. Gene Robinson, a confessed homosexual, as the bishop of New Hampshire.

Nigeria, leading the Conference of Anglican Provinces of Africa, CAPA,
representing about 40 million Anglicans as well as those in Asia and
Southern America, had vehemently opposed the consecration, an act which threatened the fabric of the otherwise united communion.

Speaking in his presidential charge at the second session of the second
Synod on Thursday, the Bishop of Lagos West Diocese, Rt. Reverend Peter Awelawa Adebiyi said a Nigerian contingent to the US was amazed at the number of Nigerians and Africans who were in Indianapolis but were not ready to worship in the Episcopal Church of the United States of America, ECUSA, because of the problem of homosexuality. The theme of this year’s Synod is “The Church in the Society.”

According to the bishop, who first announced the intention of the
Nigerian church to establish churches in the US to spiritually nurture
Nigerian residents there, instead of staying without a church said, “we
encouraged Venerable Seye Fagbamiye to bring Nigerians and other
nationalities that are interested together. Ven. Fagbamiye is a Nigerian
Anglican priest studying at Indianapolis in the state of Indiana, USA and
he has successfully brought together a congregation known as Chapel of Resurrection in the town”.


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