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December 24 2010 By virtueonline ADVENT DEVOTIONAL - 2010 - December 24 - Morning

Yet, despite having millions of the redeemed of all the ages with Him at His side night and day, Jesus, on a night long ago, stepped down from that place and onto this Earth because there was at least one lost soul left that He wanted to have with Him (see John 17:24). That one lost soul is you and He left not ninety-nine but countless millions to make sure that you, if you want, can forever be with Him, healed, restored and reconciled to be what He always meant for you to be.

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December 24 2010 By virtueonline ADVENT DEVOTIONAL - 2010 - December 24 - Morning

Yet, despite having millions of the redeemed of all the ages with Him at His side night and day, Jesus, on a night long ago, stepped down from that place and onto this Earth because there was at least one lost soul left that He wanted to have with Him (see John 17:24). That one lost soul is you and He left not ninety-nine but countless millions to make sure that you, if you want, can forever be with Him, healed, restored and reconciled to be what He always meant for you to be.

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December 20 2010 By virtueonline The Real Meaning of Christmas

Years ago, a Boston television station ran an editorial that stated the message of Christmas was "peace on earth among men of good will."

I replied that though this translation of the angelic message in Luke 2 is possible, context demands it be translated "peace on earth goodwill toward men" or "peace on earth among men on whom His favor rests."

To their credit, I responded to them and they corrected their mistake. But why is this distinction important?

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December 09 2010 By virtueonline WAITING TO CROSS OVER

Here, too, is the place for us to build a grand suspension bridge, by which, through faith, we ourselves may cross from this side to the other of the stormy river of time....At his first advent, we adore him with gratitude, rejoicing in 'God with us', as making himself to be our near kinsman. We gather with grateful boldness around the infant in the manger, and behold our God. But in the second advent we are struck with a solemn reverence, a trembling awe.

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December 06 2010 By virtueonline WAITING TO BE RESCUED

On October 9 the main rescue shaft broke through to where the miners were trapped. Some 69 days after their ordeal began, the first miner, Florence Avalos, was pulled to the surface in a specially designed steel cage winched up through the rescue shaft. "We always knew we would be rescued." Mario Sepulveda, the second miner rescued said shortly after he emerged. "We never lost faith."

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November 24 2010 By virtueonline WAITING

There was little he could do except pray and wield a powerful pen. There was a helplessness in his situation that he recognized as a parallel to Advent, Christians' time of waiting for redemption in Christ. 'Life in a prison cell may well be compared to Advent,' Bonhoeffer wrote his best friend Eberhard Bethge, as the holidays approached in 1943.

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November 18 2010 By virtueonline CAN A CHRISTIAN LEAVE THE CHURCH AND GO IT ALONE?

Jeff Brumley in the Florida Times-Union (August 15, 2010) wrote an article on those who keep their faith separate from being part of a church. He quoted Jeff Sturgeon who grew up Methodist and converted to Catholicism before quitting it all in the early 1970s. He believed he could get the spiritual sustenance he needed solely through a one-on-one relationship with Jesus Christ.

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November 11 2010 By virtueonline WHERE HAPPINESS AND FULFILMENT IS FOUND - Genesis 2:4-15

We know that life is not perfect in this world, and can never be so. Utopia is a false dream. Political attempts at utopian social engineering are bound to fail. Ideological blueprints may work in theory but never seem to succeed in human experience. There are too many variables to consider, too many unintended consequences to solve. One man's program becomes another's burden. One gains at the other's expense.

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October 28 2010 By virtueonline COMPLETION AND REST (Genesis 2:1-3)

When God had finished the work of creating, he rested. What does that mean? John Calvin comments: "It is certain that since God sustains the world by his power, governs it by his providence, and cherishes and even propagates all creatures, he is constantly at work. If God should but withdraw his hand a little, all things would immediately perish and dissolve into nothing. So why does Moses say God rested?

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October 22 2010 By virtueonline THE IMAGE AND LIKENESS OF GOD

"God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. God blessed them and said to them, 'Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground.'" (Genesis 1:27,28)

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