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Consistency in defense of the Faith and in opposing Heresies

Consistency in defense of the Faith and in opposing Heresies
A Response to Presiding Bishop Frank T. Griswold

Since 1971 the Prayer Book Society of the USA has maintained a full commitment to the doctrine and liturgies contained in The Book of Common Prayer, particularly the latest American edition of 1928.

At the same time it has commended both the latest Canadian edition of the same Prayer Book, that of 1962, and also has expressed its admiration of the classic English edition of 1662.

Because of this commitment to reformed Catholic doctrine, order, morality and public prayer, the Society has also had to oppose major innovations to the historic Anglican Way that have occurred in the Episcopal Church. The major opposition, which began in the 1970s and has continued to this day, is to the confusion in the USA (not in Canada and England) of The Book of Common Prayer with other types of Prayer Books, especially those which address the "You-God" and have a variety of services from which to choose.

Since 1979 the Episcopal Church has called what is by its nature and content "A Book of Varied Services" by the sacred name of "The Book of Common Prayer" and it has regrettably confined its own historic and true Book of Common Prayer in the edition of 1928 to its archives. Often the Society has suggested that the 1979 Prayer Book become what prayer books like it are in other provinces of the Anglican Communion of Church, "A Book of Alternative Services."

Further, it has asked that the classic Prayer Book, in the edition of 1928, return as the chief Prayer Book of the Episcopal Church, with the 1979 as an alternative and as subordinate to it. Do read, Neither Orthodoxy Nor A Formulary by Dr Louis Tarsitano and Dr Peter Toon (available from the Prayer Book Society at www.anglicanmarketplace.com ) for more details of these important matters. During the last year or so, while there has been a universal protest from Anglicans worldwide against the innovations in the doctrine and practice of sexuality accepted in the Episcopal Church, the Prayer Book Society has not said much publicly.

However, when the Episcopal Church, through its Presiding Bishop, produced, published and offered to the whole Anglican Family in June 2005, a description, defense and commendation of the practice of same-sex affection and the ordination of persons in same-sex partnerships, then the Society decided it could no longer remain silent.

It is embarrassed and shamed by the public commitment of the Episcopal Church to these innovations and it joins with most of the Anglican Family in asking God's Spirit to move upon the ECUSA leadership and bring them to a change of mind and heart.

So it commissioned its Vice-President and Editor, Dr Peter Toon, to write a spirited and yet gentle critique of the ECUSA book, which has the beguiling title, To Set Our Hope on Christ (Episcopal Church Center, NYC, June 2005). He has previously published books in the area of the development of doctrine and the modern method of basing doctrine on experience. Now the Board of the Prayer Book Society is pleased to announce that the reply, Same-Sex Affection, Holiness and Ordination, A Response to Presiding Bishop Frank T. Griswold, as a large booklet of 64 pages, is completed and is available at the web-site of the Society to be read or downloaded - www.episcopalian.org/pbs1928. The attractive Booklet itself is available from August 2, 2005 from the PBS Office for $7.50. including postage (Prayer Book Society, P. O. Box 35220, Philadelphia, PA. 19128-03220).

From mid-August it can be bought on line by credit card at www.anglicanmarketplace.com For bulk orders at much reduced prices call 1-800-727-1928 or e mail thomascranmer2000@yahoo.com PLEASE make the Reply by Dr. Toon to the ECUSA sexual innovations widely known, so that American Anglicans and Episcopalians both know what is being propagated by the ECUSA, what is the theological method being used and how to recognize the method and doctrine as false and heretical.


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