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As Eye See It
October 23 2004 By virtueonline EKKLESIA head says Africans will act in Lagos over Windsor Report flop

In Lango Diocese in Northern Uganda, conditions are very hard. By Western standards, they are quite desperate. 26 of the 75 parishes in the diocese have been overrun by rebels. The people have fled and there are refugees in the other villages and towns in the Southern part of the diocese. When I told the Bishop, Charles Odurkami that we had raised some money for relief he replied, “Oh thank God. But if you could…could you send half of it to Soroti Diocese?

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October 23 2004 By virtueonline FLORIDA: Rector looks at Windsor Report - by Sam Pascoe

Third, I am assuming that the people who wrote the report are good people trying to do a good job at a tough time on a hard subject.

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October 22 2004 By virtueonline “A First Step in the Right Direction” - by Gregory O. Brewer

Several affirmations are helpful, significant and worthy of note:

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October 22 2004 By virtueonline Windsor Report Review - by Andrew Carey

Its chief recommendations are enhanced powers for the Archbishop of Canterbury, But these are no new powers, they are merely a reiteration of his existing powers to invite or not invite to Anglican Communion gatherings. He is to be backed by a Council of Advice to share decision-making and give him the confidence to use these powers by not exercising them in isolation. Unfortunately lonely burdensome leadership is sometimes required.

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October 21 2004 By virtueonline Reflections on the crisis of the Anglican Communion - by Ray Kasch

It is infecting all parts of the Body of Christ and for biblical Christians it is a disease that, left unchallenged, will prove spiritually fatal for individuals as well as for the Church. Lest someone prematurely conclude that this analogy is far too dramatic, the scope of this paper is to consider the ramifications of Gene Robinson’s consecration through the lenses of systematic theology because it is through this discipline that the interconnectedness of truths becomes most apparent.

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October 19 2004 By virtueonline Windsor Report: A New Chapter In "The Tale Of Two Religions" - by Joe Wilson

It is not a good sign that this cartoon surfaced in my memory as I read the latest document of the Anglican Church.
One reasonable initial reaction upon reading the newly released Windsor Report of the Archbishop of Canterbury's Lambeth Commission is to agree with Frank Griswold, who writes, "The Report will be received and interpreted within the Provinces of the Communion in different ways, depending on our understanding of the nature and appropriate expression of sexuality."

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October 19 2004 By virtueonline Windsor Report leaves bitter taste - by Lee Buck

My question is, "Do you think that the Episcopal Bishops had any fears that when they elected Vicki Gene that it was not purely local and that anyone would care enough to protest? Such a thought never entered their collective diminutive, amoebic, Lilliputian minds. They had one thought and that was the promotion of the homoerotic agenda and to hell with the results.

And here is another quote from the report:

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October 19 2004 By virtueonline Anglicans United says bonds of communion broken

It defies belief that he can ignore the first 145 paragraphs of the document and concentrate on paragraph 146, on the ongoing process of listening recommended in the last section of Lambeth Resolution 1.10. Obviously, he believes that those unconvinced now of the efficacy and blessedness of homosexuality, just need to be persuaded and ECUSA will be the handmaiden to the Communion by sending many around the globe to discuss and convert. I cannot overstress the tragedy of this conclusion.

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October 19 2004 By virtueonline A note on the Windsor Report - by Ephraim Radner

In short, they have decided to describe a "container for communion" that, they hope, will be vehicle for responsible life together in contrast to the present chaos (what they call the "crippling prospect" of repeated conflict in par. 119). They have avoided describing what communion can be or must be in the face of or when engaged with ecclesial chaos. This is a decidedly clear attempt to sidestep communion life as it is bound up with human sin; only with structural impediments.

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October 19 2004 By virtueonline Statement by the Primate of the Traditional Anglican Communion: "Anger and Hurt"

* It ends the "Period of Reception" of women as deacons, priests and bishops by claiming that this innovation has been achieved "without division." * It suggests that this process is a model for the discernment of a church policy on homosexuality.

* It trivialises the destruction of Unity with the Roman Catholic and Orthodox Churches, while upholding Unity as the most significant attribute of the Anglican Communion.

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