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Curricula in all public schools equating opposition to same-sex "marriage" to bigotry and racism

The Canadian Supreme Court ordered the largest school district in the country to accept kindergarten level books promoting same-sex marriage.

A British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal is now hearing a case designed to require a "gay marriage" curriculum requirement in every Canadian public school.

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May 19 2006 By virtueonline New Liturgy for Episcopalians?

C: Loving Lady, have mercy.

P: Mother Jesus, have mercy.

C: Loving Lady, have mercy.

*The Collect* /

(see Proper 5, p 229, BCP)

C&P: Mother of all mercies, all good things proceed from you. Inspire us to think right thoughts and empower us to act on them; through your beautiful Son, Jesus Christ, who with you and the Holy Spirit perpetually watches over us. Amen.

*The Lessons*

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May 16 2006 By virtueonline One Church's Story: Christ Church of the Ascension, Paradise Valley, Arizona

"Being a Network parish in the Arizona desert, we felt somewhat distant from decisions being made on the national level," said Jane Allred, a vestry member and senior vice president of a major digital marketing firm. "Those decisions, however, still impact us, and they were not being actively discussed within our diocese. Life pretty much was cruising along as it always had for us.

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May 16 2006 By virtueonline General Convention 2006: "Stepping Back" Toward Revisionist Victory?

The California diocese, however, chose a liberal, pro-gay, but married man with two grown children-Alabama Suffragan Bishop Mark Handley Andrus-to succeed Bishop William Swing. In so doing, delegates bypassed by a wide margin six other candidates, three of them partnered homosexuals, and one of those a lesbian. Placing second, and more favored among the laity, was the Rev.

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May 16 2006 By virtueonline The Christian Truth Claims - by Bruce A. Flickinger

The teaching and the aims of a religion, as with any institutional entity, are interrelated and fuel each other. Underlying this body of teaching and these aims, and especially so for Christianity, are critical truth claims, which if they are valid claims justify the orientation the Christian faith has to its body of teaching and to the aims it seeks to realize within the world of human beings and the human culture.

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May 15 2006 By virtueonline Exodus: Why Americans Are Fleeing Liberal Churches for Conservative Christianity

Why is his book important? Over the long term, a people's health can be measured by whom they worship, how they worship, and what difference it makes in their day-to-day lives. Today, Christianity is growing like wildfire in Africa and Asia, while its influence is rapidly diminishing in Europe. We will have to see whether Pope Benedict and his youthful troops in the new ecclesial communities can pull off a miracle, but the intermediate prognosis is grim.

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May 15 2006 By virtueonline Da Vinci Code Confirms Rather Than Changes People's Religious Views

Broad Reach

According to the Barna research, The Da Vinci Code has been read "cover to cover" by roughly 45 million adults in the U.S. - that's one out of every five adults (20%). That makes it the most widely read book with a spiritual theme, other than the Bible, to have penetrated American homes.

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May 14 2006 By virtueonline Myths and Facts of General Convention

Myth: The Episcopal Church has not complied with the Windsor Report.

Fact: The Episcopal Church has complied with more of the recommendations of the Windsor Report than any other branch of the communion.

Myth: The 38 Primates are the authority of the Anglican Communion.

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May 08 2006 By virtueonline LONDON:Church seeks spirituality of youth...and doesn't like what it finds

The report has prompted an "urgent" wake-up call from the Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu, who writes of a large "mismatch" between the Church and the views of those aged 15 to 25. He says: "The research suggests young people are happy with life as it is, that they have felt no need for a transcendent something else and regard the Church as boring and irrelevant."

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