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Pittsburgh Punts...PB Pitches New Reorganized Diocese...Tensions Mount...More

Pittsburgh Punts...PB Pitches New Reorganized Diocese...Tensions Mount... NA Province Moves Closer to Reality

A brother came to an old man, troubled by the temptation of lust. The old man said, "Be like him who passes through the marketplace in front of an inn and breathes the smell of cooking and roasting. If he enjoys it, he goes inside to eat some of it. If not, he only inhales the bad smell in passing and goes on his way. It is the same for you. Avoid the bad smell. Wake up and pray, saying, 'Son of God, help me' Do this for other temptations also. For we do not have to uproot the passions, but resist them."

Letter and spirit. Is the law still binding upon the Christian? The answer to that is, No and Yes. 'No' in the sense that our acceptance before God does not depend on it. Christ in his death fully met the demands of the law, so that we are delivered from it. It no longer has any claims on us. It is no longer our lord. 'Yes' in the sense that our new life is still a bondage. We still 'serve'. We are still slaves, although discharged from the law. But the motive and the means of our service have altered. Why do we serve? Not because the law is our master and we have to, but because Christ is our husband and we want to. Not because obedience to the law leads to salvation, but because salvation leads to obedience to the law. The law says, Do this and you will live. The gospel says, You live, so do this. The motive has changed. How do we serve? Not in oldness of letter, but in newness of spirit. That is, not by obedience to an external code, but by surrender to an indwelling Spirit. --- From "Men Made New" by John R.W. Stott

Law and liberty. Christian liberty is not inconsistent with law any more than love is. True, Christians are not 'under law' in that our salvation does not depend on obedience to the law. Yet this does not relieve us of the obligation to keep the law. The freedom with which Christ has made us free is not freedom to break the law, but freedom to keep it. 'I will walk about in freedom, for I have sought your precepts' (Ps. 119:45). --- From "The Letters of John" (Tyndale New Testament Commentaries) by John R.W. Stott.

A Word of Knowledge for the Episcopal Church. "And now go, write it before them on a tablet and inscribe it in a book, that it may be for the time to come as a witness forever. For they are a rebellious people, lying children, children unwilling to hear the instruction of the Lord." Isa. 30:8.

Dear Brothers and Sisters

It is growing increasingly harder to deride an institution as derisory as The Episcopal Church.

Consider the following: Episcopal Church leaders (among others) sit down to have dinner with and honor a state leader whose country is on the "terrorist" threat list because its Iranian president (that same state leader) would like to extinguish Israel and the US off the face of the earth.

Diocesan bishops can be seen publicly endorsing sodomy by participating in "gay day parades" sitting up on the backs of convertibles to show just how inclusive and with the times they are. They are supplicant to a shrill minority of angry Episcopal pansexualists who demand their sexual rights be granted them....in the name of whatever redefined trinity - his, here's and theirs - now inhabits the universe.

An openly homogenital bishop has twisted Scripture so effectively and his cries of exclusion so pronounced that everyone bows before him as the new messiah of pansexuality. No one dares oppose him unless they want HOMOPHOBIA written on their foreheads, only to be removed at the Last Judgment after serious (but non-enjoyable) flagellation from the Almighty.

TEC refuses to accept Scripture's clear affirmation to obey the Great Commission in favor of human amelioration through something called Millennium Development Goals. Even though such well-intended goals might alleviate physical hunger, the church fails to minister to the deeper spiritual hungers humanity yearns to find answers for.

A Presiding Bishop who believes that "by bread alone" mankind will be satisfied. The call to be fishers of men is now dumbed down to be fishers of fish.

They embrace abortion as a legitimate alternative to adoption because women MUST have their rights, with the result that a holocaust of potential human beings has taken place that makes the Jewish genocide pale by comparison. (47 million versus 6 million)

Then TEC casts out from among them the only group of people who have the capacity, desire and willingness to make churches grow through biblical evangelism because they are deemed to be narrow-minded, uninclusive, lacking diversity and refuse to bow the knee to the contemporary Babels of post-modernity.

Finally, they have the nerve to think and believe that some Covenant will be written that everybody will sign off on and obey. Everyone knows full well that there's not a chance of a rat's bodega in hell that The Episcopal Church will obey anything, especially a Covenant that goes against their "truth" and the current ecclesiastical and moral zeitgeist.

Today's Word of Knowledge for the Episcopal Church seems fitting in this context. "And now go, write it before them on a tablet and inscribe it in a book, that it may be for the time to come as a witness forever. For they are a rebellious people, lying children, children unwilling to hear the instruction of the Lord." Isa. 30:8.

Is it any wonder that this past week saw the departure of yet another diocese in The Episcopal Church? The Diocese of Pittsburgh left taking more than 50 churches and portions of 17 others with them, an act of spiritual rebellion against a church that has lost its way. By the end of the year when a new North American Anglican Province is announced, it will probably have as many as 500 parishes from multiple jurisdictions representing tens of thousands of newly minted Anglicans firmly in its embrace. The Archbishop of Canterbury cannot ignore this and will either have to openly embrace it or repudiate it. If he repudiates it, he risks bringing the wrath of the Global South GAFCON Primates down on his head. Is it any wonder that world renown theologian Dr. J.I. Packer has said that Dr. Rowan Williams is a man over a barrel. Indeed.


It is not surprising that in the DIOCESE OF PITTBURGH, following its exit from TEC to the Province of the Southern Cone, the national church fought back. Within a few days, Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori announced a reorganized Episcopal diocese under new leadership formed from a group opposing Realignment. A Standing Committee included the Rev. James Simons and two people he appointed as the "rightful" Standing Committee of the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh. Simons will chair the group, along with the Rev. Jeffrey Murph and Ms. Mary Roehrich. This Standing Committee will serve as the ecclesiastical authority of a diocese in the absence of a bishop. All three were leaders of Across the Aisle, a theologically diverse group that began working about nine months ago in anticipation of a split in the diocese.


To make the point that all is not well in the "We're all right" fantasy world of Mrs. Jefferts Schori and TEC, yet another parish, the largest in the whole state of New York is leaving TEC. Located in Tonawanda, Western New York, St. Bartholomew's told their bishop Michael Garrison that they are leaving, taking their 1,000 members with them and coming under the Diocese of Argentina. The move has been fairly amicable. You can read the full story in today's digest or here. http://tinyurl.com/4uh2ks


The most sinister development of the week is that Katharine Jefferts Schori and her attorney David Booth Beers will put a resolution on the table at GC 2009 forcing all parishes to reconstitute their legal titles to reflect irrevocable trusts with their respective bishops as beneficiaries, and by extension, The Episcopal Church.

In a comment during debate on resolutions, South Dakota Diocesan Chancellor Steve Sanford mentioned that he had spoken with Episcopal Church Attorney Beers about this issue. Beers replied that they would deal with this "exposure". Beers apparently told the Chancellor that lawsuit problems would decrease in the future because TEC would deal with "the exposure issue."

TEC leaders are hoping GC2009 will give TEC the keys to your church. This makes it almost certain that there will be some new legislation for the 2009 General Convention.


In the DIOCESE OF VIRGINIA all is not well. VOL heard a source in the area say that at the annual meeting of Christ Church, the purpose was to emphasize the stewardship campaign to help stabilize the parish's finances. Huge cuts were made in the summer to try and make ends meet. In the two months of the new fiscal year, the figures. A small item was added to the agenda with the title "Property Dispute". The Diocese contacted the church and told them that there was a legal reason for Christ Church to get involved in the dispute with the departing parishes in Northern Va. Apparently, the Falls Church's legal ownership was once controlled by the Vestry of Christ Church at the beginning of the 19th century. Additionally, the diocese loaned money to the Falls Church up to around WWII implying that the Diocese should be able to assert their interest in the property. The Vestry voted to allow the Diocese to pursue this claim by using Christ Church as their proxy. This was done without informing the parish. When we learn more about this we will let you know.


From the DIOCESE OF WESTERN LOUISIANA comes word that one of its invited speakers to its 29th Annual Diocesan Convention was none other than Canon Dr. Gregory Cameron, Deputy Secretary General and Director of Ecumenical Affairs for The Anglican Consultative Council. A VOL informer told VOL that the bishop, The Rt. Rev. D. Bruce MacPherson, a good man incidentally, had invited the heavy hitter from the ACC office in London.

"The idea the Bishop tried to sell us was that our membership in TEC won't be a stumbling block to our continued membership in the Anglican Communion. Cameron will tell us so, and all will be well, right? But, bishop, tell me how am I to remain in a church that promotes abortion, ignores scripture, doesn't follow its own canons, whose clergy replace words they don't like in the prayer book, that thinks 1% of its budget fulfills Jesus' commands in Matthew 25, doesn't believe Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, and who will not likely consent to the election of another bishop who does?

Why should I remain even in the Anglican Communion when its most vibrant parts are on their way out due to alienation and estrangement due to claimed liberal superiority and racism? Why should I remain within a Diocese whose clergy couldn't endorse the pastoral scheme from the Dar-es-Salaam communique last year at Diocesan Convention?"

Said the source, "With Cameron here, you can be sure that any resolution that calls for Western Louisiana to leave TEC will likely fail. So, what are folks in our Diocese to do who find themselves where I am - completely estranged from the national church because, frankly, the national church no longer even resembles Christianity?

"If you do not answer these questions, I am sure parishes will start trying to find these answers for themselves under Episcopal leadership from elsewhere. That is not to say we don't all love you, Bruce, because we do."


The ultra-liberal BISHOP OF NEW WESTMINSTER, Michael Ingham told Anglicans in his diocese that two African bishops, one from Kenya and the other from Rwanda, were threatened by their archbishops if they showed up at the Lambeth Conference earlier this year. Ingham gave a speech about his experience at Lambeth. It was a major league spin that included new information that many African bishops wanted to attend but were prevented from doing so by their respective Primates, the bishop charged. You can read that story in today's digest.


From Quebec comes word that as of September 15, a new parish has opened in Montreal. St. Andrews Church is a part of the Reformed Episcopal Church. It is worshipping in Westmount and meets weekly at Westmount Baptist Church. The church is led by the Rev. M.P. Harrington. Those interested in finding out more about us can contact them through their website at http://saintandrewschurch.qc.ca


The CHURCH OF ENGLAND reached new heights of political correctness this week when the Rev Peter Mullen, stalwart of the Prayer Book Society and staunch traditionalist, had to take his website down after he wrote a poem on the recent St Bartholomew's blessing service for two gay priests, celebrated by the Rev. Martin Dudley a chaplain to City financiers. Mullen wrote:

The Bishop of London is in a high huff, Because Dr Dudley has married a puff; And not just one puff - he's married another: Two priests, two puffs and either to other.' He also said gay men should have cigarette-style warnings tattooed on their backsides, along the lines of 'sodomy kills'. Mullen is chaplain to the Stock Exchange.


The tomb was empty. Having won the battle to exhume Cardinal John Henry Newman's body for its transfer to the Oratory in Birmingham, those paying their respects at the graveside had a bit of a shock. There was no body to exhume, nothing at all. Not a trace of bone, hair, human remains or anything except a plate [describing who was buried]. It means that he was not buried in the lead coffin that many supposed he had been, but in a simple wooden affair. It is not apparently unusual for remains to disintegrate totally in this fashion. A few fragments of hair preserved elsewhere will now be placed in a casket for veneration in the Birmingham Oratory, but of course there can be no 'lying in state' for a real body. At least it solves the Peter Tatchell problem. A non-existent body cannot be exhumed. Source. Ruth Gledhill, The London Times.


IN CANADA, two more congregations -- one in Ottawa and one in Hamilton -- voted to join the Anglican Network in Canada. The Church of St. Peter on Main Street East and St. George's Anglican Church in Ottawa voted to make the change this week. At St. Peter, 42 people voted in favor of the move and one was opposed. The move comes after high-profile moves by congregations in Lowville, Oakville and St. Catharines to join the ANiC because of their belief the Anglican Church of Canada was getting too liberal in its scriptural interpretation. The two new congregations bring the total parishes in the ANiC to 21, 13 of which were previously Anglican Church of Canada members.


Why are Church of England evangelical bishops so silent, asks journalist Andrew Carey. He pondered these thoughts in the Church of England Newspaper recently. "Why have the evangelical bishops of the Church of England not signed this letter (of support for Bishop Duncan published by the Bishops of Exeter, Chester, Rochester, Winchester, Blackburn and Chichester) or issued similar statements of support? Where are the likes of Bristol, Liverpool, Carlisle, Oxford, Durham, Lichfield, Croydon on the propriety of Bishop Duncan's deposition?

It is time that the evangelical Bishops of the Church of England actually began to make a stand on something that counts. The lawlessness, unilateralism, and theological heterodoxy of The Episcopal Church has put our Communion in danger today and threatens the unity of the Church of England tomorrow. Where will they stand? One reason (for their silence) has been put to me that they do not want to be seen publicly undermining the Archbishop of Canterbury's leadership in the Anglican Communion. My question is, why do they view his leadership as so precarious that it can be unsettled by forthright statements in support of justice and common-sense?


When the DIOCESE OF FOND DU LAC meets at their 134th Annual Diocesan Convention on October 17-18, in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, they will consider a number of resolutions including one affirming their desire to be an active part of the Anglican Communion and to work within The Episcopal Church in the framework of "Communion Partners", the inside strategy promoted by a number of orthodox dioceses that plan to stay in The Episcopal Church. The diocese will actively support their Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Russell Jacobus, "to actively participate in any way possible in actions that may bring healing to our Church and the Anglican Communion." Jacobus is also a signatory to the "Communion Partners".


A DAY OF REPENTANCE FOR EPISCOPALIANS. Hundreds of Episcopalians journeyed to St. Thomas African Episcopal Church in Philadelphia on October 3 to participate in the first of a two-day solemn observance that culminated with the Episcopal Church publicly apologizing for its involvement in the institution of transatlantic slavery. St. Thomas is the first Black Episcopal Church in the nation. Said Jefferts Schori, "Let us seek God's forgiveness into the body of Christ." Bonnie Anderson, House of Deputies President described it as a landmark event. Slavery was a sin and the church was complicit in this, she said.


A LITTLE HUMOR FROM CYBERSPACE. The Vatican Criticizes Episcopal Church for Being "Unbiblical". Pope Benedict XVI denounced the practices of the Episcopal Church this week by stating that they have strayed too far from scripture. In a move that shocked many because of its direct nature, the Pope said, "The Episcopal Church in the United States continues its practice of moving farther and farther away from what the Bible teaches us.

They act as if the Holy Scriptures have nothing to say about life and how we should live it. Now that they are openly ordaining gay bishops and ignoring the gospel message, what is left for them to ignore? The Episcopal Church is like a ship without a rudder. They have nowhere left to look for direction and guidance." The Pope went on to say, "What Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori must do is lead the Episcopal church in a revival of studying the Bible.

"They must ask themselves what the Bible says, and then simply do it. They are in serious danger of straying so far from scripture that they will cease to be a church at all. They must be careful that their traditions do not get in the way of what the inspired word has to say even today." In response, Bishop Schori said, "We understand the Pope's concerns.

After all, we did make the mistake of breaking with Rome 500 years ago. However, what is done is done, and we are moving onward." Schori continued, "Despite his good intentions, the Pope has made an assumption that is faulty. He assumes that a true church must follow scripture. What he must not yet understand is that the Episcopal Church has evolved to the point of no longer needing the Bible. In fact, I don't even own one.

We now gain our wisdom and understanding from higher forms such as our own minds, statues, crystals, stars and moons, and little blue men that inhabit the cellars of our church buildings. We have found this new, bible-free church life to be very liberating. I invite the Pope to try it sometime. He really needs to move past his fixation on the bible."


PROTESTORS PUSH FOR ORDINATION IN SYDNEY. A Living Church report said that supporters of the ordination of women used projectors to display images of female priests on the outer walls of St. Andrew's Cathedral in Sydney, Australia, recently after they were not permitted to meet in the cathedral's square. The Sydney Movement for the Ordination of Women wanted to mark its 25th anniversary by meeting in the square of Australia's oldest cathedral, but organizers said they were banned by Dean Phillip Jensen and the cathedral chapter. The Diocese of Sydney is one of four dioceses of the Anglican Church of Australia that do not ordain women as priests. Organizer Patricia Brennan said the diocese has suppressed debate on the issue, and said the group will continue to push it to the top of the church's agenda. She estimated that 50 women have left Sydney to be ordained in other Australian dioceses since ordination of women was approved by the Church of Australia in 1992.


COMMON CAUSE PARTNERSHIP leadership is meeting this week at Church of the Epiphany in Herndon, Va. They will discuss the mission and vision of the new orthodox Anglican structure leading to a new province here in the U.S. Despite the pressure of The Episcopal Church to squelch this group and other orthodox Anglican congregations who in good conscience cannot follow the direction embraced by the current leadership within TEC, Common Cause is determined to move forward. CANA Bishop Martyn Minns, Missionary Bishop of the Convocation of Anglicans in North America (CANA), is leading the charge.


THE ANGLICAN LAITY FELLOWSHIP and The American Anglican Council of Washington, D.C. will co-sponsor a conference on, A New Anglican Province in North America? What is God calling us to do? What happened at GAFCON and Lambeth? What has happened since and what may happen in the next few months? Actions of parishes in the Anglican Communion Network and Common Cause. Speakers will include David Bickel, ALF, President AAC-W.GAFCON, Lambeth, new Province;. Mary McReynolds, Attorney;. Tom Wilson, Former Senior Warden of a Network parish that left with its property; Hudson Barton and many others.

The event will be held Saturday October 25, 2008 10:30 am to 5:00 pm (Registration at 10 am) at St. Joseph's Valley Farm, 10307 Keysville Road, Emmitsburg, MD 21727. Cost $35. Includes Catered Luncheon Please make checks payable to St. Joseph's Valley Farm, LLC RSVP by Monday, Oct. 20 Reservations call 301-447-3361 Or U.S. Mail, online www.glimfeather.com/alf/index.html, or by e-mail: Anglicanlay@yahoo.com


FINAL CALL for the 4th annual GREAT LAKES ANGLICAN NETWORK gathering which meets October 21-23, 2008 in Akron, OH. Clergy and laity are both welcome. "There are still a few remaining seats. If you have not registered, you can still do so. Registration online ends this week and door prices are $15 higher than the online special," writes convener Doc Loomis. The keynote address will be given by Bishop Bob Duncan of Pittsburgh, Moderator of the Common Cause Partnership. The event will be held Wednesday, October 22 at 7PM St. Luke's Church, Akron, OH. You can sign up here: http://www.honanetwork.com/glan/08invite.html, not hudsonanglican@yahoo.com


ENGLAND: Thousands turn to online prayer and advice as the financial situation worsens. Church of England web users looking for support during the current financial situation have boosted traffic by more than 70 percent to a Church of England website section focusing on debt advice, and visitor numbers to the church's online prayer page have increased by more than a quarter. The Matter of Life and Debt website section -- containing a new 'debt spiral' feature enabling visitors to work out if they are among the many families that will be seriously affected by the credit crunch, and useful advice for those worried about debt -- has seen a 71 percent increase in traffic in recent weeks.


NEW BLOG ON THE 'EMERGING CHURCH' IN SOUTH AFRICA. The 'Emerging Church' calls itself a conversation rather than a movement. Most of that 'conversation' is happening on internet blogs. ChristianViewNetwork has joined the conversation on the South African 'Emerging Church ' movement, by posting a blog at http://emergingthreat.blogspot.com/ . The blog has already provoked some debate between 'Emerging Church' advocates and biblically conservative evangelicals, which you can read in the article comments and on linked 'emerging church' blogs. VOL FOOTNOTE. VOL, along with a number of other journalists, heard the Emerging Church leader Brian McLaren speak at the Lambeth Conference. We were distinctly unimpressed with Mr. McLaren's presentation, as he seemed not to have interacted much with Global South leaders like Peter Akinola and the vibrantly growing Anglican Communion in Africa nor with scholars like Lamin Sanneh.


And in HARTSDALE, NY ST. GABRIEL'S ANGLICAN CHURCH, conducted its first Mass last Sunday with 28 parishioners in attendance. "We expected much more but because of the heavy rains starting early Sunday morning in Brooklyn, Bronx and Westchester several persons called to say they unfortunately had to stay home, said Pastor Carlton Clarke. "We are underway and God willing we will have an orthodox Anglican presence in the area."


Perhaps Bob Dylan captures the moment well for TEC with these lines:

It's All Over Now, Baby Blue;
You must leave now, take what you need,
you think will last.
But whatever you wish to keep,
you better grab it fast.
Yonder stands your orphan with his gun,
Crying like a fire in the sun.
Look out the saints are comin' through
And it's all over now, Baby Blue.


WATCH THIS. The word of God in Hebrews 9-10. Ryan Ferguson offers this powerful 11 minute memorized dramatic recitation of Hebrews 9 and 10 using the ESV. Click here:

He also recites from Psalms


In today's digest of stories you can read my analysis on the present state of The Episcopal Church here. http://tinyurl.com/53blfe also I look at Proposition 8 in California and the effects it will have on traditional families, and another story on who will hold the keys to your parish, a chilling look at what Katharine Jefferts Schori and her attorney David Booth Beers will do if they have their way at GC2009. They could force all parishes to reconstitute their legal titles to reflect irrevocable trusts with their respective bishops as beneficiaries, and by extension, The Episcopal Church. There are a couple of fine analysis pieces including one by VOL's cyber theologian Dr. Robert J. Sanders and a devotional piece directed at the current economic crisis afflicting us all.


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All Blessings,

David W. Virtue DD

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