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ILLINOIS: Diocese of Quincy Calls for APO at Special Synod

Eighth Diocese to Secede from The Episcopal Church

Special Report

By David W. Virtue

GALESBURG, IL: (9/16/2006)--A special synod of the Diocese of Quincy called by the Rt. Rev. Keith Ackerman passed five resolutions, including one that said the diocese was seeking Alternative Primatial Oversight from the Archbishop of Canterbury and/or one of the orthodox Primates of the Anglican Communion.

Responding to criticism as to why he and his diocese had not responded earlier in calling for APO, Bishop Ackerman told VirtueOnline, that he would not allow his Standing Committee to run the diocese. "We operate like a family. I asked the family what was on their mind, and at this special synod they spoke with one voice, with no dissent, about how we should proceed."

More than 150 clergy and delegates met at Grace Church in Galesburg, Illinois and passed the following five resolutions.

Said Bishop Ackerman to VOL:

1. We reaffirmed our constitution that we must endeavor in all things to maintain unity with the See of Canterbury and the Anglican Communion.

2. We recognize that the ECUSA has violated its own constitution, therefore we have disassociated ourselves from actions taken, or inaction, as it relates to the unique nature of Christ. We also indicated that we wished to offer spiritual and moral support to those individuals and priests that have disassociated themselves from the Episcopal Church and offer them both spiritual and moral support.

3. We reaffirmed Resolution B001. We haven't changed our mind. It is the centerpiece of our discussions that we had to disassociate ourselves from the actions of General Convention 2006. (RESOLUTION 001, Proposed by The Rt. Rev. Keith L. Ackerman (Quincy) 2003. That this 74th General Convention affirms that "Holy Scripture containeth all things necessary to salvation...as set forth in Article VI of the Articles of Religion established by the General Convention on September 12, 1801; furthermore that "it is not lawful for the Church to ordain [that is, establish or enact] any thing that is contrary to God's Word written, neither may it so expound one place of Scripture, that it be repugnant to another," as set forth in Article XX of the Articles of Religion established by the General Convention on September 12, 1801.) The resolution failed.

4. We are seeking APO from the Archbishop of Canterbury and/or primates and form alliances with "companion parishes".

5. Passed on the first reading was a constitutional change that will allow the diocese not to have to participate in meetings of Province V.

"I asked for a spirit of graciousness, and I asked people to approach this synod in a prayerful manner," said Ackerman. "We even had a chapel for the Blessed Sacrament for a people to have a prayer vigil interceding for us."

Ackerman that the spirit of the synod was joyful with near perfect attendance of delegates and clergy. "I was overwhelmed by the outpouring of love that was offered when someone stood up and thanked me publicly and supported and loved me for my witness to the faith." The bishop received a standing ovation.


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