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As Eye See It
February 19 2005 By virtueonline Still Fighting Over Nicaea - by Ted Olsen

Not that the Council of Nicaea was as decisive as it is usually billed, either. It took almost 60 years for Nicaea's influence to solidify. In the meantime, the main heresy condemned at the council, Arianism, became ascendant and almost triumphed over orthodoxy. Even the Nicene Creed recited today wasn't really adopted until 381, 56 years after the council ended.

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Worship must be based on the truth of scripture, not our opinions about God. I submit these verses with love not wanting to sound homophobic

The question that begs to be asked is: Do we place our identity as the Episcopal Church above that of belonging to the same church that can be traced historically to Jesus Christ?

Q - Why do we call the Holy Scriptures the Word of God?

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February 15 2005 By virtueonline STAND FIRM ALABAMA: Can't Happen Here, Can It?

In 1999, Bishop Parsley was the Eucharist celebrant at Integrity's Southeast regional convention held in Birmingham, AL. This is very different from his being the celebrant at a parish that might be sympathetic to Integrity's goals or happen to have a lot of members that are also members of Integrity. In these latter settings he is required to minister to all people in his diocese.

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February 15 2005 By virtueonline IF THOU BE THE PREZBISH - by Christopher S. Johnson

now leads him out into the wilderness to undergo an intense season of testing and temptation: 40 days and 40 nights, as we just sang, reminiscent of similar seasons of testing and preparation in the lives of Moses and Elijah, as well as Israel's 40 years of being and formed and made ready to enter the promised land.

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February 13 2005 By virtueonline A SENIOR WARDEN'S LAMENT: "Why I left my liberal parish" - by Bill Boniface

[b]The Danger to our Church[/b]

As you're all aware this is sadly my wife's and my last day at St. Thomas'. Never in my wildest dreams when we came back to this little church after many years away and made the decision to remain in Upper Marlboro for the foreseeable future did I think we'd ever become part of that large group of folks known as "former St. Thomas' parishioners."

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February 12 2005 By virtueonline Tug of War - by Mario Bergner

At university I met openly homosexual people, none of whom were predators. Two compassionate gay professors encouraged me to find meaning in homosexuality. Declaring myself gay, I disengaged from the Christian pull for a while and became involved in gay political theater.

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February 09 2005 By virtueonline The Scandal of the Evangelical Conscience - by Ron Sider

Divorce is MORE common among "born-again" Christians than in the general American population. Only 6 percent of evangelicals tithe. White evangelicals are the MOST likely people to object to neighbors of another race. Josh McDowell has pointed out that the sexual promiscuity of evangelical youth is only a little less outrageous than that of their nonevangelical peers.

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February 07 2005 By virtueonline Homosexual Advocacy in Church Perspective from a Fifth-Generation Episcopalian

The Episcopal Church has debated the "normalization" of homosexual practices, same-sex marriage and the ordination of practicing homosexuals, for two decades.

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February 05 2005 By virtueonline An Open Letter To Bishops Who Support Decisions of GC2003 - by Leander Harding

This appears to me to entail a conviction that a number of empirical questions concerning homosexuality have been settled including the question of the developmental origins of homosexuality. You seem to be teaching that it is a settled matter that homosexuality is biologically innate and therefore irremediable. If this is so can you tell me the scientific authorities that you find persuasive?

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February 04 2005 By virtueonline Reproducing Christianity - by The Rev'd Dave Feddes

Author Bat Ye'or titled a recent book Eurabia-a blend of Europe and Arabia. She describes Europe's growing political, cultural, and religious ties with Muslims. She thinks the move toward Eurabia has gone so far that it can't be reversed.

Moderate Muslim scholar Bassam Tibi, a Syrian-born German citizen, expects Europe to become Islamic; the only question is what sort of Islam. Professor Tibi wonders whether hardcore Islam or a more tolerant version "is to dominate in Europe."

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