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Forward in Faith NA responds to the Primates' Communique

FiF NA responds to the Primates' Communique


The Primates of the Anglican Communion have acted to "protect the integrity and legitimate needs of groups in serious theological dispute with their diocesan bishop, or dioceses in dispute with their Provinces." The Primates have asked the Archbishop of Canterbury, as a matter of urgency, to establish a Panel of Reference. Clearly, the Primates understand that Delegated Episcopal Pastoral Oversight as administered by revisionist bishops is woefully inadequate.

This is good news for members of Forward in Faith, North America. As Canon Warren Tanghe pointed out in the recent FiF/NA response to the Primates' Communiqué, the Primates language "includes those who believe the ordination of women a violation of apostolic Order." Members of Forward in Faith, North America are encouraged to place before the Panel of Reference information regarding actions taken against them and failures to provide Adequate Episcopal Oversight.

The Episcopal Church and the Anglican Church in Canada must make a clear choice. They must either repent of their actions or they must resolve to walk apart from the Anglican Communion. Individuals, congregations, and dioceses must also make a clear choice. Our decisions will determine our future. We will either embrace the teaching of the "faith once delivered" or we will "go along to get along" with the revisionist agenda. Now is the time to "win many hearts to Evangelical Faith, Catholic Truth, Apostolic Order, and Godly Life."

The Panel of Reference provides hope that the struggle of the last thirty years is about to bear the fruit of an orthodox Province of Anglicans in North America. Those in conflict are encouraged to engage the Panel of Reference as soon as it is operational. Details of the procedures when they are known will appear in this publication and on our web site.

Wishing you every blessing as we move Forward in Faith, I am faithfully yours in the service of Christ and His Church,

The Rev'd Fr. William H. Ilgenfritz
Senior Vice President, Forward in Faith North America
Dean, Forward in Faith Convocation, Anglican Communion Network

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