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AAC: Bishop Swing's action to remove Bishop Charles highlights incongruity


We note with great interest that Bishop William Swing of California has
revoked Otis Charles' license to officiate and also dismissed him from his position as assisting bishop in the diocese.

Details of the story, reported by The Living Church last evening, are sketchy with regard to why the measures were taken, but it appears to be a result of Charles' "marriage" to Felipe Sanchez Paris on April 24, 2004.

The Executive Office of the Diocese, the Rev. Michael Hansen told The Living Church that same sex-blessings must be approved by the Bishop of California and should not "resemble a marriage."

He also noted that the matter is "under investigation" with regard to possible clergy violations of diocesan guidelines.

If the punitive measures reported reflect an attempt to restore some
semblance of order and discipline in ECUSA, we welcome such action,
particularly if it represents a new trend in the Church. Such a trend
might extend to the Diocese of New Hampshire which elected a practicing homosexual as bishop, and to the Diocese of Washington where Bishop John Chane has proposed moving far beyond General Convention's resolution on same sex blessings, proposing such rites be extended to couples for whom marriage is not an appropriate or desirable step.

While a new trend toward moral discipline in ECUSA would indeed be
encouraging, is it likely? We are left with numerous questions in the
California situation. Were the grounds for Charles' dismissal centered in morality or authority? Did he simply irritate Bishop Swing because he
didn't get permission and go through the right channels or is it possible
that the enormity of the crisis following actions of General Convention
2003 has had an effect? In the current climate in ECUSA with the report of the Lambeth Commission looming, was Charles' ceremony simply too hot to handle?

Are the decisions in the Diocese of California based on expediency rather than a moral outcry? We at the American Anglican Council continue to call on ECUSA to repent - laity, priest and bishop, diocese by diocese that this beloved church might experience renewal and restoration.


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