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June 06 2016 By dvirtue A Minister's Manual for Spiritual Warfare

Mark Quay, rector of an Anglican parish and a teacher at the Anglican Studies program at Beeson Divinity School in Birmingham, has attacked this problem head on in his book A Minister's Manual for Spiritual Warfare. He is concerned to assist pastors and other ministers help their parishioners find freedom from demonic oppression.

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April 14 2016 By dvirtue Faith, Freedom and the Future

In Part Two the author asks how Christians should think and act when the "assumption of a Christian basis for our common life is being challenged and rejected?" (p51).

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January 06 2016 By dvirtue Unmasking Islamic State

So writes Christian scholar and Islamic expert Dr. Patrick Sookhdeo in his new book, which reveals the historic antecedents to the present Islamic State and its growing influence around the world.

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November 18 2015 By dvirtue J.I. Packer: An Evangelical Life

This is, as the description says, an appreciative biography, written by someone who knows Packer and who has long been an admirer. In that way it is quite typical of other biographies of still-living individuals--it describes the subject's life and influence, but without much emphasis on his weaknesses.

Ryken dedicates the book's opening pages to explaining why he wrote this book and why he did so in the way he did.

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August 04 2015 By dvirtue REFORMATION ANGLICANISM: Biblical -- Generous -- Beautiful

The author quickly dismisses the myths surrounding the origins of the church during the reign of Henry VIII and his wifely problems, arguing that the Church of England goes all the way back to Jesus Christ and the apostles. "The most ancient form of Christianity in Britain is not Roman Catholicism, but 'Celtic' Christianity," argues Collins.

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August 01 2015 By dvirtue Theology and the Disciplines of the Foreign Service

This is a memoir but it is more than that. Lewis was sent hither and yon by the State Department with a family (which eventually broke up under the pressure) at all times witnessing to his Christian faith and Anglican heritage. This could be described as "narrative theology," something unique in that he is telling the story through his rough and tumble diplomatic life.

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July 03 2015 By dvirtue A Plague on Both Their Houses by Christopher Brittain

In preparation for this book, Dr. Brittain visited the two resulting dioceses from the 2008 split. He made five visits between summer 2009 and spring 2013. While he visited many churches and interviewed many people, his primary research centered on four congregations -- two remaining in the Episcopal Church and two joining the new Anglican Church in North America (ACNA).

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May 31 2014 By virtueonline SPIRITUAL RENEWAL IN 'THE COURAGE TO BE PROTESTANT' - By David Wells

The book concludes with an outstanding peroration:

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April 30 2014 By virtueonline The Living Prayer Book: A Review of Alan Jacobs’ The Book of Common Prayer

The principles of evangelical theology are in neat sequence here: Read the Bible and you will learn of the “misery of all mankind,” that since Adam’s fall all suffer under the power of sin; you will also learn that God has made one plan for ‘the salvation of all mankind’ in the death and resurrection of his son Jesus Christ; and you will further learn that the only way to grasp this salvation is by having a “true and lively faith” in Christ as your Savior.

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April 10 2014 By virtueonline FIFTY DAYS OF GLORY: from Easter Morning to the Eve of Pentecost

"I wanted it to be somewhat scholarly," Pearson told Virtueonline. "But I wanted it to be readable and profitable for the average Christian." Pearson found the solution: put into the book's endnotes brief scholarly discussions and links to further materials, but write the text itself in simple language.

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