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Return of Fairness Doctrine Spells Danger to Religious Broadcasters

Return of Fairness Doctrine Spells Danger to Religious Broadcasters

by Jonathan Falwell
The Conservative Voice
July 16, 2007

On June 29, Rep. Mike Pence (R-Ind.) introduced the Broadcaster Freedom Act, a bill that would prevent the restoration of the Fairness Doctrine by the Federal Communications Commission.

There has been growing speculation on Capitol Hill that Democrats will seek to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine under the guise that conservative talk radio is disproportionately dominating American radio. The liberal agenda has not been able to gain a foothold on radio, even though it is predominate in virtually every other form of mass media.

Conservatives say if Democrats want to counter the messages of popular radio broadcasters, they should do so by placing entertaining liberal radio hosts on the airwaves, not by having the government mandate that radio stations afford equal time to leftist radio voices. Sen. Pence's bill is just the beginning of the fight.

"The fight for freedom on the American airwaves is not over," said Sen. Pence in introducing his legislation. "With many still hoping to resurrect the Fairness Doctrine, we must continue to stay on the offense. Unless Congress addresses this threat to free speech, any future administration could impose this unfair doctrine upon America with the stroke of a pen."

Mr. Pence's bill is a temporary solution to the problem, as it places a one-year moratorium that prohibits any funding to the FCC for the enforcement of the Fairness Doctrine.

"While I am pleased that 309 Members of Congress supported this short-term fix, it is my hope that they will continue to stand for freedom of speech by joining me in a long-term solution to the problem by passing the Broadcaster Freedom Act. There is nothing fair about the Fairness Doctrine."

The fairness doctrine, overturned by the FCC in 1987, was part of a 1949 FCC regulation requiring broadcasters to "afford reasonable opportunity for the discussion of conflicting views of public importance."

Democrats would like to level the playing field of the radio airwaves through government action, largely because liberals have been unsuccessful in challenging conservative and conservative-leaning radio icons such as Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Neal Boortz and several others.

The return of the Fairness Doctrine would also negatively affect Christian radio. Jay Sekulow of the American Center for Law and Justice, who hosts the nationally syndicated "Jay Sekulow Live" radio broadcast, is also concerned about an effort to codify speech on the national airwaves, especially for Christian broadcasters.

In a recent commentary, he said that "30 minutes of religious or conservative broadcasting would have to be balanced with 30 minutes of the opposing viewpoint, even if it aired on Christian radio."

It is apparent that the left is serious about eradicating the enormous influence of conservative talk radio.

Let's be clear though. As Christians, our concern should be much greater than the threat to conservative and Christian talk radio. I don't think it accidental that the First Amendment embodies our two greatest freedoms - freedom of speech and freedom of religion. These go hand in hand.

My Dad knew this well. He unequivocally stood firm against a return to any type of "equal time" Fairness Doctrine, or any other restriction that would censor Christian truth. He was routinely attacked for this stand by liberals. But Dad knew that dangerous proposals like the Fairness Doctrine and so-called "hate crimes" legislation are the opposite of our precious First Amendment freedoms. They are two quick steps on a slippery slope to full-blown censorship of anyone who dares to preach the Bible.

In Canada, where such radical doctrines have already taken hold, our ministry's television broadcast has for years faced censorship of any reference that was deemed to be politically incorrect.

Liberal forces in Washington would like nothing better than to similarly restrict or silence the ministries and pulpits of pro-family and pro-life voices like Dr. James Dobson, Dr. John Hagee, Dr. Franklin Graham or any Bible-preaching pastor.

Writing on WorldNetDaily.com, Ron Strom quoted NRB president Frank Wright as saying that giving equal time to the opponents of Christianity by Fairness Doctrine legislation could mean "the end of Christian broadcasting as we know it."

Christians need to be prepared to go to battle to guard against any future efforts aimed at silencing or diluting conservative and Christian radio broadcasts. The Bible tells us clearly in Mark 16:15 "... Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature."

The so-called Fairness Doctrine would serve as the first step in hindering Christians around the world from doing so.


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