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TANZANIA: Anglican Diocese has never joined TAC says Bishop

LETTER: To The Clergy and Faithful Diocese of Ruvuma


Friends of the Diocese of Ruvuma have drawn to the attention of the
Bishop of Ruvuma during his stay abroad pursuing theological study, a
newspaper report in which the Primate of the Traditional Anglican
Communion is reported to have claimed that the Diocese of Ruvuma has entered into full communion with that Communion. While the Bishop of Ruvuma has already assured Friends of the Diocese who enquired about the matter, that nothing to that effect has taken place, this is his
Official Statement confirming that, as it has always been, so the
Diocese of Ruvuma remains a Diocese in the Anglican Church of
Tanzania, in the Global Anglican Communion.

At no time has the Synod of the Diocese of Ruvuma considered joining
the Traditional Anglican Communion. Only the Synod of the Diocese of
Ruvuma could decide to take such as a step.

The Bishop of Ruvuma, who is an Associate Bishop (Member) of Forward in Faith North America (FIFNA) was encouraged by the faith he saw when at the FIFNA 2002 Annual Assembly. At that meeting FIFNA entered into full Sacramental Communion with the Traditional Anglican Communion.

The Bishop witnessed the event at the Belleville, St Louis Assembly.
Subsequently he initiated correspondence with the then TAC Primate,
Archbishop Louis Falk exploring possibilities of a link with him and
the TAC Bishops especially those who are in Africa cooperating in the
ministry of the Church for the salvation of souls and to the glory of
God. The Bishop of Ruvuma already maintains such links with FIFNA, a
constituency of FIF/UK and FIF/Australia, which have recently initiated
such a link with him. He also maintains such links with Bishops in the
Anglican Continuum.

It was at the June 2003 FIFNA Annual Assembly at Rosemont Pennsylvania, that the Bishop of Ruvuma met the new TAC Primate, Archbishop John Hepworth and continued exploring the possibilities of cooperation in the ministry of the Gospel. When asked, he told the Primate specifically that he was pursuing this as a Bishop of the Church and that it did not involve the status quo of his Diocese. It was at the Rosemont FIFNA Annual Assembly that the Bishop of Ruvuma calling for unity among orthodox Anglicans (and other orthodox Christians) proclaimed the axiom: "One Faith, One Team, One Game".

When, in May 2004 the TAC Primate en route to his apostolate in Central Africa made a flying one-day visit to the Bishop of Ruvuma, he was made welcome. The Bishop introduced him to his Clergy and Faithful as a brother in the Faith, stating that his visit stemmed from the unity in the faith that we share, the unity in Our Lord and Saviour, the unity that we celebrate in the Eternal Sacrifice.

It was during the celebration of the Eternal Sacrifice that the Clergy
and Faithful presented him with a gift of the Ciborium and the Bishop
presented him with a Kiswahili copy of the Bible challenging him to
return to the Diocese in the future and to preach the Gospel in
Kiswahili. The Bishop of Ruvuma reiterated his call for unity among
orthodox Anglicans and orthodox Christians in the "One Faith, One Team, One Game" axiom. Never, during the TAC Primate's visit (or at any other time at all) was the idea of the Diocese of Ruvuma 'joining' the TAC ever thought of, let alone discussed.

The Bishop of Ruvuma wishes to reiterate in this Statement, his
commitment to continue defending the faith of the Church once delivered to the saints and the catholic order of the Church. He reiterates his commitment to the pursuit of unity among orthodox Christians as a divine mission to which he believes he has been called by Our Lord and Saviour. He blesses the Lord for the full support that the Clergy and Faithful of the Diocese of Ruvuma lend him in his apostolic labours both in the Diocese and in the wider Church.

The Statement which the Canons of the Cathedral Chapter and the Committee of Rural Deans of the Diocese of Ruvuma issued on 09.06.2004, a copy of which is being sent to you, is a clear testimony
to this support.

As the Diocesan of that part of the Vineyard of the Lord which is the
Diocese of Ruvuma, in the Anglican Church of Tanzania in the Global
Anglican Communion, the Bishop of Ruvuma reiterates his commitment to carrying out those apostolic labours which the Lord of the Vineyard
which is His Church will thrust on his shoulders for the Salvation of
Souls et Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam. He begs your prayers, that the Lord Our Merciful God, will remember his episcopate and his apostolic
labours in His Kingdom-always.

Sincerely In Him,

His slave,

Rt Rev Dr Maternus K Kapinga
Bishop of ACT-Ruvuma

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