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ECUSA: Episcopalians show support for reproductive freedom at march

Episcopalians show support for reproductive freedom at march

By Matthew Davies and Maureen Shea

[ENS] Episcopalians joined more than one million people, representing
100 religious and religiously-affiliated organizations and
congregations, to march on Washington, D.C., April 25 in support of
women’s reproductive rights at home and abroad. The march recorded the
largest ever crowd count for women's rights in the nation's capital.

The "March for Women's Lives" was co-sponsored by the Religious
Coalition for Reproductive Choice (RCRC), an alliance of national
organizations from major faith groups, local affiliates, the national
Clergy for Choice Network, Spiritual Youth for Reproductive Freedom, and
the Black Church Initiative. According to its mission statement, RCRC
supports the constitutional right to abortion and solutions to problems
such as the spread of HIV/AIDS, inadequate health care and health
insurance, and the "severe reduction" in reproductive health care
services. The Episcopal Church and the Episcopal Women's Caucus are both
members of RCRC.

RCRC’s president, the Rev. Katherine Ragsdale, welcomed the gathering
with assurances that the religious community is behind them. "You can't
sustain a movement on outrage," she said. "We are here to support the
providers, politicians, women and activists, and let them know that we
respect them for their work and their commitment." Ragsdale, an
Episcopal priest, added that a punk rock concert was held in Washington
April 24 to enlist young people in the movement.

Also marching behind the Episcopal Church banner were the Rev. Margaret
Rose, director of the Episcopal Church Office of Women’s Ministries;
Executive Council members Louie Crew and John Vanderstar; long-time
women's rights activist and General Convention deputy Marge Christie;
and Maureen Shea, director of the Government Relations Office.

Before the march, the RCRC also held a "Prayerfully Pro-Choice
Interfaith Worship Service."

Call for justice

In 1994, the 71st General Convention of the Episcopal Church reaffirmed
that all human life is sacred from its inception until death and that
all abortion is regarded as having a tragic dimension. "While we
acknowledge that in this country it is the legal right of every woman to
have a medically safe abortion," the resolution stated, "as Christians
we believe strongly that if this right is exercised, it should be used
only in extreme situations. We emphatically oppose abortion as a means
of birth control, family planning, sex selection, or any reason of mere

“General Convention resolutions have expressed unequivocal opposition to
any legislation abridging a woman’s right to make an informed decision
about the termination of pregnancy, as well as the pain and possible
support that may be needed for those making difficult life decisions,”
Rose said, adding that participating in the march shows that supporting
women's rights is “essential to our call for justice.”

“By publicizing this march and other events through our network, we are
able to enlist and inform Episcopalians about important events,”
explained Mary Getz, director of the Episcopal Public Policy Network
(EPPN). “This is one of the ways we are continuing to build our
grassroots advocacy network.”

The march came in for criticism from the Institute on Religion and
Democracy (IRD), which issued a press release calling it a “scandal” and
suggesting that “a majority of church members...would be disgusted if
they knew that their denominations have joined…in backing this kind of
cause.” IRD president Diane Knippers, an Episcopalian, said that “the
church’s proper role in this issue is to offer godly counsel and
ministry to persons involved in crisis pregnancies. But in this case
some...are adopting the strident arguments of the secular culture.”

Other Episcopalians participating in the march included delegations of
women and men from California, Florida, Maryland, Massachusetts,
Nebraska, New Jersey, and Virginia.

--Matthew Davies is staff writer of Episcopal News Service. Maureen Shea
is director of the Episcopal Church’s Office of Government Relations.

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