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PENNSYLVANIA: Standing Committee Asks Bennison to Retire by March 31, 2006

To: Clergy of the Diocese of Pennsylvania
From: Bishop Charles Bennison

The Conversion of Saint Paul

January 25, 2006

Dear Brothers and Sisters:

Last evening the Standing Committee informed me that it had voted unanimously to ask me to retire or resign as your bishop by March 31.

I said in my address at the Diocesan Convention last November that if you felt that I were not leading the diocese effectively and asked me to resign, I would pray about it, and, if I felt it were God’s will, I would do so. I am seriously praying about the Standing Committee’s request, and I ask that you pray for me, for our colleagues throughout the diocese, and above all for the unity and health of our diocese.

I look forward to our deanery clericus meetings this spring and our deanery pre-convention meetings over the weeks leading up to the Special Diocesan Convention on March 25 as times when we can discern prayerfully together God’s will for us as a Christian community. I will send out the call for the Special Convention after Diocesan Council meets on February 9. The schedule for the upcoming meetings is in the February issue of The Pennsylvania Episcopalian.

I welcome your communication with me by telephone, email, mail, or in person. Please know of my love and prayers for each and every one of you.

Faithfully in Christ,

Charles E. Bennison, Jr.

P.S. If those of you in charge of congregations would read this to your people at your services of worship in the next week, I would be grateful.

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