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As Eye See It
March 16 2005 By virtueonline Is The Episcopal Church A Sect? - by Michael Petty

In my judgment, both the above decisions and much of the reaction to them point to our central problem, of which most of our "issues" are merely symptoms. The Episcopal Church appears to be losing her sense of what it means to be the Church and is degenerating into an American denomination or,worse, a Protestant sect. Our social prestige, entre to elite culture and our "establishment" past have blinded us to this problem and, indeed, have contributed to it.

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March 15 2005 By virtueonline Take Away The Stone - by Claudia Kalis

As parish boundaries have ceased to exist, so have Diocesan and Provincial boundaries. We are not united because we live in a particular place. We are united because we adhere to the one, holy, catholic and apostolic faith. We are united because we have embraced Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior -- the Redeemer of the World.

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March 14 2005 By virtueonline FLORIDA: "Out of the depths we cry" - Bishop Cavilcanti

The authorities of the Church are insisting on the formalities, in the external matters, in the legal procedures, but the reality is that those things are not central, are not essential. The Cross of Christ is the Center. The Words of Christ is the center. The demands of Christ is the center. We are today just a week from Holy Week. We are following the steps of Christ, listening to His message, watching his miracles on the way to the Cross, but also on the way to the empty grave.

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March 14 2005 By virtueonline KANSAS: Christ Church Deal to Depose Clergy Unfair - by Alison Barfoot

So, what do I think of the latest developments? While I have seen something coming for quite some time, like everyone else, I only learned the details of the negotiated separation agreement on Sunday, 6th March, and have only been able to follow the story from afar through the internet.

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March 12 2005 By virtueonline CEN: Neglect of Bible 'is leaving church impotent'

The way that the Bible is read in Church has driven him to despair: “I am often saddened by the inattention with which the Bible is read in worship.

“Only rarely, I am tempted to say, do I gain the impression that the person reading the Scriptures actually believes that what is being read means something.”

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March 10 2005 By virtueonline Ultimatum: Shape Up or Ship Out - by Ian Hunter

So, what's to be done?

The Bishops directive is blunt and it is in four parts:

(1) Until 2008 (the next meeting of the Lambeth Conference) Canadian and American Bishops are no longer welcome to participate in the Church's deliberative assembly, the Anglican Consultative Council (ACC). A more blatant snub is difficult to imagine.

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March 09 2005 By virtueonline Split inevitable. Williams playing for time - by Christoper S. Johnson [MCJ]

"It does send a very, very negative symbol to the Canadian church, no question," Archbishop Hutchison said in an interview. "The message it sends to us is that at the moment he does not want to be associated with the Canadians."

Really unhappy.

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March 09 2005 By virtueonline A Clear Choice - by Martyn Minns

To underscore the seriousness of this choice, both provinces were asked to withdraw their members from the Anglican Consultative Council (ACC) and to provide an explanation for their behavior and actions at the next meeting of the ACC. This measure - an unprecedented rebuke of both Churches - has produced a wide range of responses, including a rather truculent statement from Presiding Bishop Griswold, "I cannot imagine saying .We got it wrong..."

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March 09 2005 By virtueonline Wright Wrong - by Geoffrey Kirk

Clergy will by now have run to their copies of the Canons of Nicaea. And they will have realised that Canon 8 says nothing whatever about bishops 'crossing boundaries'. It is about 'clergy flight' and 'clergy poaching'; about priests who seek to flee discipline in one jurisdiction by taking refuge in another, and about bishops who seek to lure clergy from another diocese to work in their own. (The general area now dealt with by Canons 265-272 of the present Codex Iuris Canonici)

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March 09 2005 By virtueonline "What we have been teaching is the teaching of the Communion" - by Robert Duncan

First, said Bishop Duncan, "They told us to go back home and say to everyone that 'what we have been teaching here the teaching of the communion." The Primates' statement, explained Bishop Duncan, made it unequivocally clear that the church has not changed its position on the supremacy of Holy Scripture, or its bar on blessing homosexual relationships. Post-Primates links

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