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March 15 2021
Albany Bishop Resigns from HOB and The Episcopal Church This is without any anger or animosity, only sadness on the parting of friends. 2021 marks fifty years of ordination.
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March 15 2021
HOPE IS A CHOICE Now, it must be said, throughout the history of the Church there have always been those who have profited from, and motivated populations, with fear.
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March 15 2021
Christian scientist John Polkinghorne dies at 90 He remained an honorary fellow of the college until his death in Cambridge on March 10.
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March 13 2021
AUSTRALIA: Anglican Church faces shortage of ministers, churches in the bush as it repays victims of child sexual abuse In a bid to balance its books, the church is also asking new ministers to raise up to $30,000 to help run their churches before relocating out west.
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March 12 2021
THE PEDIGREE OF REFORMATIONAL ANGLICANISM The Ecclesia Anglicana and its offspring in various provinces throughout the world are the recipients and custodians of a priceless heritage emerging from the findings of pious and scholarly
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March 11 2021
Survey: Churchgoers say they plan to return to in-person services "Many of these pastors are wondering if those who haven't returned ever will," Scott McConnell, executive director of Lifeway Research, said in a press release.
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March 11 2021
Leaving DarkLand -- Book Review Wallen approaches the reader as an able pastor of long and varied experience, and also as a sympathetic friend with keen fellow feeling and genuine kindness.
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March 11 2021
'He will Guide us into all truth,' but is it Gene Robinson's understanding of truth? First, all religious beliefs do not change over time. That is pure fiction.
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March 10 2021
Welby and the back yard wedding It was only a matter of minutes before various clergy took to Twitter to ask questions about this bizarre event. And quite right too.
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Trinity School for Ministry
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