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Reflections on The Episcopal Church Convention - by Chuck Murphy

Reflections on The Episcopal Church Convention

By Chuck Murphy

PAWLEYS ISLAND, SC: (6/23/2006)--The actions and direction of the Episcopal Church, as evidenced in its just concluded General Convention, remain a continuing tragedy. The decisions reached, the language used, and the directions taken, are nothing new. Much of their rhetoric mirrors that of other groups that departed orthodoxy centuries ago, such as the Unitarian Universalists who continue to this day to present both the language and the theology of this latest Convention in their literature and on their webpage.

The Convention does call for some kind of response, and the two options that most will have to decide between will be either: to fight and persevere to bring about change and repentance from within, or to simply move on.

Some will feel called to stay and fight, at least for the present, but for those of us in the Anglican Mission our call is clear, as it has been for the past six years. We have a Gospel mission that is directed to the millions of un-churched in order to open up new territory for the Kingdom of God. While we will pray for, and can partner with, those who feel called to remain, I am convinced that our call is to remain focused on our mission, make the decision to "leave alone," the various "blind guides" that would otherwise distract and deflect us even as Jesus instructed in Matthew's gospel [Matt. 15:13-14], and boldly press on."

I am convinced that the realignment that has been working its way through the Anglican Communion-along the fault line of Biblical Truth - is now reaching its conclusion. We will have genuine resolution to the problems soon. I anticipate much clarity before the close of this year, and a final resolution by the next Lambeth Conference in 2008.

I am very grateful to God for our home in the Province of Rwanda, and my prayer for the people of the Anglican Mission is that we will not become distracted by the various controversies that swirl around us, but rather keep our focus and commitment on the Mission that we have been given - to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and bring those around us into a transforming relationship with Him through the sustaining power o f the Holy Spirit.


--The Rt. Rev. Chuck Murphy is Chairman of The Anglican Mission in America. He is based In Pawleys Island, South Carolina

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