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Glossary of Anglican Acronyms

Glossary of Anglican Acronyms

Arranged and Assembled by Edgar P. Sneed
AAC American Anglican Church [est. 1992; accepts Bartonville Agmt]
AAC American Anglican Council [in AMI]
AAC American Anglican Convocation [HQ in St. Louis; in ACIC]
AAC Apostolic Anglican Church [HQ in Cleveland OH]
AANF Anglican Alliance of North Florida
ABC Archbishop of Canterbury
AC Anglican Church, Inc.
ACA Anglican Church of Australia
ACA Anglican Church in America
[est. 1991 with portions of AEC & ACC; orthodox;
member of TAC; accepts Bartonville Agmt]
ACA Anglican Churches of America and Associates [est. 1968; orthodox][/font]

[font=Courier]ACA Anglican Church of America [radically inclusive, member of IIC]
ACC Anglican Consultative Council [arm of the Archbishop of Canterbury; see ACO]
ACC Anglican Catholic Church [renamed from ACNA]
ACC Anglican Church of Canada
ACCA Anglican Catholic Church of Australia
ACCA Anglo-Catholic Church in the Americas [now in UAC]
ACCC Anglican Catholic Church of Canada [est. early 1980s after leaving ACC; member of TAC]
ACI Anglican Communion Institute [formerly SEAD; in AMI;
network supportive of the Anglican Communion; based
in Colorado Springs]
ACI Anglican Church International [radically inclusive]
ACiC Anglican Coalition in Canada [affiliated with AMiA;
before January 2006: Anglican Communion in Canada]
ACIC Anglican Church International Communion [est. 2001; orthodox]
ACiNW Anglican Communion in New Westminster [six parishes
withholding funds from the diocese and requesting
AEO; in ACiC and AMI]
ACK Anglican Church of Kenya
ACO Anglican Communion Office [administrative offices of AC in London]
ACO Anglican Communion Office [2007 redesignation of ACC?]
ACU American Church Union [publishing house associated with APCK]
ACU American Church Union [est. 1868; an establishment group opposed to evangelical ideas]
ACN Anglican Communion Network [see NACDP]
ACNA Anglican Church of North America [est. in 1977 at Congress of St. Louis and subscribing to “Affirmation of St. Louis”; see ACC]
ACNS Anglican Communion News Service [official CofE medium]
ACR Anglican Center in Rome [represents ABC; supports IATDC activities]
ACSB Anglican Congregation of St. Benedict [monastic order connected with OCCA]
ACTA Anglo-Catholic Church in the Americas [now joined with TEC as UAC]
ACV Anglican Church of Virginia [est. 2001; traditionalist; in ACIC; slso called ‘Anglican Church in the USA’]
ACW Anglican Church Worldwide [“spiritual” kinship with Canterbury]
ADCA Anglican Diocese of Central America [in ACIC]
ADF Alliance Defense Fund [legal defense for Christians being prosecuted]
ADGS Anglican Diocese of the Good Shepherd [est. in 2001; part of ACIC]
ADV Anglican District of Virginia [est. in 2007 as part of CANA]
AEC American Episcopal Church [traditional; existed from 1968 to 1991; most parishes joined ACA, remnant continues]
AEC Anglican Essentials Canada [orthodox]
AEC Anglican Episcopal Church [HQ in Ventura, CA; in ACIC]
AEC African Episcopal Church [“radically inclusive”]
AEFC/AEF Anglican Essentials Federation in Canada [est. 2004 to preserve Christianity in the ACC; associated with ANiC]
AEO Alternative Episcopal Oversight
AFCC Anglican Fathers of the Corpus Christi [clergy order]
AFDV Anglican Fellowship of the Delaware Valley [adheres to ASL]
AGMP Anglican Global Mission Partners [part of NACDP]
AI Anglican Institute [affiliated with Grace Church, Colorado Springs, before 2004]
AIC Anglican Independent Communion [est. 1997; traditionalist; provinces in Europe/British Isles, Africa, India, Brazil, Latin America, Australia, North America]
AICMAR African Institute for Contemporary Mission and Research [Butere, Kenya]
AMB Anglican Board of Mission [mission agency of the Anglican Church of Australia]
AM(UK) Anglican Mainstream (United Kingdom) [in AMI]
AMI Anglican Mainstream International
AMiA;AMIA Anglican Mission in America [est. 2000, in Anglican Province of Rwanda]
AMIA Anglican Mission in the Americas [est. 2006; includes AMiA, ACiC]
AngliCORD Anglicans Co-operating in Overseas Relief and Development [agency of the Anglican Church in Australia]
ANiC Anglican Network in Canada
AOC Anglican Orthodox Church [est. 1963; HQ in Statesville, NC.]
APA Anglican Province of America [est. in 1995 with DEUS & some ACA parishes; accepts Bartonville Agmt]
APCGS Anglican Province of Christ the Good Shepherd [member of ACN]
APCK Anglican Province of Christ the King [est. in 1978(?) from DCK; “Affirmation of St. Louis”]
APO alternative primatial oversight
APSJ Anglican Province of Saint Jude [parishes in Texas & Philippines]
ARAA Anglican Rite Archdiocese of the Americas
ARCC Anglican Rite Catholic Church [Old Catholic church in Wash./Oregon]
ARCIC Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission
ARC-USA Anglican Roman Catholic dialogue in the United States
ARDF Anglican Relief and Development Fund [agency channeling charities to impoverished Anglicans without involving TEC]
AROCC Anglican Rite Old Catholic Church [in Texas]
ARJA Anglican Rite Jurisdiction in America
ARSA Anglican Rite Synod in the Americas [accepts Bartonville Agmt]
ASL Affirmation of St. Louis [1977 orthodox statement drawn up by large number of Dissenting Anglicans]
ASV Anglican Seminary of Virginia [est. by ACV]
AU Anglicans United
Bartonville Agreement Oct 1999 affirmation by AAC, ACA, APA, ARSA, EMC, OAC.
BCP Book of Common Prayer
BEUS Bishop of the Eastern United States [part of APA]
CAC Catholic Anglican Church
CACZ Continuing Anglican Communion in Zambia [a mission of TAC]
CAE; CA Changing Attitudes England [radically inclusive]
CALA Concilio Anglicano Latino Americano (Anglican Council of Latin America)
CAM Continuing Anglican Movement [traditional/orthodox; est. in 1978 at Congress of St. Louis with “Affirmation of St. Louis”; current members: ACA, AEC, AOC, APA, APCK, CEC, CE(C), DGL, DHC, EMC, FCE, OAC, OAC, REC, TAC, TPEC, UECNA]
CANA Convocation of Anglican Nigerians in Americas [name when first established by Nigerian Archbishop Peter Akinola]
CANA Convocation of Anglicans in North America [evolved in 2006 to supplant original CANA]
CAPA Council of Anglican Provinces in Africa
CAPAC Council of Anglican Provinces of the Americas and Caribbean
CC Common Cause [see CCP]
CC “continuing church” [Epis/Anglican churches that rejected TEC’s doctrinal and tradition changes]
CCA Common Cause Appalachia [est. in May 2006; AMIA, REC, EMC, APA, FiF/NA and parishes in Tenn., Ken., Ga., & NC; alliance within ACN]
CCF Common Cause Federation [est. Aug 2006; formal arrangement for CCP]
CCLEC Concerned Clergy and Laity of the Episcopal Church
CCMS [Anglican] Common Cause, Mid-South [AMIA, REC, ACK parishes in TN, Ark, and Miss.]
CCP Common Cause Partners [informal body of leaders from major Anglican entities in North America: AAC, ACN, AAC, AMiA, ANiC, APA, AEF, FiF/NA, REC, CANA; became a “federation” in 2007; APA withdrew in 2008]
CCTV Christian Congress for Traditional Values [British advocacy for traditional values governing family life]
CDSP Church Divinity School of the Pacific
CEC Charismatic Episcopal Church [see ICCEC]
CE(C) Church of England (Continuing)
CEC Communion of Ecumenical Churches [alliance of inclusive groups]
CEC Christian Episcopal Church [see XnEC]
CEEC Church of England Evangelical Council
CEEC Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches [formed in 1995]
CEEC Church of England Evangelical Council
CEN Church of England Newspaper [Church of England news medium]
CFM Christian Formation Ministries [evangelism program since 1982]
CIBPC Anglican Church of India
CLC Communion Laity and Clergy [support orthodox ministry and leadership of Colorado]
CMS Church Mission Society/Church Missionary Society
CofE Church of England
CPSA Church of the Province of Southern Africa [Anglican Communion]
CRS Compass Rose Society [supports ABC and ACC administration]
CS Church Society [evangelical org. in Church of England]
DBS Diocese of the Blessed Sacrament [formerly Anglican Province of Christ the King]
DCK Diocese of Christ the King [est. 1977 from some ACC parishes; see APCK]
DEPO Delegated Episcopal Pastoral Oversight [nonfunctioning arrangement]
DEUS ACA's Diocese of the Eastern United States [until mid 1990s]
DFMS Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the Episcopal Church
DGL [Anglican] Diocese of the Great Lakes [in communion with UECNA]
DGS Diocese of the Good Shepherd [in ACW]
DHC Diocese of the Holy Cross [affiliated with FIFUK; HQ Lynchburg VA]
DHS Diocese of the Holy Spirit [formerly PEC]
DIY theology do-it-yourself theology [beliefs about Christianity that reject any institutional authority, especially that of liturgical churches]
DMH Diocesis Misionara Hispana [Hispanic outreach diocese of IALA]
DOK Daughters of the King [est. in 1885 as a service order of women]
DOR Diocese of the Resurrection [in ACW]
EAC Evangelical Anglican Church OF America [traditional, HQ Brea CA]
EAC Ecumenical Anglican Church [radically inclusive; member of IIC]
EACA Evangelical Anglican Church IN America [radically inclusive, member of IIC]
EACC Ecumenical Anglican Catholic Church [bible-based, sacramental, and traditional Anglican]
ECC Evangelical Catholic Church [part of the Lutheran Confessional Movement]
ECC Ecumenical Catholic Church [radically inclusive, member of IIC]
ECF Episcopal Church Foundation [lay fund-raising org; works with TEC]
ECS Episcopal Church of Sudan [province est. in 1976]
ECUSA Episcopal Church in the United States of America [now TEC]
ECW Episcopal Church Women [official arm of TEC]
EDS Episcopal Divinity School, Cambridge Mass.
EEC Evangelical Episcopal Church [est. 2005; part of CEEC]
EFC Evangelical Fellowship of Canada
EFM Education for Ministry [4yr lay study program by Univ. of the South]
EFNiC The Essentials Federation and Network in Canada [in AMI]
EGR Episcopalians for Global Reconciliation [founded in 2004 by Bishop Jeffrey Rowthorn]
EKKLESIA [liaison organization between orthodox TEC bishops & leaders of the Anglican Communion]
Ekklesia [English think tank that “promotes progressive theological ideas”]
ELCA Evangelical Lutheran Church in America [in concordat with TEC]
ELCE Evangelical Lutheran Church of England [not connected to ELCA]
EM [see TEM]
EMC Episcopal Missionary Church [traditionalist member of FiF/NA; accepts Bartonville Agmt]
EOC Episcopal Orthodox Church [member of OAC]
EOCAA Episcopal Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of America [same as EOC]
EOMI Episcopal Orthodox Mission in Italy [in Diocese of Ruvuma]
ERD Episcopal Relief and Development [social relief group pursuing liberation changes]
ESA Episcopal Synod of America [1990s orthodox movement within ECUSA; joined FIF/NA]
ESAMS ESA Missionary Society [mostly in Texas]
essentials [rubric of ANiC]
ETSS Episcopal Theological Seminary of the Southwest
EU Episcopalians United [moderately orthodox org for renewing TEC]
EYC Episcopal Young Church [youth organization within TEC]
FACA Federation of Anglican Churches in the Americas [est. Aug 2006; includes ACA, AMIA, REC and APA; Archbishop Gregory Venables acting as Patron]
FAMA Federation for Anglican Ministry in America
FCC Family of Catholic Churches [“rites” (churches) of the Roman Catholic Church under Pope]
FCC Fellowship of Concerned Churchmen
FCE Free Church of England [affirms a Protestant, Reformed, and Evangelical character]
FEC Free Episcopal Church [est. 1999; inclusive; no clergy]
FEREDE Federation of Evangelical Religious Organizations of Spain [ecumenical]
FIFNA Forward in Faith North America [also FiFNA, FIF/NA]
FIFUK Forward in Faith United Kingdom [also FiFUK]
FOCD Franciscan Order of Celi De [follows a Celtic Franciscan rule]
FODC Franciscan Order of Divine Compassion [ecumenical Anglican religious order under Bishop Keith Ackerman]
FPEC Free Protestant Episcopal Church [mostly in England]
FWS Fellowship of Word and Spirit [est 1984; traditional, orthodox CE]
GAFCON Global Anglican Future Conference [to meet in June 2008]
GC General Convention [of PECUSA, EC, ECUSA, TEC meeting triennially]
GLAN Great Lakes Anglican Network [est Jun 2007 to promote discipling]
GS Global South [periodic meetings of Anglican Primates outside Western Anglicanism]
GSSC Global South Steering Committee [comprised of primates and bishops]
GTS General Theological Seminary
HCAC Holy Cross Anglican Communion [est Mar 2001]
HCC Holy Catholic Church, Anglican Rite [continues pre-Reformation Anglican Church tradition]
HRCC Hawaiian Reformed Catholic Church [CofE mission; broke with Canterbury in early 20th C.]
HCC-WR Holy Catholic Church-Western Rite [small traditionalist church in Europe and Latin America]
IAC Independent Anglican Church (Canada Synod) [in communion with DGL]
IALA Iglesia Anglicana Latino-Americana [Latin American Anglican Church, affiliated with ICGC]
IADO Independent Anglican Diocese of Ontario [now part of DGL]
IAL La Iglesia Católica Latina Rito Anglicano [affiliated with HCC]
IAMD(USA) Independent Anglican Missionary District of the USA [now part of DGL]
IARCCUM International Anglican-Roman Catholic Commission for Unity and Mission [est in 2000]
IASCOME Inter Anglican Standing Commission on Mission and Evangelism
IATDC Inter Anglican Theological and Doctrinal Commission
ICAO International Coalition for Anglican Orthodoxy, sponsored by AM(UK)
ICCEC International Communion of the Charismatic Episcopal Church [established in 1992]
ICGC Iglesia Católica Gallicana de Canadá [Catholic Gallician Church of Canada, traditionalist]
ICON [US congregations in Church of Uganda]
I.E.R.E. La Iglesia Española Reformada Episcopal [“Episcopal Reformed Spanish Church” is part of the Anglican Communion and of FEREDE]
IIC Institute for Inclusive Christianity [multi-denominational]
IMDUSA Independent Missionary District of USA [linked to UECNA]
IND Independent Episcopal Church
IRD Institute for Religion and Democracy [orthodox and politically rightist]
JSC Joint Standing Committee of the Anglican Communion
JSCP Joint Standing Committee of the Primates
LCC Lambeth Commission on Communion [chaired in 2003-04 by the Most Revd Robin Eames; informally: the Eames Commission]
LGCM Lesbian & Gay Christian Movement [British]
LEAC Lay Episcopalians for the Anglican Communion [seeks a new Anglican province in North America]
MCCE Movement for a Continuing Church of England
MDCA Missionary Diocese of Central America [in TAC]
MDG Millennium Development Goals [UN’s social welfare goals for 21st Century, adopted in 2000; TEC is supportive]
MIEC Mexican Independent Episcopal Church [in ACIC]
NACC National Anglican Catholic Church [liberal theology]
NACDP Network of Anglican Communion Dioceses and Parishes [also NACDAP]
NCM New Catholic Movement [a heterodox advocacy group called “Affirming Catholicism”]
NEAC National Evangelical Anglican Congress
NEAC National Episcopal AIDS Coalition [TEC ministry]
NER “new Episcopal religion” [describing TEC leaderships’ heterodox agenda]
OAC Orthodox Anglican Communion [est 1967]
OAC Orthodox Anglican Church [US branch of Orthodox Anglican Communion; accepts Bartonville Agmt]
OACS Orthodox Anglican Church of the South
OCC Orthodox Church of Canada
OCCA Old Catholic Church of America
OHC Order of the Holy Cross [first Episcopal monastic order, est 1884
ONE Episcoplian Lay Organization to mobilize social action addressing poverty and supporting MDG
OPEC Old Protestant Episcopal Church [Jan 02-May 04 in Province of Saskatchewan; June 05- in Canada under Bishop Darrel Hockley]
PCGS Province of Christ the Good Shepherd
PEALL Proclaiming Education for All [TEC prgm for “integrated, holistic education in the Church”]
PEC Primitive Episcopal Church [now DHS]
PECUSA Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America [founding name; still recognized by civil courts]
PECUSA, Inc. Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States of America, Inc. [short-lived orthodox orgn founded by Rt. Rev. Wm C. Wantland, Bishop of Eau Claire]
PEP Progressive Episcopalians of Pittsburgh [loyal to TEC leadership]
PICC Philippine Independent Catholic Church
POR Panel of Reference [created by ABC to mediate jurisdictional disputes]
PSC Province of the Southern Cone [of So. Amer.] [est. 1981, encompasing Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay, Argentina]
RACC Reformed Anglican Catholic Church [inclusive; modernist]
REC Reformed Episcopal Church [founded in 1873; evangelical]
REC Reformed Episcopal Church of Great Britain and Ireland
RI Reconciliation Institute [wants organizational peace without settling theological issues]
SAH Saint Alcuin House [CEEC seminary]
SAMS South American Mission Society [supported by Church of England]
SCMC Saints Cyril and Methodius Church [orthodox rites]
SDS Seabury Divinity School [est 1858 in Faribault, Minnesota]
SEAD Society for Ecumenical Anglican Doctrine [ACI since 2004]
SEC Southern Episcopal Church in the United States of America/Southern Episcopal Church
SHN Sisterhood of the Holy Nativity [TEC monastic order]
SIM Society for the Increase of the Ministry
SJAATC Saint Joseph of Arimathea Anglican Theological College [serves APCK]
SOMA Sharing of Ministries Abroad, Bishop Ben Kwashi, Jos in Northern Nigeria, chairman
SOR Sexual Orientation Regulation(s) [British Government’s soon to be implemented statutory enforcment of “inclusiveness”]
SPG Society for the Propagation of the Gospel [est. 1701 as arm of CofE; see USPG]
SPREAD Society for the Propagation of Reformed Evangelical Anglican Doctrine
SSC Society of the Holy Cross [Anglo-catholic priests dedicated to the eventual unity of Anglicanism and Rome]
SSJE Society of Saint John the Evangelist [founded in 1866 in England, now in decline; members known as “Cowley Fathers”]
SSM Society of St. Michael [clerical fraternity, witnessing Anglo-catholic tradition]
SWTS Seabury-Western Theological Seminary [est 1933 in Evanston IL., combining WTS and SDS]
TAC Traditional Anglican Communion [est in 1990 with Concordat]
TCE Traditional Church of England [formed in 1993 from MCCE]
TEA Transferred Episcopal Arrangements [CofE proposed accommodation for Anglicans who do not accept women assuming the office of bishop]
TEAC Theological Education for the Anglican Communion [quasi official body for “professional, ecumenical, and contextually sensitive theological education”]
TEAM “Towards Effective Anglican Mission” Conference, Nov 06 [sponsored by Archbishop Ndungane, Church of Southern Africa, to support UN’s Millennium Development Goals]
TEC Traditional Episcopal Church [those not merging with UAC]
TEC “The Episcopal Church” [replaces ECUSA name, per 2006 GC]
TEM The Episcopal Majority [inclusive advocacy group]
TESM Trinity Episcopal School for Ministry [orthodox seminary]
TIFPEC The International Free Protestant Episcopal Church [evangelical Anglican]
TLC The Living Church [independent Anglican journal]
TPEC Traditional Protestant Episcopal Church
TSM [see TESM]
UAC United Anglican Church [formed in merger of TEC, ACCA, and ACTA]
UAC Universal Anglican Church (“progressive and radically inclusive”; HQ Milwaukee, Wisconsin)
UACA Universal Anglican Church of America
UBE Union of Black Episcopalians
UECNA United Episcopal Church of North America [est 1977 with “Affirmation of St. Louis”; in communion with DGL]
URC United Reformed Church [heterodox British movement drawing members from Presbyterian, Congregational, and Churches of Christ denominations]
URI United Religions Initiative [Bishop Wm Swing’s inclusive religion movement]
USPG United Society for the Propagation of the Gospel [1965 reorganization of SPG]
UTO United Thank Offering
VTS Virginia Theological Seminary
WATCH Women and the Church [a lobby group promoting female bishops in UK]
WOCA Western Orthodox Church in American [?; please provide info]
WTS Western Theological Seminary [est. in 1883 in Chicago]
XnEC Christian Episcopal Church [Xn =Christian, E =Episcopal, C =Church; branches in Canada, US, and Caymans; traditional & orthodox]

---Edgar P. Sneed is a member of Church of the Holy Spirit Anglican in Tulsa. He is a retired professional historian, first in academia and then in Civil Service.

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