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Living with Tares - by Edward S. Little

Living with Tares - by Edward S. Little

Why I stay in a church that has seriously strayed from biblical teaching.


Whenever a priest or a deacon in the Episcopal Church is removed from ministry, the cleric's diocese sends official notification to every active bishop. In the years since the church's controversial General Convention of 2003-a convention that, among other things, consented to the ordination of a partnered gay bishop-most notices contain a disclaimer: "This action was taken for causes that do not affect moral character." This is code language. It usually means that the priest or deacon has left for reasons of conscience.

The departures are painful to me. Many of these clergy are beloved friends, not names on a form but fellow disciples, conscientious followers of Jesus. Why do I not join them?

This question is also pondered by all theologically conservative Christians who remain in liberal denominations. I know I'm not alone, though I ask the question from a unique situation.

I am a bishop of the Episcopal Church, ordained to the priesthood in 1971 and to the episcopate in 2000. On the theological spectrum of the church, I fall clearly on the conservative side-with a catholic love for historic faith and order, an evangelical zeal for the gospel, and a commitment to the authority of Scripture.

For the rest of the story click the links below:

The Rt. Rev. Edward S. Little is Bishop of Northern Indiana

http://www.christianitytoday.com/ Christianity Today, March 2006

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