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ORLANDO, FL: REC & APA Meet In Historic Encounter To Engage Mission


By David W. Virtue

ORLANDO, FL (6/30/2005)--The Reformed Episcopal Church and the Anglican Province of America moved closer towards intercommunion when the two jurisdictions met together here, and announced the formation of a Federation of Anglican Churches in America with official representatives of more than dozen jurisdictions and agencies signing a Federation document affirming a mutual commitment to work together in common cause for the sake of the gospel.

The two jurisdictions will now have a relationship of intercommunion and common mission between the two branches of the church without infringing upon or compromising either jurisdictions, said the Most Rev. Leonard W. Riches, REC Presiding Bishop. The REC and APA have been in a state of inter-communion since June 1998.

The Federation document called the "Commitments for the Communion of Anglican Provinces, Jurisdictions, and Ministries in the Americas" closely parallels the Episcopal Church's orthodox Network, known as the NACDP - the Network of Anglican Communion Dioceses and Parishes.

"We gather in Council at an historic moment in our history as a jurisdiction, and at a strategic time in the wider world of Christendom at large, and of Anglican Christianity in particular," said Presiding Bishop Riches. "This 51st General Council marks the first time that we have joined together with another branch of Christ's church - the Anglican Province of America - to do the work of the church together; to be mutually encouraged, strengthened, energized and equipped to move forward and fulfill the calling and commission of Christ Jesus as Our Lord," he said.

Riches said the meeting was especially historic for both jurisdictions because it marked the first time in their history that both jurisdictions would focus together on the work of evangelism. "The task is to take the Gospel to a lost and dying world, to make disciples of all people, and to teach them to know Christ and to follow Him. By God's grace we must resolve to emerge from this experience together with a new vision, a revitalized commitment, and renewed determination to be a people mobilized for mission."

More than 400 clergy and laity attended the conference which gave final approval to a new constitution and set of canons (church laws). The Rt. Rev. Riches was elected for another three year term as Presiding Bishop of the denomination; consented to the election of The Rev. Canon David L. Hicks as Bishop Co-adjutor of the Diocese of the Northeast & Mid-Atlantic. Final approval was also given to a new Book of Common Prayer.

The Anglican Province of America, a continuing Anglican jurisdiction that has been holding unity discussions with the Reformed Episcopal Church, met simultaneously in adjoining sections of the hotel. The two groups held three joint worship services during their meetings. An overflow crowd gathered at St. Alban's Anglican Church, Cathedral of the Diocese of the Eastern United States of the APA on Wednesday the 22nd.

Two speakers of international renown were present for the REC General Council. The Most Rev. Greg Venables, Archbishop of the Southern Cone Province of the Anglican Communion, preached at services of Holy Communion and Morning Prayer and The Rev. Rico Tice, Curate for Evangelism at All Souls' Church, London, and his team; Miss Sam Shammas and Mr. Barry Cooper, equipped the delegates with Christianity Explored, a 10 week encounter with the Gospel of Mark. Each congregation was given a starter pack of the evangelism materials with which to engage their communities with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. More information on Christianity Explored can be found at: www.christianityexplored.com.


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