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TEC Snubs Anglican Communion*Cathedral Flounders*TEC to Global South: Stay Away

God's holiness and human sinfulness. That God is holy is foundational to biblical religion. So is the corollary that sin is incompatible with his holiness. His eyes are 'too pure to look on evil' and he 'cannot tolerate wrong. Therefore our sins effectively separate us from him, so that his face is hidden from us and he refuses to listen to our prayers (Hab. 1:13; Is. 59:lff.). --- From "The Cross of Christ" John R.W. Stott

Christian propitiation. Of course the wrath of God is not like human wrath, nor is the propitiation of Christ like heathen propitiations. But once all unworthy elements have been eliminated, namely the concept of the arbitrary wrath of a vengeful deity being placated by the paltry offerings of men, we are left with the Christian propitiation in which God's own love sent his own dear Son to appease his own holy wrath against sin (1 Jn. 2:2; 4:10). --- From "Christian Mission in the Modern World"

"The known propensity of a democracy is to licentiousness which the ambitious call, and ignorant believe to be liberty." --- Fisher Ames, speech in the Massachusetts Ratifying Convention, 1788

That the Episcopal Church--an evaporating pond already overstocked with committed Muslims, witches and wizards, Sufi dancers, labyrinths, cosmic techno masses, Buddhists, John Spong, Marcus Borg, John Chane, and, yes, many people who engage in sex acts with members of the same sex--tosses an episcopal lesbian into the stagnating water just isn't news. It's sadly obvious that they desperately wanted the attention. They rented an auditorium that seats tens of thousands of people. They were preparing for a vast media presence. You get the sense that they really wanted to recreate that old magic civil rights breaking the barriers feeling--that rush of exhilaration: "Look at me world. I'm a brave revolutionary. I am defending the downtrodden, upholding the outcast, including the excluded." They wanted the crowds. They wanted the coverage. "Everybody look. Here we are, an historic church. And look what we are doing. We're consecrating a lesbian. Isn't that grand? Aren't we the embodiment of all that the masses long for?" --- Fr. Matt Kennedy, ACNA priest, Diocese of Northeast, Binghamton, NY

Creator, King and Father. The doctrine of God as a universal Father was not taught by Christ nor by his apostles. God is indeed the universal Creator, having brought all things into existence, and the universal King, ruling and sustaining all that he has made. But he is the Father only of our Lord Jesus Christ and of those whom he adopts into his family through Christ. If we would be the sons of God, then we must be 'in Christ Jesus ... through faith' (Gal. 3:26), which is a better rendering than the familiar 'by faith in Christ Jesus' (AV). It is through faith that we are in Christ, and through being in Christ that we are sons of God. --- From "The Message of Galatians" John R. W. Stott --- Creation and stewardship

The living God of the Bible is the God of both creation and redemption, and is concerned for the totality of our well-being. Put another way, the older theologians used to say that God has written two books, one called 'nature' and the other called 'Scripture', through which he has revealed himself. Moreover, he has given us these two books to study. The study of the natural order is 'science', and of the biblical revelation 'theology' ... Christian people should surely have been in the vanguard of the movement for environmental responsibility, because of our doctrines of creation and stewardship. Did God make the world? Does he sustain it? Has he committed its resources to our care? His personal concern for his own creation should be sufficient to inspire us to be equally concerned. --- From Foreword to "Under the Bright Wings", by Peter Harris

The Judge and the Lover. God is not at odds with himself, however much it may appear to us that he is. He is 'the God of peace', of inner tranquility not turmoil. True, we find it difficult to hold in our minds simultaneously the images of God as the Judge who must punish evil-doers and of the Lover who must find a way to forgive them. Yet he is both, and at the same time. ---From "The Cross of Christ" John R.W. Stott

Dear Brothers and Sisters
May 21, 2010

Once again The Episcopal Church has raised the middle finger of contempt at the Archbishop of Canterbury along with the vast majority (80%) of the Anglican Communion by ordaining a non-celibate lesbian to the episcopacy, so jeopardizing its place in the worldwide Communion. This is the second homosexual, (the first was Gene Robinson) to be ordained, ratcheting up tensions within the communion to new and even higher levels.

It is equally clear that TEC does not care, has probably never cared and never will care what others think and do. Furthermore, a Covenant, if signed, will not stop the trajectory the Episcopal Church is on as Presiding Bishop Jefferts Schori believes her actions and those of her liberal bishops are "prophetic" in manner and therefore should be condoned by the Anglican majority.

That will not happen and therein lies the problem. The consecration of Mary Glasspool is an act of belligerency that leaves Dr. Williams with few options.

He can ignore it (which to date he has done). He can publicly repudiate the actions of TEC (which he is apparently loathe to do or he could say that PB Jefferts Schori is now disinvited to future Primates' gatherings.

At this time of writing, nothing has been heard from Dr. Williams. One wonders why it is taking him so long to respond.

The truth is the ABC is deeply conflicted over homosexual activity. He has never repudiated his position outlined in his lecture "The Body's Grace". Most of the Global South has lost confidence in him.

But several things are clear.

The first is that the Global South is going nowhere. They are not splitting from the Anglican Communion because they say the truth they uphold and believe and that the gospel they preach and the ancient doctrines they defend are non negotiable. It is not they who have departed the faith.

Secondly the liberals, by their innovations have left the faith. so it is up to them to decide what they will do.

Thirdly, the orthodox intend to marginalize and isolate the liberals so they can slowly die on their own without any help from the orthodox. The numbers speaks for themselves. The Global South owns 80% or more of the Anglican Communion.

You can read a number of stories I wrote about this consecration in this week in today's digest. One thing is clear: The Anglican Communion is in what is called in chess the end game. How it plays out now will be interesting to watch.


The Anglican Mission in the Americas (AMiA), has undergone a change of status with the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA). See the story here http://tinyurl.com/2a5rzcu

Writing for the AMIA Bishop Chuck Murphy said this ...[Our] "dual citizenship" approach, however, has resulted in significant confusion within the Anglican Mission and the ACNA regarding membership in two provinces, and more importantly, is inconsistent with the Constitution and Canons of the Province of the Anglican Church in Rwanda. Practically speaking, this jurisdictional/membership status became untenable and non-sustainable."

AMiA, the US outpost of the Anglican Church in Rwanda and founding member of ACNA, says it will withdraw its citizenship from ACNA and become an independent Ministry Partner with ACNA.

Liberal bloggers see this as a sign that the ACNA is falling apart. Not true. VOL spoke with a number of the players this week. We have concluded that this is nothing more than a bump in the road towards greater unity some time down the road.

Truth is the formation of ACNA was going way too fast and something like this was inevitable. It does not mean that the ACNA will dissolve or break up. That is not going to happen,ACNA officials have assured VOL. "Ministry Partner" status is just fine, and clearly there will be more permutations and configurations as ACNA experiences growing pains.


The Washington National Cathedral, like a number of urban Episcopal cathedrals across the country, is struggling financially to survive. Some cathedrals have closed; others are barely financially viable. Trust funds have all but dried up with pledge plates and congregations rapidly shrinking.

The National Cathedral, the Episcopal Church's flagship cathedral, has just completed its fourth round of layoffs. Another seven employees were laid off (65% of its work force was laid off in the first round in the fall of 2008), including senior staff member Canon John Runkle, priest, architect and conservation specialist who is in charge of the preservation of the cathedral. You can read the full story in today's digest.


The Rev. Canon C. K. Robertson, Ph.D., Canon to the Presiding Bishop & Primate, has issued a statement designed to send fear into every orthodox bishop in TEC and to remind everybody just who is the boss. It stated, "As a follow up to the request by the Office of Pastoral Development to list any uninvited interventions/incursions in your Diocese, it is important to name not only those that are happening at present, but also what has already occurred and when. The history of this behavior is important to note, even if groups have already left to form another kind of 'Anglican' church and/or retaining property. Thank you for your help in this."

So what exactly is Robertson asking for? Try this. TEC wants to know about every overseas bishop who visits these shores, especially if they happen to be archbishops like Greg Venables, Henry Luke Orombi or Bishop Frank Lyons. Was 815 interested in pro-gay disgraced former Ugandan Bishop Christopher Senyonjo who spoke in churches throughout California or is it just orthodox bishops that PB Jefferts Schori is interested in? This is the tightening of the noose around remnant orthodox bishops in TEC and controlling anyone who thinks that joining the Anglican Church in North America will not go unpunished. It won't. Now TEC wants to compile a book of "Infractions, Incursions and Non-invited Events" to keep tabs on everyone. What is TEC coming to?.


The Episcopal Diocese of Northern Michigan has opened its search for a new bishop with a June 15 deadline for nominations.

The diocese's previous search for a bishop ended disastrously in July 2009, when the Rev. Kevin Thew Forrester, a priest of the diocese, did not receive the necessary consents from the wider church after he declared strong Buddhist leanings and other New Age accouterments. The diocese has been without a bishop since Bishop James Kelsey died in an automobile accident in June 2007. Bishop Tom Ray, who preceded Kelsey, now serves as assisting bishop.

A 10-member committee (previously 11 members; one has since dropped out unexpectedly), with representatives from the diocese's four geographic regions, Diocesan Council and Standing Committee, is managing the bishop search. Recently retired Wyoming Bishop Bruce Caldwell is the consultant to the search process.

The Diocese of Northern Michigan, founded in 1895, comprises 27 congregations in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.


New signs will appear on the Episcopal Church located on Highway 17 in Pawleys Island this summer announcing "Christ the King, Waccamaw." The church was formerly All Saints Waccamaw, but lost in a long-running lawsuit earlier this year that led the Episcopal parish to give up the name.

"All Saints is such a dear name to many, a great name with meaning to a lot of people," said Rick Bruce, senior warden of the Episcopal Church vestry. "We wanted a name that would be meaningful in a different way."

A majority of the parish voted in 2004 to leave the Episcopal Church in the U.S. and join the Anglican Mission in the Americas. Authority to rename the church was given by the Rt. Rev. Mark Lawrence, bishop of South Carolina. He met with the Episcopal vestry last week. Christ the King emerged from that discussion.


As a sign of the new emerging realignment going on inside The Episcopal Church, seven orthodox dioceses - Albany, Central Florida, Dallas, North Dakota, South Carolina, Springfield, and Western Louisiana - met in Charleston, S.C. late last year to consider ways they might assist one other in more effectively reaching their communities and the world for Christ in keeping with General Convention resolution B030. Their focus was to consider what resources they could share and how they could work more closely together to further the Gospel mission including evangelizing and reaching the unchurched; catechizing and discipling the converted; assisting members in generational faithfulness; renewing, strengthening and growing existing parishes; and planting new congregations to reach their communities with the Gospel.

They will begin by hosting two initiatives for the purpose of encouraging and equipping missional focused dioceses, congregations and individuals through:

Establishing a website for sharing resources and networking for ministry and mission. It is their intention to have this ministry-networking initiative functioning in an initial stage during Epiphany 2010; and,

2. Sponsoring a large venue three-day event in Dallas, September 23-25, 2010. This event will be for the purpose of encouraging, empowering, emboldening and equipping missional focused individuals, congregations and dioceses, as well as providing resources to assist each other to be more effective in reaching their communities for Christ and his Church.


The Archbishop of Uganda, the most Rev. Henry Luke Orombi appointed the Rev. Canon Dr. John Senyonyi to succeed Professor Stephen Noll as the next Vice Chancellor of Uganda Christian University. Writes Noll, "Being neighbors and colleagues of John and his wife Ruth for the past nine years, we are confident that they will continue and even advance the work of our (and many other) hands at Uganda Christian University."


The National Executive Council of the Episcopal Peace Fellowship in TEC voted to endorse divestment and an economic and commercial boycott of products linked to oppression of Palestinian people and occupation of their land. "Respect for the dignity of every human being, alongside a vision to put aside the violence of terrorism, oppression and military force is key to moving negotiations forward for a lasting peace for all involved." The vote was 8 yes, 2 no and 1 abstention. This was another slap at Israel and has been tried before without much success. Israel gets $2 billion a year of American taxpayer money, and there is no sign this is likely to end any time soon.


The following is a letter from Anglo-Catholic Bishop David Moyer of the Church of the Good Shepherd, Rosemont, PA to Roman Catholic Cardinal Levada saying that The Traditional Anglican Communion (TAC) of which he is a bishop now wants the Apostolic Constitution to be implemented in the United Kingdom and a Personal Ordinariate be erected.

There is a touch of irony here. Saying that Moyer is no longer an Episcopal priest, and is taking his parish outside the Anglican Communion, the Diocese of Pennsylvania is suing the parish for its property. Furthermore not everyone in Moyer's parish is excited about going to Rome.

The Traditional Anglican Church
Rt. Revd David Moyer
Episcopal Visitor C/O:
Church of the Good Shepherd
1116 Lancaster Avenue
Rosemont, PA 19010 USA

His Eminence William Cardinal Levada
Congregazione per la Dottrina
Della Fede Palazzo del S.
Uffizio 00120
Vatican City

Sunday within the Octave of the Ascension, 16th May 2010

Your Eminence,

The people of the Traditional Anglican Church in the United Kingdom (a province of the Traditional Anglican Communion) express their profound gratitude to you for your positive response of December 16th 2009 to our Letter to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith of October 5th 2007 in which we expressed our desire to "seek a communal and ecclesial way of being Anglican Catholics in communion with the Holy See, at once treasuring the full expression of catholic faith and treasuring our tradition within which we have come to this moment."

We have read and studied with care the Apostolic Constitution Anglicanorum Coetibus with the Complementary Norms and the accompanying Commentary, as well as the initial statement from your Dicastery at the time of your press conference with Archbishop DiNoia.

And now, in response to your invitation to contact your Dicastery to begin the process you outline, and in accordance with our unanimous synod vote of October 2009: which reads thus:

"That this Assembly, representing the Traditional Anglican Communion in Great Britain, offers its joyful thanks to Pope Benedict XVI for his forthcoming Apostolic Constitution allowing the corporate reunion of Anglicans with the Holy See, and requests the Primate and College of Bishops of the Traditional Anglican Communion to take the steps necessary to implement this Constitution."

We therefore request that:

1) That the Apostolic Constitution be implemented in the United Kingdom and a Personal Ordinariate be erected.

2) That we may establish an interim Governing Council.

3) That this interim Council be directed by the Holy Father to propose a terna of names for the appointment of an Ordinary in a UK Ordinariate.

While we cannot speak for other groups of Anglicans in the United Kingdom, we shall be delighted if others apply for acceptance under the terms of Anglicanorum coetibus.

With continued expressions of appreciation for the generosity of the Holy Father in gathering the Anglicans into the fullness of Eucharistic communion, we await your instructions,

Yours sincerely in Christ,

+David L. Moyer, Episcopal Visitor
+Robert Mercer CR, retired, assistant to the Visitor


The Church of England's House of Bishops, meeting in York this week, has counseled against any delay in a decision on women bishops when the General Synod meets in July.

A statement issued on Tuesday states, "The House is aware that there are those who believe that the present legislative process does not have the potential to lead to a satisfactory conclusion and that a better outcome is more likely to be achieved in some years' time.

"Most members of the House consider, however, that it is crucial to keep faith with the present process. They see no grounds for believing that the issues with which the Church is grappling will become significantly easier to resolve with the passage of time."

The House of Bishops acknowledges that it is as divided as the rest of the Church.


The Methodist Church has become the first major denomination in Britain to launch its own application for the iPhone and iPod Touch. The new app will allow users to view Bible studies and daily prayers. It is hoped it might appeal to both believers and those who might be more cautious about attending church. The app may also offer an alternative for people who want a daily dose of scripture, but are not keen on carrying a Bible on their daily commute. The Methodist Church stresses that technology should complement, not replace traditional worship. Apps, which are pieces of computer software downloaded from the Internet onto mobile phones, have become increasingly creative in recent years.


Yukon Anglicans elected a new bishop. The Right Rev. Larry Robertson Assistant bishop from Yellowknife was chosen to lead the diocese. Robertson, who is currently an assistant bishop of the Anglican Diocese of the Arctic in Yellowknife, was chosen over three other candidates at the Yukon diocese's synod Saturday in Whitehorse.

Robertson's term will officially begin in September. He succeeds current bishop, the Right Rev. Terry Buckle, who has led the Yukon diocese for the past 15 years. Buckle said it is now time for a change.

"This certainly will bring, I think, with the new leadership, a new vision and renewed energy, I hope," Buckle said. "That's what we're looking forward to." Robertson has served as an Anglican minister in the Northwest Territories and Nunavut for almost 35 years.

Anglicans in the Yukon have been split over the issue of same-sex marriage, with some even leaving the church. Robertson said while he opposes same-sex marriage, he believes all Christians are welcome to the Yukon's Anglican churches.

"A member of the church is somebody who believes in Jesus Christ and who follows His will, and that's open to all," he said.

The Yukon diocese recently began a rebuilding process, with discussions underway about merging with the Arctic diocese's Mackenzie district in the Northwest Territories. Robertson said those talks will continue.


The following U-tube video is footage of British Police arresting a Christian street preacher in Cumbria, England, for saying homosexual behavior is a sin. He did not rail against homosexuals. He was accused of being homophobic. This is the face of the new emerging Fascism in England. It will not stop until England has been swallowed up by Islamic hoards and Christianity is officially proscribed and its system of laws swept away by Sharia laws. This video is just the beginning. Mercifully the charges were later dropped, but it is deeply significant that a person can be picked up and arrested in a country known for free speech for calling homosexual sin a sin.



When my wife and I attended St Paul's Craig y Don in Wales last year, I wrote at that time that the parish was on the verge of closing. The bulldozers were ready to roll in and demolish the church the next day. To our surprise, we learned this week that the parish is still open. They have amalgamated the parish with several others and given it a new lease of life. "I think your piece about it in Virtueonline last fall must have spurred Bishop Gregory Cameron into action," wrote a local who attends the church. An article about the new benefice was published in the St. Asaph diocesan magazine.


"The Church in China seeks to promote mutual understanding with Churches in Global South Provinces" - Elder Fu Xuanwei shares in an Interview at the recent GSE4. You can read the interview here: http://www.globalsouthanglican.org/index.php/blog/comments/an_interview_with_elder_fu_xuanwei_at_gse4
A video of his reflections on GSE4 can also be viewed at the site.


If you are in western Canada you can have a firsthand opportunity to hear Archbishops Emmanuel Kolini (Rwanda) and Yong Ping Chung (Southeast Asia) Come join archbishops Kolini and Chung at an Interdenominational Worship Service hosted by the Anglican Coalition in Canada, Sunday, May 23, 2010, 7:30 pm at Fraserview MB Church, 11295 Mellis Drive, Richmond, BC. For enquiries, call 604-218-3577 This week, May 18th is the 30th Anniversary of the Rev. Ed Hird's ordination to the ministry by Archbishop David Somerville. You can send him a note of congratulations to: ed_hird@telus.net


The newly elected Tory Party has appointed an Evangelical Christian as the new UK Middle East Minister. Conservative MP Alistair Burt has been appointed as Foreign Office Minister for the Middle East in Prime Minister David Cameron's new coalition government.

Burt, a leading officer of the Conservative Friends of Israel lobby group and opponent of the boycott, disinvestment and sanctions campaign against Israel, replaces Ivan Lewis from the previous Labour government.

The 55-year old Evangelical Christian is one of only a few members of Cameron's government with previous ministerial experience, having served as a Social Security Minister in the 1990s.

He was a frontbench spokesman and deputy party chair while the Conservatives were in opposition and last year, co-authored Votewise Now. in which he argued why he thought Christians should vote for his party. Burt is also a former chair of Christians in Politics and is on the Board of Patrons of Habitat for Humanity (UK) and also on the Council of the Evangelical Alliance movement.


IN CANADA,deconsecrated, de-established, disbanded, dissolved -- church closings are the grim new reality for many Christians across Southwestern Ontario and beyond. Rural areas are especially hard-hit by the trend, but they are not the only ones paying the price, reporter John Miner finds.

St. Patrick's Anglican Church, Saintsbury, where parishioners have worshipped for more than half a century, is padlocked. Boards now cover some of the windows. The end came for St. Patrick's 18 months ago, when a handful of parishioners and clergy held a service to deconsecrate the 115-year-old building and close the doors.

If there's one consolation for the former St. Patrick's congregation, they're not alone.

Deconsecrated, dissolved, disbanded, amalgamated -- Christian churches from traditionally mainstream denominations are closing by the hundreds across Canada in a wave that shows little sign of receding.

And it's not only rural churches such as St. Patrick's that are shutting down in an area of Southwestern Ontario where farms are increasing in size and families disappearing from the land. Small-town, suburban and inner city churches are also closing and putting their buildings up for sale.

The United Church, Canada's largest Protestant denomination is now closing about one church a week. In the past decade, it has shut more than 400 churches.

The Anglican Church of Canada is in the midst of a vigorous review of its congregations. In British Columbia, Anglican churches were evaluated against a set of criteria, including the need for a minimum congregation of 150 people.

Saying a culture change was needed for the church to continue, the Anglican Diocese of British Columbia in January announced it was recommending the "de-establishment" of 19 churches, more than one-quarter of its churches on Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands.

In the London, Ontario region, statistics published by the Anglican Diocese of Huron indicate that dozens of its churches would fail to meet the viability tests used in B.C.

"We are taking a different approach," said Rev. Keith Nethery, rector at St. Stephen's Memorial Anglican Church in London. With the help of a consultant who has worked with other Anglican diocese in Canada, the Huron Diocese has formed a strategic planning group and conducted a detailed congregation-by-congregation review, examining everything from population densities and demographic trends in an area to determine what needs to be done to modernize a church building and improve its curb appeal.

The report will help some congregations to revitalize. In other cases, there may be church closings.


The Rt. Rev. Mary Gray-Reeves, Bishop of the Diocese of El Camino Real has published a letter she wrote to Dr. Louie Crew about the consecration of Mary Glasspool to the episcopacy and her links and discussions with a Church of England bishop Michael Perham and a bishop from Western Tanganyika, Gerald Mpango.

She talked about how partnerships could form across huge differences of opinion on human sexuality and other matters before the Anglican Communion. "We, who might ordinarily remain on opposite sides of the room, not connecting, have managed a lot of diversity and conversation around the issues that divide the Anglican Communion. There are, for example, no ordained women in Western Tanganyika, and of course no women bishops in the Diocese of Gloucester.

"My presence has been welcomed in the conversation that is ongoing in the Communion and has contributed to increased understanding of the presence of women in all orders of ministry."

Gray Reeves said she gave consent for Mary Glasspool so the question is why is Mpango going along with this?

A bishop with much knowledge about Africa told VOL that Mpango was embittered when he was found to be 90 days too old to become Primate. "He is leaving ministry as a bishop and running for Parliament. I have big questions as to whether or not he can win. I don't know what definition one can use for him as a "conservative." He has found the most liberal places possible in the US for links. Money is a huge issue. I'm very concerned about how few orthodox conservatives take their links with the Global South seriously."


On Anglican-TV Kevin Kallsen interviewed Attorney Eric Sohlgren about the continued court case of St James Newport Beach vs. the Diocese of Los Angeles. Eric reveals many new facts about the recent proceedings and discusses the latest court wranglings in this short interview. Click to Play: http://www.anglican.tv/content/interview-eric-sohlgren


The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America ELCA is in concordat with The Episcopal Church. Here is a website: http://www.exposingtheelca.com that presents the truth about the ELCA, its teaching, policy and beliefs.

The mission of Exposing the ELCA is to let you know what the ELCA is teaching, what policies they promote and what their beliefs are. If you like it, stay with the denomination. If you are a member of the denomination and don't agree with them, try to move your church to a different affiliation or find a Bible believing church.

These are some of the issues -

* The ELCA promotes universal salvation. You can find this on the ELCA website and the first printing of the Augsburg Fortress Lutheran Study Bible which says, "Jesus includes in salvation people who do not believe in him or even know about him." That is not Biblical.
* The ELCA encourages homosexuality despite God's Word saying it is a sin and something people should not do.
* The ELCA supports all abortions in their medical coverage.
* The ELCA teaches that Jesus did not say what the Bible says He said.
* The ELCA does not believe there is prophecy in the Bible. God says there is, in hundreds of verses in the Bible.
* The ELCA policies and teaching show a denial of God's authorship of the Bible.
* The ELCA takes consistent stands against Israel. And the ELCA is aggressively attacking Christians that support Israel.
* The ELCA denies the truth of scripture again by claiming the people and stories of the Bible, like Adam and Eve, Noah, Jonah and others, are myths.
* Changing the names for God so it is gender neutral.

The website, http://www.exposingtheelca.com/ takes on all these topics, providing lots of information about each issue.


The Anglican District of Virginia will host Os Guinness on June 8 to speak on "What are the modern day threats to Anglicanism and the Western Church?" Dr. Guinness is a world-renowned speaker, social critic, and author. Os will address the specific issue of Anglicanism and the "triple jeopardy facing the Western Church". A Q & A will follow with the audience. Os Guinness is the author of The Case for Civility, The American Hour, Time for Truth, The Call, and more. He directed the first seven Trinity Forum seminar curricula and is currently one of the senior faculty members of the Trinity Forum Academy. He is a regular speaker and seminar leader at political and business conferences in the United States, Europe, and Asia. The event is free and will take place on Tuesday, June 8 at 7:30pm at The Falls Church's Historic Church at 115 E. Fairfax Street, Falls Church, Va., 22046.

All are welcome to attend. For questions, please contact James Guthrie at (703) 273-1300 or email james.guthrie@anglicandistrictofviriginia.org.


Summer is just around the corner and it is traditionally a difficult time for organizations, especially not-for-profit ministries to raise funds. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to keep VOL coming into your e-mail and the website up and running.

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In Christ,


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