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ATLANTA: Nine Anglican Entities Unite for "Common Cause"

In response to a request from five Primates of the Anglican Communion, representatives of nine Anglican entities from the US and Canada met in Atlanta, GA February 9-11, 2005.

The Round Table of "Common Cause Partners," called and hosted by Anglican Communion Network (ACN) Moderator Robert Duncan, included leaders of the American Anglican Council, the Anglican Communion in Canada (ACiC), the Anglican Mission in America (AMIA), the Anglican Province of America (APA), the Anglican Essentials Federation in Canada, Forward in Faith North America (FiFNA), the Anglican Network in Canada (ANiC) and the Reformed Episcopal Church.

This week's meeting continues efforts launched in June 2004 through a pledge of Common Cause signed by representatives of the American Anglican Council, the Anglican Communion Network, the Anglican Mission in American, the Anglican Province of America, Forward in Faith North America and the Reformed Episcopal Church. The text of their closing statement follows:

A Statement of Anglican Common Cause Partners in North America

"It is appropriate that we have begun this season of Lent expressing our joint repentance for divisions that have separated us and weakened the Body of Christ. In our inability to achieve unity in the past, we have failed to honor Christ, and for that we are truly and humbly sorry. We pray that our fresh unity in commitment and purpose will serve not only those individuals and congregations we represent, but more importantly our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ."

"In this historic gathering, we experienced excitement as well as positive, harmonious, and fruitful discussions. We rejoice that we have agreed to stand united in commitment to Biblical faithfulness within a missionary movement during this defining moment in Anglicanism, a moment requiring our best efforts as we face an uncertain future. We desire to remain connected with faithful Anglicans worldwide and intend to move forward together to fulfill a compelling picture of a preferable future."

Signed by:

The Rt. Rev. William Duncan, Anglican Communion Network

The Rev. Canon David C. Anderson, American Anglican Council

The Rt. Rev. Peter Beckwith, American Anglican Council

Mrs. Cheryl M. Chang, Anglican Network in Canada

Mr. Michael Edward, Anglican Essentials Federation in Canada

The Most Rev. Walter H. Grundorf, Anglican Province of America

The Rev. John A. M. Guernsey, Anglican Communion Network

The Rt. Rev. Thomas Johnston, Anglican Mission in America

The Rev. Canon Charlie Masters, Anglican Essentials Federation in Canada, Anglican Network in Canada

The Rt. Rev. Chuck Murphy, Anglican Mission in America

The Rev. Canon Jonathan Ostman, Forward in Faith North America

The Most Rev. Leonard W. Riches, Reformed Episcopal Church

The Rev. David Short, Anglican Network in Canada

The Rev. George Sinclair, Anglican Essentials Federation in Canada, Anglican Network in Canada

The Rev. Canon Tim Smith, Anglican Mission in America

The Rt. Rev. Ray Sutton, Reformed Episcopal Church

The Rev. Canon Warren Tanghe, Forward in Faith North America

Mr. Peter Turner, Anglican Communion in Canada

The Rev. Dr. Trevor Walters, Anglican Network in Canada

The Rev. Canon John Paul Westin, Anglican Essentials Federation in Canada

The Very Rev. Erich A. Zwingert, Anglican Province of America

The Rev. Dr. Kendall Harmon, Anglican Communion Network


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