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CANADA: Ex-Gays Make Their Case to Canadian House of Bishops


By David W. Virtue

The Zacchaeus Fellowship, a group of clergy and lay individuals who have come out of the gay lifestyle made a presentation before the House of Bishops of the Anglican Church of Canada late at its meeting late last month.

What they said was that they wanted to bear witness to the transforming power of Christ's love in their lives. "As men and women who have struggled with same-sex attractions, we seek to be a voice of hope to the church and to others who share these struggles. We encourage the Church to stand firm in proclaiming to everyone who experiences same-sex attractions that Christ offers them new life and hope. We know what it's like to have homosexual feelings. Yet we also have come to accept the Biblical teaching that all sexual relations outside heterosexual marriage are contrary to God's Will as declared in Holy Scripture."

Those are not words that the predominantly liberal Canadian HOB wanted to hear, especially its Archbishop Andrew Hutchison. But listen they did.

They were supported in their cause by their chaplain, The Rt. Rev. Terry Buckle, the bishop of the Diocese of Yukon and the acting metropolitan for the Province of British Columbia and Yukon, who introduced them and presented them to the House. He spoke of Zacchaeus, the tax collector, and how the social outcast came to Jesus when called, and how his life was transformed when he encountered Christ. Bishop Buckle commented on how the name of the group was not an accident. He also pointed out how several group members had traveled great distances to make this presentation, and that fact should speak to their commitment to this cause.

The first to address the HOB was the Rev. Dawn McDonald.

My name is Dawn McDonald, and I am the rector of Holy Cross Japanese Canadian Anglican Church in the Diocese of New Westminster.

My parents were missionaries in Japan. I have struggled with same-sex attractions for most of my life. My first attraction being that at 13, to a classmate. I tried very hard to ignore and overcome my feelings for other women, but I succumbed and entered a homosexual lifestyle when I turned 20. I lived in the lifestyle for a little over 13 years.

I thought I was happy in the lifestyle, and I was not looking for any change when I experienced God's Unconditional Love in a supernatural way. It is in experiencing God's deep love for me that I experienced profound healing in my inner most being, and I was freed of the same-sex attractions. I have now been married for almost 8 years to a wonderful man, and I have no doubt that my sexual orientation has been changed. While my experience is not unique, I also realize that such supernatural healing of sexual orientation is not the norm, but for the most part, a journey and a process. Although my sexual orientation has undergone change, today, God's healing work continues in me, and I am still very much on a journey towards wholeness. God's work is gentle, though His reconstructive surgery is not without pain. Yet, the reward is well worth the pain, for I know I am coming out a better person for subjecting myself to the Lord, and the peace and joy I experience in this process is out of this world.

I am one of the founders of Zacchaeus. And I would like to tell you why I worked to found Zacchaeus. To simply and blanketly assume that all who experience same-sex attractions would like to have their sexual orientation affirmed by the Church is false. Our personal experiences here is that there are many in the pews who struggle with same-sex attractions and simply want the Church to walk with them as they seek an alternative to living out the gay lifestyle. Sadly, many such individuals are afraid to speak out, for they are afraid the Church would either affirm them, or condemn them. Traditionally, we have been very lousy, and have come across as very condemning, while more recently; the pendulum has swung too much to the other way, with attempts being made to coax us to embrace same-sex attractions as good and God-given. We call such individuals "silent sufferers."

My life has been full of traumatic experiences, but the darkest day of my life was when the Diocese of New Westminster (my diocese) embraced the blessings of the same-sex unions. For me, it meant that the Church was no longer in the position to support us in seeking an alternative, nor was it walking with us in our journey towards wholeness in Christ. Hope has been robbed from us.

Out of my deep concern for those silent sufferers who are still struggling with same-sex attractions but do not wish their orientations affirmed by the Church, I gathered signatures for the letter we wrote to the General Synod asking for our voice and stories to be heard. And when the motion at the General Synod in effect excluded us from the dialogue at the family table because our existence was simply going to "complicate things" we felt very insignificant. It was then that we realized we cannot stop speaking out, nor allow ourselves to be silenced in hopes that we would go away. If not for anyone else, for the sake of silent sufferers, we need to be the voice of hope in this Anglican Church of ours. And so, together, with some of my friends here, and some who are praying for us elsewhere, we founded the Zacchaeus Fellowship. The next up was Daryle Duke, here is his testimony.

I live in Winnipeg and have worked as a psychiatric nurse for eighteen years. I have attended an Anglican church since about six years of age. My entire family dropped out within a few years - but I always felt that walking with God was the right thing to do. I was baptized and confirmed at age thirteen when I was able to speak my vows for myself. At that same period of time I kept a hidden and growing secret fantasy life about male peers, which frightened me. I remember sitting quietly in church, listening to sermons, and wondering if this could be a safe place to disclose my many burdens.

After many years, exploration with fantasy and pornography became a constantly occupying sexual addiction. I crossed a line behaviorally in my twenties and began exploring anonymous sexual encounters in gay cruising areas of my city, and turned for a time away from God. A crisis point came when I was named as a possible contact for a sexually transmitted disease and had to undergo mandatory testing and follow-up through the department of health.

I then resolved to make a sacramental confession and began a long season of counseling and group therapy to explore underlying causes of compulsive behaviors. Today I have been happily married for eleven years and have two daughters - something I thought was inconceivable as a teenager, as I had determined not to enter into marriage dishonestly.

Out of my experience of healing and increased insights and ministering to others such as myself, many sinful behaviors and temptations have been removed from me. This has been a process of maturing and developing godly disciplines by which I now live out on a daily basis. To conceptualize this testimony in a few words, I live at peace and that this life that our Lord has given me is very, very good.

Alan Yoshioka

My name is Alan Yoshioka. I'm an associate member of the Zacchaeus Fellowship and belong to Holy Family Catholic Church in Parkdale, Toronto.

From 1984 through 1986, I wrote a weekly column on gay and lesbian issues in a student newspaper - the first of its kind in Canada, I believe. I was well connected with gay community organizations and attended Metropolitan Community Church of Toronto regularly for seven years. For sixteen and a half years I was sexually active as an openly gay man.

I have been celibate now for the past five years and counting. I've participated actively in the Zacchaeus Fellowship since last fall and found in it a community of men and women who understand the joys and trials of holding fast to traditional Christian teaching on homosexuality. I value the group for the fellowship and prayerful support it provides.

Don Alcock

My name is Don Alcock, and I am Rector of St Thomas the Apostle and St David's Anglican Churches in Cambridge, Ontario, in the Diocese of Huron.

For most of my life I struggled with same-sex attractions but was too ashamed of what I believed to be wrong in the eyes of God and too fearful of the repercussions to come out openly. I longed to change but feared seeking help in the church, so I suffered silently in the pews. Beginning in the early 1990s God began to transform me, but while in seminary I turned my back on what God was doing in my life to embrace the so-called real me, a gay man. God in His infinite mercy did not give up on me, but continued to bring loving Christians into my life, who helped get me back on the path of healing. I hoped only to live in celibacy without the desires for another man, but God had more for me than I could ask or imagine: He brought a loving Christian woman into my life and I have been happily married now for three years.

I joined the Zacchaeus Fellowship for the opportunity to give back to others what was given to me - the love and support needed during the journey out of the lifestyle. For me, our Fellowship is an outlet to proclaim God's healing and transforming love and mercy. God has called me to speak out to bring hope to others who are struggling with same-sex attractions and to those who wish to help others on their journeys.

Alan MacGowan

My name is Alan MacGowan. I am a member of St. Mary's Anglican Church, Parish of Chatham, Diocese of Fredericton. I am a professional architect with a large church developer.

My early years consisted of trying to find my identity, and to establish my masculinity. While reacting to my various life experiences, I got caught up in the gay lifestyle. Realizing that lifestyle was incompatible with my parents' Christian teaching, I lived with confusion, insecurity and rejection. I did not attend church nor did I follow God.

As I continued to struggle with my masculine identity, I became active in the gay lifestyle of Toronto. I was the founding president of a brotherhood of men called Spearhead, which soon became one of the first and largest homosexual organizations in Canada. Five years later, friends introduced me to a small gospel church in Kitchener, Ontario, where I heard the gospel and accepted the Lord.

While actively participating in church teaching and studies at that time, I came to realize I had not totally submitted my life to God, and thus did not receive the anticipated victory over my homosexuality. I struggled over twenty years with same-sex identity.

Three years ago, after attending Alpha and Cursillo, I came to realize the seductive deception I had accepted into my life as a young man. Even though I had lived my life as a homosexual, overnight at the age of 67, by the grace of God, my psyche was changed from a homosexual perspective to heterosexual. I became a new man. Sixteen months later I met and married a wonderful Christian lady. Today I celebrate victory, through the transformation of my mind, as revealed in Romans 12:2.

Following their presentations each made a statement about the work and ministry of Zacchaeus. Said Dawn McDonald, Zacchaeus is a fellowship of men and women who hold to the church's historic view on sexuality in the face of former or present struggles with same-sex attraction. We are people on a journey towards wholeness in Christ, offering ourselves and our bodies as living sacrifices. We have adopted Romans 12, verses 1 and 2, as our passage.

"We have heard many quote the Lambeth Resolution 1.10(c), especially the part that reads "We commit ourselves to listen to the experience of homosexual persons and we wish to assure them that they are loved by God and that all baptized persons, regardless of sexual orientation are full members of the Body of Christ." We are thankful for the inclusion into the Church through baptism, but we feel the Church is not listening to the voice of those individuals seeking an alternative to acting on their same sex attractions."

The same Lambeth resolution also reads: "Many of these are members of the Church and are seeking the pastoral care, moral direction of the Church, and God's transforming power for the living of their lives and the ordering of relationships," and we believe this portion of the resolution refers to us.

Daryle Duke told the bishops several non-Anglicans have more recently inquired about joining Zacchaeus. "We have therefore offered "Associate Member" status to Christians in other denominations who like us have experienced shame and fearfulness related to a disclosure and cultural stigma of same-sex attraction. These non-Anglicans share our vision, life experience, and ministry. We know how lonely it can be out there. We also maintain contact with individuals who share our vision, and also with people who share our struggles, but because of stigma are afraid to identify themselves as ex-gay; yet these two groups remain interested in what Zacchaeus has to say. We refer to them as 'Friends of Zacchaeus.'"

"Self-identifying as "ex-gay" or "celibate homosexual" is today becoming increasingly counter-cultural. Some of our members and others that we have spoken to share experiences of being shunned and marginalized. Some have received threats to person or property. We cling to what the Good News holds for all of us, regardless of our particular brokenness. We speak of God's grace and mercy, available for those who suffer in silence - afraid that opening their hearts before others may result in rejection."

The Rev'd Dr. Don Alcock told the bishops that their experiences testified to those struggling with their unwanted same-sex attractions, that there is hope in the Gospel and that there are others who have gone before them and who are also willing to walk with them. We pool our experiences and knowledge to be a resource for those wanting to minister to these silent sufferers and to those asking questions about their sexuality."

"Within our Fellowship, we support one another in our struggles. We hold each other accountable. We pray for one another. We use a variety of communication technologies to support one another. It is very lonely being ex-gay or living in celibacy, and we walk with each other to overcome that isolation."

"We want it known that we are neither an ex-gay ministry nor a counseling ministry, although we do refer people when asked. We are not a political lobby group but a pastoral fellowship. We are not militant, but we try to exemplify the love of Christ in everything we do and say."

Zacchaeus promotes the goals of chastity, prayer and dedication, fellowship, support, and witness.

Alan MacGowan told the bishops and archbishops that if the Church was to be effective in this day and age, it must be a voice of hope in the world - a voice which seeks to give hope to a people living in a world where there seems to be only hopelessness.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! (2 Corinthians 5:17)


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