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Theology, History & Science
November 18 2009 By virtueonline Muslim academics and students are turning against Darwin's theory

Dr Guessoum, who is a Sunni Muslim, said that in countries such as Tunisia, Egypt, Turkey, Pakistan and Malaysia, only 15 per cent of those surveyed believed Darwin's theory to be "true" or "probably true". This stand was equally prevalent among students and teachers, from high school to university. Most alarmingly, he claimed, science teachers were misrepresenting the facts and theories of evolution by mixing it with religious ideologies.

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November 16 2009 By virtueonline Joel Osteen and the Glory Story: A Case Study

Although explicit proponents of the so-called "prosperity gospel" may be fewer than their influence suggests, its big names and best-selling authors (T. D. Jakes, Benny Hinn, Joel Osteen, and Joyce Meyer) are purveyors of a pagan worldview with a peculiarly American flavor.

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November 13 2009 By virtueonline Charles Simeon: Evangelical Mentor and Model

As he read about propitiatory sacrifice in the Old Testament, he thought, "What, may I transfer all my guilt to another? Has God provided an offering for me, that I may lie my sins on his head?" He immediately laid his sins "upon the sacred head of Jesus."

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November 01 2009 By virtueonline A Documentary History of ECUSA's Constitution

Since the nature of ECUSA's polity is so much in dispute these days, I have decided that as a public service, I will publish in this post the earliest version of the Church's Constitution, as well as some further historical materials leading up to its formulation.

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November 01 2009 By virtueonline The Thirty-nine Articles and the Church

The nature of the Church But what is the Church? Article XIX tells us: THE visible Church of Christ is a congregation of faithful men, in the which the pure Word of God is preached, and the Sacraments be duly ministered according to Christ's ordinance in all those things that of necessity are requisite to the same. Notice first, the reference to the visible Church, as distinct from the invisible Church. The invisible Church is the company of faithful believers known only to Christ.

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October 31 2009 By virtueonline Catholics, Lutherans and Methodists Mark 10th Anniversary of Justification

Members of the World Methodist Council later adopted the document by unanimous vote as well, in 2006, and will be present for this weekend's commemorative events.

"For hundreds of years, the issue of justification by faith divided Catholics and Protestants," said Bishop Gregory Palmer, president of The United Methodist Church's Council of Bishops, in a released statement. "This agreement celebrates consensus on the basic truths of the doctrine of justification."

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October 29 2009 By virtueonline The Church of England Outside England

The first Church of England service on record in the country was conducted by a Naval Chaplain in 1749. After the British occupation of the Cape in 1806, congregations were formed and churches were built.

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October 27 2009 By virtueonline Diocese and Covenant: Reflections on Dallas, its History and Future

It was for the privilege of so organizing and of taking the key next step, that of a selection of Bishop, that the body was convened, he said.

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The 17th century has been described as the "golden age" of Anglicanism. The leading churchmen of the period, collectively known as the "Caroline Divines" aimed for a balanced devotion of "true piety with sound learning." The place of the Prayer Book in their spiritual life is emphasized by Martin Thornton: 'Bible and Prayer Book' were the twin pillars of Caroline spirituality, with the latter given almost equal status, and subjected to the same kind of systematic study as the former....

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October 05 2009 By virtueonline 10 Reasons Why Believing in the Sovereignty of God Matters

2. The perseverance of the saints in the fear of God depends on it.

'I will make with them an everlasting covenant, that I will not turn away from doing good to them. And I will put the fear of me in their hearts, that they may not turn from me.' (Jer. 32:40)

3. Progress in holiness now, and the final perfecting of the saints in the end, depends on it.

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