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FALLS CHURCH, VA: "I Will Welcome You" - Finding a New Home in the Communion

"I Will Welcome You"
Finding a New Home in the Anglican Communion

Good News!– Jesus Christ, by His sacrificial death and the power of His resurrection, has achieved victory over sin, death, and Hell. The risen Jesus, true God and true man, offers everlasting life to whoever will repent of sin and trust in Him. Jesus is building His Church, the assembly of those who believe, and He promises that "the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it." (Matthew 16:18.) He has commissioned His Church to spread this Good News throughout the world and has promised to be with the Church "to the very end of the age." We at The Falls Church–sinners saved by grace–are striving, with God's help, to accomplish our part in this mission. We resolve to follow Jesus in answer His call and in obedience to the will of God, and to be fellows, partners, and kindred with all those who share that resolve.

Tragically, the Episcopal Church's fidelity to this Faith has faltered, and it has wandered from this path, forcing us to reassess our relationship to it. Its long slide into error has come to a crisis on the subjects of the authority of Scripture and the Lordship of Jesus Christ, in which the presenting issue is sexual morality. In June 2006, we distributed a report to the congregation–Can Two Walk Together, Except They Be Agreed? (cited here as "CTWT")–setting out our perspective on this crisis. There we described the Episcopal Church's condoning and approval of immoral conduct, the attempts by the Anglican Communion to correct the Episcopal Church through a process set out in The Windsor Report, and our own attempts to encourage repentance and correction in our own diocese. In this current report, we update the situation as it has unfolded thereafter, and we recommend the action that we now believe The Falls Church should take.

Read the full article here: http://tinyurl.com/ydltxo

The Falls Church Episcopal
Falls Church, Virginia

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